Building a Europe of Knowled ge Towards the Seventh Framework Programme
Summary European research: increasing budgets FPs: significant impacts on S&T and the economy FPs: strong impact on the integration of the ERA Why double the FP7 budget? Projected FP7 economic impacts What’s new?
1952:ECSC treaty; first projects started March :EURATOM treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983:ESPRIT programme 1984:First Framework Programme ( ) 1987:‘European Single Act’ – science becomes a Community responsibility; Second Framework Programme ( ) 1990: Third Framework Programme ( ) 1993:Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the enlarged EU 1994: Fourth Framework Programme ( ) 1998: Fifth Framework Programme ( ) 2000:European Research Area 2002: Sixth Framework Programme ( ) 2005: Proposal for the Seventh Framework Programme ( ) EU research: the story so far
Research: filling the gap Total expenditure on R&D, % of GDP – Barcelona Summit, 2001
What’s new? Main new elements compared to FP6: –Duration increased from five to seven years –Annual budget doubled (€5 billion €10 billion) –Basic research (~ €1.5 billion per year) –New structure: cooperation, ideas, people, capacities –Flexible funding schemes –Joint Technology Initiatives –Simpler procedures –Logistical and administrative tasks external structures
Information and Communication Technologies ICT Technology Pillars Integration of Technologies Applications Research Future and Emerging Technologies
Environment (inc. climate change) Climate change, pollution and risks Sustainable management of resources Environmental technologies Earth observation and assessment tools
Security and Space Protection against terrorism and crime Security of infrastructures and utilities Border security Restoring security in case of crisis Security systems integration and interoperability Security and society Security research Coordination and structuring Space-based applications at the service of the European society Exploration of space RTD for strengthening space foundations
JRC – Research-based policy support Five policy themes for FP7 –Sustainable growth –Conservation and management of natural resources –Citizenship –External responsibility and global security –EURATOM programme
How FP7 and CIP complement each other Complementary and mutually reinforcing actions Competitiveness and dissemination remain key elements of FP7 Designed to operate side by side in support of Lisbon objectives Close coordination FP7: Dissemination of knowledge and innovation-related activities (within projects) CIP: Innovation support networks and take-up of proven technologies
FP7 Timetable 6 April 2005 September 2005 December 2005 January 2006? March 2006? June 2006 November 2006 February 2007 Commission’s proposal Specific programmes’ proposal First reading at EP Common position at Council Second reading and approval at EP Adoption First calls for proposals Launch conference
ICT – Key to Future Wealth & Welfare ICT – a key enabler for productivity growth competitiveness –ICT investments contribute half of Europe’s productivity gains ICT – an important sector in its own right –From 4% of EU GDP in early 90s to close to 8% today ICT – a facilitator for more efficient public services –ICT also allows more participation in democracy and public life ICT – providing tools for addressing societal challenges –Ageing population, health and social care, security, etc. ICT – underpinning progress in all science & technology fields –GÉANT, the world-leading research network, Grid infrastructures, etc.
Objectives: ‘Making a Difference’ ‘To enable Europe to master and shape the future developments of ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met’ –Thereby: Strengthening the competitiveness of all industry in Europe –Master ICT for innovation and growth Reinforcing the competitive position of European ICT sector –Build industrial and technology leadership Supporting EU policies –Mobilise ICT to meet public and societal demands Strengthening the European science & technology base –A pre-condition for success
ICT Technology Pillars ‘Pushing the limits of performance, usability, dependability, cost-efficiency’ Nano-electronics, photonics & integrated micro/nano-systems Ubiquitous and unlimited capacity communication networks Embedded systems, computing and control Software, grids, security and dependability Knowledge, cognitive and learning systems Simulation, visualisation, interaction and mixed realities New perspectives emerging in ICT drawing on other science and technology disciplines
Applications Research ‘Providing the knowledge and the means to develop a wide range of ICT- based services and applications’ ICT meeting societal challenges –Health; inclusion; mobility; environment; governments ICT for content, creativity and personal development –New media and content; learning; digital cultural assets ICT supporting businesses and industry –Business processes; collaborative work; manufacturing ICT for trust and confidence –Identity; authentication; authorisation; privacy; rights
