Persian Gulf War 8/1990: Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait for oil 1/1991: U.S. and allies launch air and ground war 2/1991: Iraq retreats, burns oil fields 1990s: Saddam murders Kurds to end rebellions 1990s: UN and US sanction Iraq
Operation Iraqi Freedom 2002: US accuses Iraq of building WMDs and aiding Al Qaeda UN refuses to approve a war 3/2003: US launches attack 5/2003: Bush declares victory 12/2003: Saddam caught 2004: Sunni-Shia civil war/ U.S troop surge to 170,000 2006: Saddam Hussein was tried and then executed by the Iraqi people
Shia: 60% of Iraq, largely happy Saddam is gone Sunni: minority, given power by Saddam Militias from both groups were fighting each other and the U.S. for control of the government and oil
Fall 2007: Decline in violence 2008: Negotiation of new security agreement January 2009: Iraqis had provincial elections (were not very successful) June 2009: U.S. Troops out of cities 8/31/2010: Official end to combat in Iraq 12/15/2011: The U.S. military formally declared the end of its mission in Iraq in a ceremony in Baghdad as the final U.S. troops prepared to withdraw from the country Some Final Costs: 9 years of war, 4,400 US troops died, cost more than $1 trillion
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