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George H.W. Bush 41 st President Of the United States
Early Political Career Elected to the House of Representatives in Elected to the House of Representatives in Ambassador to the U.N. in Ambassador to the U.N. in Director of the C.I.A Director of the C.I.A Runs for President in 1980 – dropped out in May. Runs for President in 1980 – dropped out in May. Selected by Ronald Reagan to run with him Vice President. Selected by Ronald Reagan to run with him Vice President. Nixon and Bush
Road to the Presidency Serves two terms as Reagan’s Vice President. Serves two terms as Reagan’s Vice President. Loyal to Reagan and well liked by Republicans. Loyal to Reagan and well liked by Republicans. Runs for President 1988 vs. Michael Dukakis (D) Runs for President 1988 vs. Michael Dukakis (D) Reagan and Bush
Electoral Popular % Bush = ,886, Dukakis = 11141,809,
G.H.W. Bush - Presidency Domestic: “Read my lips, No new taxes!” “Read my lips, No new taxes!” Americans with Disabilities Act – 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act – 1990 NAFTA – Bush gets it started. NAFTA – Bush gets it started. Foreign: Berlin Wall falls Berlin Wall falls S.A.L.T. II – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty S.A.L.T. II – Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Gulf War Gulf War
Desert Storm The Gulf War
The Causes Iran-Iraq War during the 1980’s – leaves Iraq with large war debt.Iran-Iraq War during the 1980’s – leaves Iraq with large war debt. Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein accuses Kuwait of “slant drilling” for oil and for increasing oil production.Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein accuses Kuwait of “slant drilling” for oil and for increasing oil production. Iraq invades Kuwait on August 2, 1990Iraq invades Kuwait on August 2, 1990 U.N. reacts with immediate sanctions.U.N. reacts with immediate sanctions. United States starts to mobilize…………United States starts to mobilize…………
Mobilization Begins Operation Desert Shield (August 7 th 1990) – defensive mission to stop Iraqi’s from gaining anymore ground. Operation Desert Shield (August 7 th 1990) – defensive mission to stop Iraqi’s from gaining anymore ground. Battleships and Aircraft carriers are also deployed to the Persian Gulf. Battleships and Aircraft carriers are also deployed to the Persian Gulf. 500,000 U.S. Soldiers are deployed to the Gulf. (30-40,000 casualties expected) 500,000 U.S. Soldiers are deployed to the Gulf. (30-40,000 casualties expected)
Major Concerns Will Saddam be supported by other countries in the Middle East? What will happen if Israel is drawn into the fight? What will happen to O.P.E.C.? (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) Saddam Hussein – Leader of Iraq
The War – Operation Desert Storm January 12, 1991 Congress approves Military Force. January 17 Air Campaign Begins. February 24 Ground Invasion. February 27 President Bush declares cease fire.
Air Campaign Early morning hours of January 17, 1991 Aimed at Iraqi Military and Saddam Hussein. New technology is extremely effective.
The Ground War Operation Desert Sabre Operation Desert Sabre - February 24 – Invasion begins - Force the Iraqi Army out of Kuwait. of Kuwait.
Fast Attack……Quick End Iraqi Elite Republican Guard retreats – lighting Kuwaiti oil wells on fire.Iraqi Elite Republican Guard retreats – lighting Kuwaiti oil wells on fire. Many Iraqi soldiers surrenderMany Iraqi soldiers surrender February 27 cease- fire is issuedFebruary 27 cease- fire is issued Kuwait is liberated.Kuwait is liberated. Highway 80 - “Highway to Hell”
Results No-Fly Zone is set up over Iraq. Animosity in the Middle East towards the U.S. Terrorist cells begin to gain strength. Is the war over………….