Amy Walker, Ph.D. IU4 PIIC Mentor Coaching Teachers to Understand “Text Complexity”


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Presentation transcript:

Amy Walker, Ph.D. IU4 PIIC Mentor Coaching Teachers to Understand “Text Complexity”

1.What is text complexity and why is it important for coaches to understand? 2.How are we helping teachers integrating quantitative with qualitative and individual reader variables to make informed decisions as they select text for instruction? 3.How are we helping teachers support all students as they grapple with complex text. Essential Question

Choose one of the illustrations on your table. Decide how that picture might relate to the concept of Text Complexity. Share your ideas with someone else at your table. Please Do Now

“Students will read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.” Reading Anchor Standard 10

An Educator’s Lament 2013 Sometimes my life is so full of shift!

College and Career Readiness Through the Lens of Lexiles Educational Materials GED Test1060L SAT/ACT1180L Military training Manuals 1180L College texts1395L Majority of High School Materials L Newspapers USA Today1200L Wall Street Journal1320L NY Times1380L

Entry-level Occupational Materials Agricultural/Natural resources L Technology L Business Admin L Education L Health Science L Hospitality/tourism L Retail L Human Services L Misc. Reading Tasks GM Protection plan1150L Child Safety Seat1170L Medical Insurance Benefit Package 1280L

Text complexity = difficulty Misconceptions

Three part model for determining Text complexity e Qualitative Quantitative Reader & Task

 word length  Word frequency  Word difficulty  Sentence length  Text length  Text cohesion Quantitative Measures

Based on word frequency and sentence length. Word frequency is calculated based on words in a lexile data bank (almost one billion) So What is a lexile? Text Complexity Grade Bands Suggested Lexile Range K L L L L 11-CCR L

Wind in the Willows activity--A

Wind in the Willows—B

Wind in the Willows Form AForm B Sentence length Word Frequency Lexile Text complexityEnd of grade 10Beginning grade 1

Bugs! When I saw the bug, I screamed for help! When I saw the bug, I remembered my first car. When I saw the bug, I wondered who was spying on me.

Layers of meaning Levels of purpose Structure Organization Language conventionality Language clarity Prior knowledge demands Cultural demands vocabulary Qualitative Measures

Staircase of Complexity

How it really works

Reader variables (such as motivation, knowledge and experiences) and task variables (such as purpose and the complexity generated by the task assigned and the questions posed.) Reader and Task Considerations

1.What aspects of the text will likely pose the most challenge for my students? (reader)  Content or theme concerns or challenges?  Text structure challenges?  Language feature challenges?  Knowledge and experience demands?  Motivation for and interest in the text? 3 Factors to consider with respect to reader and task

What are the natural areas of focus for this text? With what standards do my students need the most practice? 2. What PA Core standards should I focus on when teaching this text?(task)

3. What Supports do I need to provide so that all of my students( even struggling readers) can access the text?

Read the text. As you read, pay attention to the strategies you are using to make sense of the text. Also, note your emotional responses as you grapple with this piece. Experiment with Complex text

Modeling Offering explanations Inviting student participation Verifying and clarifying student understandings Inviting students to contribute clues 5 techniques for scaffolding(Hogan and Pressley, 1997)

Debrief: What techniques did we use to scaffold your work with the text? How did those techniques affect your learning? A Model of Scaffolding

3 things you will share with teachers about scaffolding complex text 2 things you would like more information about regarding complex text One suggestion for improving this presentation. Please fill in the following information