Environment 1/3 Climate change, pollution and risks –Pressures on environment and climate –Environment and health –Natural hazards Sustainable Management of Resources –Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources –Evolution of marine environments
Environment 2/3 Environmental Technologies –Environmental technologies for observation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment –Technology assessment, verification and testing Earth observation and assessment tools –Earth observation –Forecasting methods and assessment tools
Environment 3/3 Environmental Research to support EU International commitments such as: –Kyoto Protocol –UN Convention on Biological Diversity –World Summit on Sustainable Development Environmental Research to contribute to: –Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) –Global Earth Observation Initiative (GEO)
Space Objectives –To support a European Space Programme focusing on applications such as GMES, with benefits for citizens and for the competitiveness of the European space industry –This will contribute to the development of a European Space Policy, complementing efforts by Member States and by other key players, including the European Space Agency Rationale –User-driven applications: benefits to public authorities and decision-makers (in fields such as agriculture, environment, fisheries, security, telecommunications, transport) –Benefits to European industry: better definition of common objectives based on user requirements and policy objectives –Coordination of activities: to avoid duplication, maximise interoperability and define standards
Space activities Activities –Space-based applications at the service of the European Society –GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security): user driven approach to: Development of satellite-based monitoring systems Integration with in-situ monitoring systems Use and delivery of GMES data and services –Innovative satellite communication services in public application sectors (e.g. civil protection, tele-medicine) –Technologies for reducing the vulnerability of space-based services and for the surveillance of space
Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes NB: Budgets in current prices. Source: Annual Report 2003, plus FP7 proposal
EC FP7 Budget breakdown
FP ‘ Cooperation ’ budget I. Cooperation Budget ( € million, current prices) 1. Health Biotechnology, food and agriculture Information society Nanotechnologies, materials and production Energy Environment Transport Socio-economic research Security and space Total * Not including non- nuclear activities of the Joint Research Centre: € million *
Creation of a European Research Area for Grid Research GridCoord Objectives and Benefits –Overcome fragmentation and dispersion across EU to reinforce impact of national and Community research –Strengthen Europe’s position on Grid Research and its exploitation Requirements endorsed by 10 Member States – July 2003 –Inventory and analysis of national and EU initiatives –Establishment of a regular forum on European Grid Research –Better co-ordination of fragmented national and EU efforts –Further investigation on the development and delivery of industrial-strength Grid MW –Actions towards the use of Grid in business and industry
FP5 IST - Grid -related Projects Grid Project Portfolio Infrastructure DataTag Computing EuroGrid, DataGrid, Damien Tools and Middleware GridLab, GRIP Applications EGSO, CrossGrid, FlowGrid, BioGrid, OpenMolGrid, Moses, COG, GEMSS, Grace, Mammogrid, Selene P2P / ASP / Webservices P2People, ASP-BP, WEBSI, MMAPS, GRASP, GRIA Clustering GridStart
Grid projects within the EU FP6 Grids for Complex Problem Solving –Architecture, design and development of the next generation Grid –Enabling application technologies DG IST - F2 Research Infrastructure eInfrastructures –Deployment of specific high performance Grids –Deployment of high-capacity and high-speed communi- cations network - GEANT DG IST - F3 Research & DevelopmentDeployment Application-oriented Strategic Objectives e.g. eBusiness, eGov, eWork, eHealth, risks management, environment, transport Technology-oriented strategic objectives, e.g. semantic web, embedded systems software and services R&D 200 M € RI125 M € (IST)
Unit F3 - eInfrastructure Grid projects LOBSTER Traffic monitoring EUROLABS Experimental testbeds IPv6TF SC IPv6 Task Force support Specific Support Actions User involvement… …technology validation eInfrastructure EGEE DEISA SEE-GRID DILIGENT New user communities using Grids – Digital Libraries GRIDCC Real time Grid for remote control of instruments MUPPET Optical solutions for Grid infrastruct. EUQoS Flexible Quality of Service Assurance
