Historical Background for The Outsiders Late 1950’s-Early 1960’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Historical Background for The Outsiders Late 1950’s-Early 1960’s

WWI (1920’s) Economic prosperity ◦ Increased business and manufacturing Trade increased Depression (1929) Caused by the Stock Market Crash President Franklin D. Roosevelt ◦ Elected 1932 Drought

WWII ( ) US only involved from Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii made US involved Economic Growth ◦ Women in the workforce

Cold War BTW U.S. and Soviet Union Capitalism: Free market Communism: Government controls the market Conform: to fit in, don’t want to be different ◦ Red Scare ◦ Lack of Free Speech 1950 US send troops to South Korea

President Eisenhower ( ) Economic Prosperity Large Middle Class Sent “Advisors” to Vietnam Hippies 1950’s and 1960’s: opposites