Snohomish County is divided into 4 quadrants. Southwest (SW) Southeast (SE) Northwest (NW) Northeast (NE).
The dividing street between NORTH and SOUTH is Meridian Street or Meridian Place See Thomas Brothers page: 398 A1 397 H1
The dividing street between EAST and WEST is Meridian Avenue or Meridian Drive. See Thomas Brothers page: 456 B7 436 B3 376 B2
Snohomish County is divided in to 1 square mile grids. The grid numbering starts in the most southwestern area of Snohomish County and continues throughout the county to the Skagit County Border For example: SnoCom agencies use a different numbering system. Consult your training division for more information SnoCom agencies use a different numbering system. Consult your training division for more information
Highways generally start and end at the intersection with another highway. Where does SR 9 begin at it’s southernmost point? Even numbered highways run East to West. I-90 Boston, MA to Seattle WA Odd numbered highways run North to South. Canadian Border at Blaine, WA to Mexico Border in San Diego, CA Three numbered highways are spurs into, around or connecting highways or cities. I-405, SR 520, SR 526 Most people say in King County somewhere. WRONG! It starts at the intersection of SR 522. Costco is actually addressed off Woodinville-Snohomish Rd.
Highway Numbering for the East to West routes starts in the south and the numbers get larger moving north. I-10 From California to Florida, I-90 From Washington to Massachusetts. Highway Numbering for the North to South routes starts in the West and gets larger moving East. I-5 From Canada to Mexico on the West Coast, I-95 from Florida to Massachusetts. US Routes follow the opposite rules. US 2 is most northern and US 1 is most Eastern U.S. Route Interstate WA State HWY
D.A.N.S & S.P.E.W. D RIVES and A VENUES run N ORTH and S OUTH. S TREETS and P LACES run E AST and W EST. NE N ORTH and E AST are N EVER and E ven The north and east sides of a road never have even address numbers Boulevards, Roads, Courts, Circles and other names are roadways that meander and do not follow any one direction
A grid is one square mile. A grid has 16 blocks. A block is 330’ A mile is 5,280’ 16 X 330’ = 5280
Grid/Block Line Roadway St SE 181 St SE 181 St SE. 181 Pl SE 180 Pl SE 35 Ave SE 36 Ave SE 37 Drive SE 38 Drive SE 39 Ave SE Drive SE 36 Court SE 36 Circle SE 181 st Place SE is not on a grid/block line. It is designated as a Place. 181 st Place SE is not on a grid/block line. It is designated as a Place. 38 Drive SE is not on a grid/block line. It is designated as a Drive. Roadways not on a grid/block lines are named in order. Drive 1 st then Court, then Circle. 39 th Ave may not be on a grid/block line, but is close enough and may be named as shown. 180 th St SE is on a grid line and will be designated as a street. 35 th Ave is on a grid/block line and will be designated as an avenue.
What determines a Street vs. a Place or Avenue vs. a Drive? The travel direction (remember D.A.N.S. & S.P.E.W.) Is the road on grid or block line (remember the 330’) Boulevards, Roads, Courts, Circles and other names are roadways that meander and do not follow any one direction or are reserved for roadways not falling on a grid/block line. You will notice that 36 th Ave. is on the grid/block line and is designated as an Ave. When the road begins to meander it changes to Gage Boulevard St SE 181 St SE 181 St SE. 181 Pl SE 35 Ave SE 36 Ave SE 36 Drive SE 36 Court SE 36 Circle SE DeSoto Road Gage Boulevard
The house numbers tell you where the house is on the street that follows. For example: “80” is the lowest cross street. It doesn’t mean 80 th Ave. crossed 180 th St. It only tells you where along 180 th St. the address is. “10” is the house number. It doesn’t mean It is the 10 th house on the street. It’s telling you It’s even, so it will be on the SOUTH side of the road. House numbers generally go to 33 (remember the 330’ to a block). So this house is closer to the middle of the block than the end. “180” is the street this house is on. Remember that Meridian St. is the “0” block. 180 th is 180 blocks from the center of the county. 59,400 feet or miles. 180 th is a street. It travels EAST to WEST S.E. = The southeast quadrant of Snohomish County Addresses ending in “00” are generally reserved for commercial businesses
The house numbers tell you where the house is on the street that follows. For example: “155” is the lowest cross street. It doesn’t mean 150 th St. crossed 180 th St. It only tells you where along 34 th Ave. the address is. “29” is the house number. It doesn’t mean It is the 29 th house on the street. It’s telling you It’s odd, so it will be on the EAST side of the road. House numbers generally go to 33 (remember the 330’ to a block). So this house is close to the end of the block “34” is the street this house is on. Remember that Meridian Ave. is the “0” block. 34 th is 34 blocks from the center of the county. 11,200 feet or miles. 34 th is a drive. It travels NORTH to SOUTH S.E. = The southeast quadrant of Snohomish County Addresses ending in “00” are generally reserved for commercial businesses
Breakdown 10 addresses as a crew. Choose 10 addresses in your jurisdiction For an added bonus…what grid is the address in in
Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. I showed you three in our district alone, and there are more out there. Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. I showed you three in our district alone, and there are more out there. A little message to our Emergency Vehicle Drivers. When the alarm comes in you, as the driver you should know where you’re going. Don’t just run to the apparatus and get the reds flashing. Stop at the map, look to where you’re going, know the general direction that you are heading. Once you are to the vicinity the company officer will direct you to the exact location.
Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. I showed you three in our district alone, and there are more out there. Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. I showed you three in our district alone, and there are more out there. You are the driver for the day. With the address given state the general area this address is located and explain the best route to get there. Remember you are the driver…don’t explain how to pull into the exact driveway…Use the district wall map and get your crew to the area. (Respond from your assigned station.) Choose 5 addition address in your jurisdiction and test your drivers.
Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. Know your response area and don’t be surprised when addressing does not jive with the norm. Throughout this presentation I used the word “Generally”. All though there are rules to reading maps…many of those rules are broken quite often. Know your response area and don’t be surprised when addressing does not jive with the norm.
Shared by Snohomish County Fire District 7