Identify an Unknown Substance Presented by:
Introduction Physical Properties are Chemical properties are Picture of your substance
Experiment Question The question that we tried to answer in this experiment was...
Hypothesis Our group hypothesized that...
Procedure and Data Experiment 1 In my first experiment, our group… Data Table of your experiment here
Procedure and Data Experiment 2 Data table of your experiment here In the second experiment, our group
Procedure and Data Experiment 3 In our third experiment, our group…
Results (If you took photographs, refer to them here) In our first experiment, the trends showed that In our second experiment, the trends showed that
Conclusion From our results, we inferred that our substance is because Picture of the structure of your substance here
How this relates to the real world In this lab we learned to identify an unknown substance using chemical tests. (Person 1): This is important to my life because (Person 2): This is important to my life because (Person 3): This is important to my life because