February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 1 FY2005 October EMIS Data Verification Reports 9:30-10:30 February 17, 2005 Angie Crandall & Stacy Hurtt
MVECA Report Round Table2 February 8, 2005 Agenda Graduation Reports SF3_ADJ Reports CTAE Career Fields Reports Staff Reports Your Questions
February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 3 October Graduation Report Terms, calculation, & elements to verify
MVECA Report Round Table4 February 8, 2005 October Graduation Report Purpose: This report assists districts in verifying: FY2005 October K data that are used to adjust the graduation rate from FY2004 The FY2004 graduation rate will appear on the 2005 LRC. Because of parent notification requirement in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, timelines were shortened, which required Ohio to lag the graduation rate one year. FY2005 October K data that impact future graduation rates.
MVECA Report Round Table5 February 8, 2005 FY2005 October K that impacts the FY2004 Graduation Rate 12th Grade Summer Returning Withdrawals 10 th, 11 th, and 12 th Grade Summer Graduates Students who graduated during the summer of 2004 (FY2005). Also includes students with grade level “23”. Summer Dropouts not counted as dropouts (AKA Previous Dropouts) These are students reported with the following program codes: Previously reported as a dropout in the reporting district’s graduation rate Previously reported as a dropout in another Ohio district.
MVECA Report Round Table6 February 8, 2005 Calculating the Graduation Rate # of FY2004 Graduates summer graduates (reported in October FY2005) # of Grade 9 dropouts in FY # of Grade 9 Ret. Withdrawals + # of Grade 10 Dropouts in FY # of Grade 10 Ret. Withdrawals + # of Grade 11 Dropouts in FY # of Grade 11 Ret. Withdrawals + # of Grade 12 Dropouts in FY # of Grade 12 Ret. Withdrawals + Summer 2004 Graduates (Reported in FY2005K) + Grade 13 students – graduates previously reported as dropouts (program codes or ) = These are the elements that can change based upon data submitted in FY2005 October K. (The rest are from previous reporting periods and cannot be changed.)
MVECA Report Round Table7 February 8, 2005 Graduate Rate Defined The percentage of students that received a diploma during the school year, (INCLUDING summer 2004 graduates) of the total number of students reported as graduates and or dropouts from this cohort of students (adjusted for returning withdrawals) combined. SOURCE: Updated from the FY2004 ODE District/Building Report Reference Guide. Only the years have been revised. Am. Sub. HB 3 indicates that "'Graduation rate' means the ratio of students receiving a diploma to the number of students who entered ninth grade four years earlier.”
MVECA Report Round Table8 February 8, 2005 Graduation Rate “Terms” Proficiency-Only students are students who were not enrolled in the building/district, but needed to pass the 9th grade proficiency test in order to graduate. Grade Level “13” students are students that have completed course requirements but have not passed all parts of the 9th Grade Proficiency Test and have chosen to remain in school and take courses. The primary difference between the students reported with Grade Level = 13 and the students reported with Proficiency- Only Records is that the former are still enrolled and taking classes, and the proficiency-only students are NOT enrolled and just took the 9th grade Proficiency Test in the reporting district.
MVECA Report Round Table9 February 8, 2005 Graduation Rate “Terms” (cont’d) Previous Dropouts: Students that have dropped out of school in prior years that have returned and are reported as a dropout for the second time These students can be identified by the following program codes: Previously reported as a dropout in the reporting district’s graduation rate Previously reported as a dropout in another Ohio district. These codes are ONLY reported for students who are reported as dropouts for the second time, i.e. with a withdrawal date and withdrawal reason 71, 72, 73, 74, or 75 These program codes can only be used for a student who was previously reported as a dropout but is not considered to be a returning withdrawal.
MVECA Report Round Table10 February 8, 2005 Graduation Rate “Terms” (cont’d) Summer Graduate: Students reported with a diploma date and diploma type in October FY2005. In order to be considered a summer graduate, the student must be issued a diploma date prior to the first day of school in the current school year. Returning withdrawal: Students reported as dropouts who return by October of the following school year.
