by Daniela Králová Czech traditional meals
VEPŘO-KNEDLO-ZELO Pork with Dumplings and Cabbage. It is the national meal of the Czech Republic. The meal consists of roast pork, potato or bread dumplings and cabagge. French have got a similar food too.
Recipe: ingredients You will need: 0.9kg of pork roast 2-3 cloves garlic caraway seeds s alt For dumplings: 1 and a half to 2 cups flour a pinch salt 1-2 eggs 1 cup milk 1-2 white bread rolls, cut into cubes 1 teaspoon baking powder For stewed cabbage: 1 head of fresh cabbage 1 onion 2 (or more) t able sp oons lard or butter 1 teaspoon caraway seeds sugar salt vinegar
Instructions PORK- 1.Wash the meat. 2.Dry the meat. 3.Salt it and cover with some caraway. 4.Put the meat into a pan and cover it with cut onion. 5.Pour some water or broth into the pan. 6.bake it covered with a top at high temperature in the oven for one hour and a half. 7.During baking pour the water on the meat (not to dry it up). 8.Bake the meat untill it is soften. 9.Uncover the pan and continue baking for about 10 minutes. Cabbage- 1.Cut 1 onion into pieces and fry it on some oil in a saucepan. 2.Put 2 table spoons of flour into the saucepan. 3.Put the sterilized cabbage cut into small pleces,some caraway,salt. 4.Pour little water into it. 5.Stew the cabbage,stir it,pour some other water if necessary DUMPLINGS- 1.Cut the dry rolls into small pieces(cube cca 1cm). 2.Pour the milk mixed with eggs and a bit of salt into the rolls. 3.Wait 20 minutes (stir the mixture once or twice). 4.After 20 minutes add the flour into the mixture. 5.Make the shape of cone from the dough. 6.Put the cones into mildly boiling water. 7.Boil them for about 15 minutes (after 8 minutes turn them upside down).Don‘t cover the pot with a lid. 8.Put the cones out of the pot.Let them cool and then cut into slices of dumplings.
Plum dumplings These dumplings can be made with any firm, stone fruit; apricots are particularly excellent, as well as sour cherries. This traditional dish is typically served as a sweet main course, but if you serve only 2 or 3 dumplings per person, it makes for a light and delicious dessert.
Olomoucké tvarůžky or syrečky Is a ripened soft cheese. it is very easy to recognize by its strong scent and yellowish colour. This natural matured soft cheese is free of any chemical additives.
Svíčková Svíčková na smetaně (Marinated Beef Sirloin). Is served with „knedlíky“ / dumplings.
Potato pancake Potato pancakes are made from peeled and grated potatoes. We add eggs, flour, salt into the grated potatoes and we fry them on both sides.