Taiwan. Chiang Kai-Shek memorial in Taipei Taiwan volcanic island 23 million people –Same demography as China History: Former Republic of China.


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Presentation transcript:


Chiang Kai-Shek memorial in Taipei

Taiwan volcanic island 23 million people –Same demography as China History: Former Republic of China

successfu –A. One of the world’s most successful economies recognized separate province –B. Not recognized as a separate country by China but merely a province of China

Taipei: Capital of Taiwan

economic tiger cheap technology exports –C. Referred to as an economic tiger because of cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports

Taiwan Economy: Well- developed manufacturing & banking industries –Strong economic growth

Koreas SouthIV. The Koreas: North and South Divided ideology –A. Divided by Government ideology


North1. North Korea Communist command –a. Communist government with command economy standard –b. Very poor and unsuccessful economy; low standard of living heavilyforeign –c. Relies heavily on foreign aide

Economy: –North Korea: Agriculture / manufacturing Under Communist system


South2. South Korea Democratic market –a. Democratic government with market economy Wealthy high –b. Wealthy and successful; high standard of living

South Korea Economy: South Korea: Highly industrialized Export tech. goods Also considered an economic tiger

South Korea’s got Seoul

tense countriesB. Very tense relationship between two countries huge armies –1. Both countries have huge armies and a bad relationship War possibility –2. War is a constant real possibility along the border