What responsibility do you have to your country?
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Words to know Allies Shock and awe bombing campaign Dictator Sadaam Hussein Surrender Series Events Persian Gulf War Decade Invade Seize
Background On March 20, 2003, the United States and its allies initiated the shock and Awe bombing effort in the history of war. The United states and its supporters hope to force Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to surrender quickly to avoid the use of more soldiers in a ground war.
The war against Iraq was the result of a series of events that occurred during the Persian Gulf War in Over a decade earlier, the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein invaded and seized control of neighboring Kuwait. The U.S and other coalition forces responded in July 1990, with a military campaign that drove Iraqi troops from Kuwait. The United Nations commanded Iraq to disarm and destroy all biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. The United Nations also placed economic sanctions on Iraq until the country could prove it had destroyed its weapons of mass destruction. Iraq was forbidden to export its oil, an economic loss that was felt most by Iraqi citizens. Hussein ignored these terms throughout the 1990s.
Book Summary Read the back, look at the beginning, middle, end a few pictures…. Write a short paragraph about what the book is about. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ___________________________________
Al-Nida’a Mosque
Paraffin Stove