Using Online Video Tutorials to Supplement Beginning Percussion Instruction Luke Aylsworth – N516 Final Presentation
Proposal Create Video Lesson Tutorials for Percussion Students Make the information available online and on DVD Create a website and online communication system where students can watch and discuss the lessons.
Purpose Supplement Classroom Material Hope to increase retention of participating students Improve percussion performance and technique
Rationale for Study Percussionists have a large inventory of instruments to learn compared to other instrument families Students do not often receive instruction from a private teacher or percussion specialist Use the wasted time in a band class for productive learning
Review of Literature Support for Online Tutorials Considerations for Online Tutorials and Learning Development Suggestions and Guides for Online Tutorials and Learning
Design Focus on basic percussion techniques at the beginning level Use a computer based method for delivery of information Students can view the information in the classroom Also available at home
Content Basic technique covered in beginning percussion method books Basic rudiments Instrument Set up
Project Sequence & Layout Nine lesson field test One lessons for instructions and training Eight virtual lessons Discussion and tests
Project Tools Adobe Dreamweaver Pinnacle Studio 9 Cubase PHP message board Two classroom computers Video/audio editing capable development system
Pilot Study User provided web link User provided questionnaire
Evaluation Plan Field Test with Springs Valley Summer Band Program Test Group and Control Group
Timeline Proposal Completed by June 2007 Field Test by July 2007 Project Final Report by July/August 2007