Summer Youth Employment “Viva Verde! Live Green!” Program Description Successes Lessons Learned
Program Description The Youth Employment Partnership, led by Goodwill Industries of Central Texas hosted an intense summer employment program that offered professional exposure to the green industry. Forty-five businesses were utilized as internship placements where participants gained valuable work experience. Participants received Job Readiness Training where they built resumes, practiced interviewing skills and conducted detailed labor market analyses. All participants received intensive case management, job coaching, support services and incentives.
Program Description 5 weeks Job Readiness Training and work experience for participants –Typical work and JRT experience is 5 weeks. Minimum scheduled participant service is 4 weeks. 75% of participants scheduled for a minimum of 5 weeks of program experience. 15% of participants scheduled for 4 week minimum program experience. 10% of participants scheduled for 10 week (or longer) program experience.
Program Description Flexible program scheduling adopted for employers to maintain consistency with current employer practices Employers were recruited based on prospective participant needs including accessibility to transportation, long term employment potential, and industry growth. Program targeted a 10% continuation for participants to transition into year-round services.
Employer Outreach Program Highlights –45 distinct worksite locations –Employer commitments of over 700 positions –Diverse mix of employers reflective of the local economy - for profit/non-profit and private/municipal/government agencies
Employer Outreach (cont.) Green and Eco-friendly employers were recruited to reflect the current business focus on Green Industry. Approximately 2/3 of all positions secured were in Green Industry –Green Employers included: Austin Green Art, Ecology Action, Project Reboot (computer recycling), Sustainable Food Center, Wild Basin Preserve, and others. –Additionally, Goodwill and American Youth Works collaborated on a partnership that involves employment and training with Casa Verde, E-Corp, and C-Corp
Lessons Learned The eligibility and certification process was extensive requiring on average 5 hours/participant. Appropriate mix of JRT curriculum for a population with a broad range of age and experience levels. Targeted recruitment through known referral sources vs. outreach to the general public. Staff development within a very short timeline.