Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Samples 1.Water samples in transects from the oil effluent origin and control areas, at the surface and depth ( liters in clean sampling bottles preferably glass with no head space for air for isotope analysis samples should be filtered without exposure to atmosphere if possible and put into gas tight sample bottles filled without bubbles). Some replicates kept at ambient collection pressure for shipping, some processed in the field, including filtration, fixation, flash freezing, and direct examination with a microscope. Purpose: Functional microbial community structure, rates of biodegradation of oil, effects of dispersant on oil and biodegraders, synergistic effects of pressure on biodegradation and dispersant, and changes in limiting nutrients (N, P, Fe, etc.), linking physical and geochemical parameters with biodegradation and community structure changes (for estimating both near-term and long-term effects). Parameters to be Measured: isotope geochemistry, limiting nutrient chemistry, Phylochip, GeoChip, PLFA, metagenome, metatranscriptome, metaproteogenome, qPCR petroleum degraders, respiration rates, respiring vs. total cells. Onboard equipment: vacuum pump, freezer/refrigeration (4°C and -80°C or dry ice and coolers), 70% ethanol or isopropanol, distilled water.
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Samples 2.1 liter of the most recent oil from the well head and 1 liter of the dispersant undiluted (shipped ASAP). Purpose: to determine the stable isotopic geochemical signature of the oil and dispersant (ground truth for the field samples), and to study the effect on biodegradation in marine petroleum biodegraders, including pressure effects. Parameters to be Measured: isotope geochemistry, Phylochip, GeoChip, PLFA, metagenome, metatranscriptome, metaproteogenome, transcriptome, qPCR petroleum degraders, respiration rates, respiring vs. total cell, model marine petroleum degrader responses to under various stresses, including minimum inhibitory concentrations, with dispersant and various limiting nutrient conditions, and pressure. Ship directly to LBNL.
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Samples 3.Sediment (wish list) intact cores that are sealed, that would be the best thing. Any core material or sediment grab samples could be useful. Purpose: measurable samples of methane and other hydrocarbon gases (this is useful for determining what the probable isotopic composition of the gases associated with the petroleum and the possible amount derived from biodegradation). We could also get good samples for dissolved inorganic carbon. Functional microbial community structure, rates of biodegradation of oil, effects of dispersant on oil and biodegraders, synergistic effects of pressure on biodegradation and dispersant, and changes in limiting nutrients (N, P, Fe, etc.), linking physical and geochemical parameters with biodegradation and community structure changes (for estimating both near-term and long-term effects in sedment). Parameters to be Measured: isotope geochemistry, limiting nutrient chemistry, Phylochip, GeoChip, PLFA, metagenome, metatranscriptome, metaproteogenome, qPCR petroleum degraders, respiration rates, respiring vs. total cells. Onboard equipment: vacuum pump, freezer/refrigeration (4°C and -80°C or dry ice and coolers), 70% ethanol or isopropanol, distilled water.