September review ALL curriculum guides (except PE) have writing standards. ALL curriculum areas have texts students must know how to read: primary source documents, word problems, lab procedures, technical manuals, systems set-up and processes, novels, game rules and scoring, etc. Writing strengthens students’ ability to understand/remember what is read (0.4 average effect size). 0.4 = the effect of one year’s worth of expected student growth
September review Writing frames assist students in writing about content-knowledge while helping to prevent them from getting “stuck” in the process of writing. Writing Frames are easy to differentiate and scaffold based on individual needs.
September review Writing Frame example for struggling students: “Closed” or “Fill-in-the- blank” Civics and Economics Ch. 20, pg. 539 The American ____ __________ ______ gives numerous ______ and ___________ to ___________ such as you, your teachers, your relatives, and your friends. You have the _____ __ _____ just about any __________ or ________ in which you are interested. You have the _____ to ___ the ________ and ______ that you like, and to ______, or pass on, others. As a ________, or _______ ___ ____ a _______ or _______, you also have _______________.
September review Writing Frame example for medium- support students Civics and Economics Ch. 20, pg. 539 The _______________________ system gives ___________ ________________________________________________ _ ________________________________________________. First, I have the right to ______________________________ ________________________________________________. Secondly, it allows me to ____________________________ ________________________________________________. However, I also have responsibilities as a _______________, or someone ______________________________________.
September review Writing Frame example for advanced students Civics and Economics Ch. 20, pg. 539 I. Rights of the A. B. II. Responsibilities as a A. B. C.
Hattie’s educational effects sizes Click here Click here to get to Hattie’s studied effects, their descriptions, and videoed explanations September review
October Focus: writing continued Click here Click here to read about important points to remember to effectively utilize writing frames, the pros and cons of frames, and to see examples of frames for different content areas Article from Burden, Karen. “Literacy Light.” Fuquay-Varina High School. 21 Oct Oct < 20FVHS.pdf>.
October Focus: writing continued Take-away: As a PLC, create a writing frame for an upcoming lesson. Submit a digital copy (this can be a picture,.pdf, word attachment, screen shot, etc.) to Natalie Williams by 10/23 (the same day as your literacy planning period training with Y. Karriker).
October Focus: writing continued While frames help guide students to produce a written “end-product,” many teachers also utilize writing as a way help students remember material covered in class, via Note-taking!
October Focus: writing continued Tried and true Familiar Quick Scientifically proven to have a positive effect on learning (average of 0.4 or higher) Graphic Organizers Handwritten v. typed
October Focus: writing continued Formal and informal examples of Note-Taking Formal note-taking requires teaching, modeling, and giving feedback, but it yields greater student gains if used intentionally, considering the purpose of the notes
October Focus: note-taking Two-column notes: science
October Focus: note-taking Two-column notes: SS
October Focus: note-taking Two-column notes: SS
October Focus: note-taking Two-column notes: math
October Focus: note-taking Two-column notes: English
October Focus: note-taking Cornell Notes
October Focus: note-taking Digital graphic organizers teachers can download = lots of variety for note- taking! Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers This link leads to a visual variety of graphic organizers, organized around the purpose of the note-taking and downloaded as.pdfs. Thinkport Graphic Organizers Thinkport Graphic Organizers This link leads to graphic organizers that can be downloaded as.pdfs, html, or Word docs. Lesson for explaining two-column notes Lesson for explaining two-column notes This link takes teachers to a lesson created for college professors to explain and model two-column notes to their own students.
NIHS year-long literacy focus Don’t forget this resource! It also has graphic organizers, as well as explanations for their use.
NIHS year-long literacy focus Next literacy training: Oct. 23 Your PLC should have committed to one literacy strategy (can be in Tools for Teaching Content Literacy or can be another strategy) Using it 2-3 times per week, per teacher Bring student examples with you at the next training Y. Karriker will send out sign up for individual times of training 10/23