GETTING STARTED 1. Click on the START menu and go up to UDT SOFTWARE, then drag over to Microsoft Office, and then down to Power Point 2. Select a theme for your power point project. You may design your own or choose one of the templates. 3. Don’t spend too much time on this part, you will have time to go back and customize your theme later 4. Click on the Office Button and then drag down to SAVE AS and name the file: FINAL First Name Last Init example: FINAL StacyC Don’t spend too much time on this part, you will have time to go back and customize your theme later This slide is NOT a good example of a slide. Do you know why? Click the star for the design reminders.
By type your first and last name ____Hour, Computer Ed Mrs. Clarbour 8 th Grade ~ 2010
Publisher Overview, Reflections, Self-Evaluation, and ….
Publisher Newsletter We used Publisher to create a newsletter and included some design elements found in magazines. My newsletter was (enter the number of pages completed) pages long and my color scheme was ______ The NAME of my newsletter is ____ The title of my Lead Story is_____ My first Inside Story was titled _____ The title of my second inside story is: _____
Publisher Continued… My best article was the one titled: ________ and it was about… (Write a few sentences summarizing the article) Problems with Publisher: Did you have problems using Publisher or saving files? If yes, describe them in detail. If no, write this sentence: I did not have problems with Publisher
SELF EVALUATION: Publisher Newsletter/Magazine Think and read first… If you were one of your class mates or the teacher, what grade would you give yourself on the Publisher Project? Think and read first… Grade One: Overall design, content, completion of all sections of the newsletter, visual appeal and color scheme, graphics, ‘Inside this Issue’ section, and extras such as puzzles, contest, call outs, calendars, graphics, etc. What percentage grade do you think you earned? _______ Why? ______________________
Effort/Participation – Grade Two Grade Two: Effort and participation in class the past two weeks Did you learn anything? Did you read the suggestions given in the template? Did you do what it said? Did you take time to include catchy titles, clip art, etc. Were you on task every day? Did you really TRY and give 90 to 100% effort every day? Did you help anyone? Did you try to figure things out on your own by using the Help menu or by asking someone how they accomplished a task? OR were you distracting others, talking about random things, playing games, messing with stress reducers, getting online, talking instead of working, etc? If yes, deduct points. What percentage grade do you think you earned? _______ Why? ______________________
Keyboarding: Then and Now Words per Minute and Technique – Before Class Words per Minute and Technique- As of May 24 th Describe you technique and typing style before this class. Have you improved your technique? Words per minute? What grade should you get for speed? For Technique? Improvement? Can you type at least 30 WPM?
REMINDERS Don’t Don’t use Power Point to write a book report. Do Do use Power Point to guide you through a report by highlighting or listing the main points that you want to discuss when you present. You don’t want to READ a Power Point You should enter the main points or things you want to highlight during your presentation. So…Do not type tons of words in a small font! Fonts should be at least 32 point – this power point is NOT a good example of Power Point for a presentation, this is just for directions.
Power Point … Begin presentation and effects after this slide Add animation, tell me about things you have learned or done that were not part of the curriculum (3-D Sketch Up, Educational Games, Searching, etc) Add a graphic to each slide that goes along with the topic Play around with the clip art options on the last slide You may insert images you have saved or bits of your journal, word clouds (, paint, etc.
Power Point Continued Based on information from compare and contrast spreadsheets and databases Write a little bit about each of the following lessons on the following slides You may add slides Prove to me that you have learned something other than games and things you are not supposed to do! Comments Make a graph or tell me what you lessons you completed. Did you learn anything from We should have done more follow up with the lessons, but we had so many server problems and glitches that we didn’t really have time. My apologies for that.
Internet Safety: Your point of view… Are you web wise? How? Do you have any tips for younger students to be safe online?
Words of Wisdom for Future Students who take computer ed…
Community Sites
Validity and Sourcing
Have a great summer and don’t forget your mean, old, computer teacher! I hope you learned something this year. I’ve learned a lot from you guys and I really did enjoy the 8 th grade class. Stay out of trouble!!! or keep in touch… Come back and see me!