Unit F2 - Grid Research - Grid projects inteliGRID Semantic Grid based virtual organisations Provenance Trust and provenance for Grids DataminingGrid Datamining tools & services UniGridS Extended OGSA Implementation based on UNICORE K-WF Grid Knowledge based workflow & collaboration GRIDCOORD Building the ERA in Grid research Started: SUMMER 2004 OntoGrid Knowledge Services for the semantic Grid HPC4U Fault tolerance, dependability for Grid Grid-based generic enabling application technologies to facilitate solution of industrial problems SIMDAT EU-driven Grid services architecture for businesS and industry NextGRID Mobile Grid architecture and services for dynamic virtual organisations Akogrimo European-wide virtual laboratory for longer term Grid research-creating the foundation for next generation Grids CoreGRID Specific support actionIntegrated projectNetwork of excellenceSpecific targeted research project Collaboration with China/South-Korea
Main Research and Development Areas: Grid architecture Foundations & core services Dynamic federation and VO Grid business models Reference implementations Standards and applications Next Generation Grid services architecture for business and industry Service providers: FujitsuBT T-Systems Datamat Application developers / users: SAP First derivatives Kino Technology providers: Grid Systems HPIntel MicrosoftNec Research org.: EPCCIT Innov. FZJUSTUTT KTHNTUA QUBUvA CNR-ISTI Main Application Areas: Data mining legal sector Broadcasting and entertainment Financial modelling Digital media Supply chain management Feedback for next iteration Analysis Conceptualisation Implementation Design Evaluation Integrated Project
Two testbeds E-Learning Hospital Generalisation to other applications Mobile Grid architectures and services for dynamic virtual organisations Grid Providers & Industry - HLRS (D) - CCLRC (UK) - Uni Hohenheim (D) - Datamat (I) Universities - Uni BW München (D) - CRMPA (I) - NTUA (Gr) UPC(SP) IT Industry (tools & services) - BOC (UK) - SchlumbergerSEMA Telcom operators - Telefonica I&D (SP) - Telnor (N) - Tel Inst (P) Technology Vision NGG based on next generation IPv6 networks and supporting security, QoS, accounting /billing, user & context awareness. Use of mobile comm’s beyond 3G. Dynamic Virtual Organisations based on trust management The Next Generation ”GRIDNET” AKoGriMo Focus Mobile Internet Network Middleware Core Grid Services Complex Grid Services Domain and Application Specific Services
Integrated Project Four sectors of international economic importance: Automotive Pharmaceutical Aerospace Meteorology Seven Grid-technology development areas: Grid infrastructure Distributed Data Access VO Administration Workflows Ontologies Analysis Services Knowledge Services The solution of industrially relevant complex problems using data-centric Grid technology SIMDAT End Users Capability Providers Grid Technologists
ACI GRID E-SCIENCE DAS BE-GRID D-GRID METACENTER SWISSGRID HELLAS-GRID GRID.IT IRISGRIDBG-GRID SGIGRID H-GRID NORDUGRID CYGRID The CoreGRID Network of Excellence To build a European-wide research laboratory –To avoid fragmentation of Grid research activities in Europe –Create the European “Grid Lighthouse” and be seen as such worldwide –To achieve integration and sustainability To build solid foundations for GRID and P2P technologies –Both on a methodological basis and a technological basis. –Support medium and long term research activities Achieve and promote scientific and technological excellence within & beyond the Grid research community Gather and disseminate European research A think-tank for spin-off projects –EC funded, bilateral projects, international cooperations, …
Call for proposals - Unit F Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services –Grid Foundations: Architecture, design and development of technologies and systems for building the invisible Grid –Grid-enabled applications and services for business and society: Research, development, validation and take-up of generic environments and tools –Network-centric Grid operating systems: Research and development on new or enhanced fabrics for future distributed systems and services –Co-ordination of relevant research activities in Member and Associated States in the Framework of ERA building on existing initiatives and linking to Grid industrial actors Budget : 55 M€ Instruments: IP (70%), STREP, CA, SSA (30%) Deadline : 21 September
Call for proposal - Unit F3 eInfrastructure – Grids initiatives –Continue building advanced Grid-empowered infrastructures: consolidation, extension, deepening… –Emphasis on: Production quality & ready-to-use SW-infrastructures Address industry requirements Environments dynamically adaptable to user needs Instruments: I3, CA, SSA Budget : 55 M€ Deadline : 8 September
WGISS & GMES & GEO to capitalize on "generic devt ?" - Grid open MiddleWare - European organized general purpose GRIds - Upcoming Grid UpperWare - World-wide integrated information systems - WAG/IVEO and EC R&D direction are going the same direction : create a "internet" like infrastructure enabling applications to be deployed on a generic ressources layer.