MVECA Report Round Table11 February 8, 2005 New Withdrawal Codes for FY2005 Beginning with the October 2005 reporting period, dropouts include Withdrawal Reasons Withdrawal Reason “75” is new for FY = Student completed course requirements but did NOT pass the appropriate statewide assessments required for graduation. (In the case of a student on an IEP who has been excused from the individual consequences of the statewide assessments, using this code indicates that the student completed course requirements but did not take the appropriate statewide assessments required for graduation)
MVECA Report Round Table12 February 8, 2005 New Withdrawal Codes for FY2005 (cont’d) 99 = Completed graduation requirements – student completed course requirements and passed the appropriate statewide assessments required for graduation. (In the case of a student on an IEP who has been excused from the individual consequences of the statewide assessments, using this code indicates that the student completed course requirements and took the appropriate statewide assessments required for graduation). NOTE: This code creates an UNCLEMIS error, and currently has to be manually updated to EMIS.
MVECA Report Round Table13 February 8, 2005 Building-Level Graduation Rate If the district has only one high school, the “Graduation Rate” on the building-level report may not be equal to the “Graduation Rate” on the district-level report. Graduation rates will only be calculated for a high school that includes students in grades 9- 12, inclusive. This is because the graduation rate estimates a 4 year cohort. If a building does not educate the entire 9-12 grade span then a graduation rate would not be calculated for that building.
MVECA Report Round Table14 February 8, 2005 Students Included (in Grad. Rate)? Students reported as: Numerator*Denominator** Grade Level = "13" NOYES Grade Level = “23” YES Proficiency- only Graduates NO *(Total FY2004 & Summer Graduates) **Total number of graduates and or dropouts from this cohort of students (adjusted for returning withdrawals and previous dropouts)
MVECA Report Round Table15 February 8, 2005 Additional Graduation Rate Information The “full academic year” criteria does not apply to the graduation rate. The new “Decision Tree: Completed Course Requirements – Has Not Passed Proficiency/OGT” provides direction in reporting students. This is on the ODE/EMIS web site.
February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 16 Headcount/FTE Adjustment Report File Name: SF3_adj
MVECA Report Round Table17 February 8, 2005 Purpose of SF3_ADJ report This report shows how the SF3 reports are adjusted if there are students reported by two districts as enrolled in the district during the first full week of October, AND total FTE from both districts is >1. (Unless student is legitimately enrolled in two districts that have different funding count weeks.) You can check to see if the district has a waiver (funding count week is not the first full week of October), by checking the list of “Districts with Waivers Approved for October Count Week” on the ODE/EMIS web site.
MVECA Report Round Table18 February 8, 2005 Reading the Sf3-adj report “0” reduction means that even though student FTE > 1.0 for that student, the reduction was either: made for the other district reporting that SSID, or There was no reduction since the student was legitimately enrolled in two districts with different funding count weeks.
MVECA Report Round Table19 February 8, 2005 Update on Adjustments (1/21/05) If two students are legitimately enrolled in two different districts' Funding Count Weeks (due to waivers being granted), ODE will pay both districts. So, the SID's of students who were enrolled in two different districts with different count weeks will no longer be adjusted on the SF-3 FTE/Headcount Adjustment Report. These students will still appear on the report with an "*" but are not included in the adjustment totals. ODE asks that districts still use this report to verify that their data has been submitted correctly. SOURCE: EMIS Newsflash January 21, 2005.
MVECA Report Round Table20 February 8, 2005 Reading the Sf3-adj report Has the same student been reported with a different grade level or disability condition at each of the districts/entities? If the student has been reported with a different disability condition, check to see if the student’s information has been entered correctly, or if there had been updates to the IEP before or during funding count week. The “Disability Condition” should be the same for both districts. There may be a valid difference in disability condition if the two districts have different dates for funding count week.
MVECA Report Round Table21 February 8, 2005 Reading the Sf3-adj report If the student grade level is significantly different (KG vs. 07), but the disability condition is the same, there may have been an error when entering the student grade level.
MVECA Report Round Table22 February 8, 2005 Helpful Resource Ohio's School Foundation Funding Program-Line-by-Line Found at: F/2004_SF-3_LINEBYLINE.pdf F/2004_SF-3_LINEBYLINE.pdf
February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 23 CTAE Career Field Report File Name: CTA_careerfield
MVECA Report Round Table24 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Field Report This report is based upon requirements in OAC Career-Technical Education Plan Requirements OAC Criteria for Secondary Workforce Development Programs, and
MVECA Report Round Table25 February 8, 2005 OAC (A) (A) Each school district shall provide an approved plan, as described in Revised Code section (B), for secondary career- technical workforce development programs for students in grades 9 through 12. The CTAE Career Fields report allows districts to see if what they are implementing, aligns with their approved plan.
MVECA Report Round Table26 February 8, 2005 OAC (B) Technical and academic course offerings must meet established guidelines, specify the sequence for grades nine through twelve, include work-based learning experiences, identify postsecondary and employment options and represent twelve (12) programs in at least eight (8) of the following career fields: 1. Agricultural and Environmental Systems 2. Arts and Communication 3. Business and Administrative Services 4. Construction Technologies 5. Education and Training 6. Engineering and Science Technologies 7. Finance 8. Government and Public Administration 9. Health Science 10. Hospitality and Tourism 11. Human Services 12. Information Technology 13. Law and Public Safety 14. Manufacturing Technologies 15. Marketing 16. Transportation Systems Career-Technical Planning Districts with less than 1,500 students enrolled in grades 9-12 must provide course offerings in ten (10) programs in at least eight (8) of the career fields.
MVECA Report Round Table27 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Field Report Contents This report is generated at the level of the Career-technical Planning District, referred to as a CTPD. There are 92 CTPDs in Ohio. So data reported by every district in the CTPD will appear on this report. Reports for all districts in the same CTPD will get almost identical reports. The difference is that the header information would reflect the district receiving the report.
MVECA Report Round Table28 February 8, 2005 Ohio CTPD Defined (Reference) A career-technical planning district (CTPD) is a local education agency configuration (comprehensive district, compact/contract district or joint vocational school district) that meets the minimum requirements of law and subsequent standards to offer state sanctioned career-technical programming. Compact/Contract District – One form of a CTPD, or legal entity through which career-technical programs are delivered. It is an area in which a number of school districts enter into a contract of operation to provide career-technical education. Comprehensive District – One form of a CTPD, or legal entity through which career-technical programs are delivered. It is one that has 1,500 or more students and offers career-technical education in career centers and/or at existing high schools in the district. Joint Vocational School District (JVSD) – One form of a CTPD, or legal entity through which career-technical programs are delivered. It is an area which serves two or more adjacent school districts and is governed by a joint vocational school board consisting of representatives from the participating districts. SOURCE: ODE web site,
MVECA Report Round Table29 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Field Report Data Sources CTPD information is entered into OEDS by the lead school district. Course data are reported by the district employing the CTAE teacher for that course.
MVECA Report Round Table30 February 8, 2005 Career Field Report Pointers Are there fewer than 1,500 students enrolled in grades 9-12 in the CTPD? The answer to this question tells you how many programs and career fields your Career-technical Planning district must offer. If there are 1,500 or more students served in the CTPD, courses reported by all districts in the CTPD must represent 12 programs in at least eight of the 16 career fields. If there are fewer than 1,500 students served in the CTPD, courses reported by all districts in the CTPD must represent 10 programs in at least eight of the 16 career fields.
MVECA Report Round Table31 February 8, 2005 Using the CTAE Career Fields Report Check to see if the CTPD has the required number of programs in the required number of career fields.
MVECA Report Round Table32 February 8, 2005 Using the CTAE Career Fields Report (cont’d) Check to see if course data are accurately reported for your district.
MVECA Report Round Table33 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Fields Report Sections There are four sections in the body of the report 1. Workforce Development Programs in the CTPD This section includes courses that are included in the “Number of workforce Development Programs in the CTPD”, at the top of the report. 2. Foundation Courses in the CTPD 3. Career-based Intervention 4. Work and Family Studies – Work and Family Life and GRADS NOTE: Courses in sections 2-4 do not count as WFD programs or career fields
MVECA Report Round Table34 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Fields Report Verifying Data Have I reported the correct number of course master records with each subject code/ course type combination? This is the total number of programs within each career field.
MVECA Report Round Table35 February 8, 2005 CTAE Career Field Reports Additional Resources The following link includes helpful content. ation/default.asp ation/default.asp Includes: Ohio Administrative Code related to this report. A “Crosswalk With Career Field Link to Subject Titles/Codes” This is a web-based document that defines Ohio’s 16 career fields and crosswalks EMIS subject titles/codes with career fields. A map of Ohio CTPDs can be found at CTAE Fact Sheet -
February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 36 October Staff Reports Troubleshooting Reports
MVECA Report Round Table37 February 8, 2005 Staff Reporting Increasing importance of staff data Supply and demand Federal reporting requirements Local report card information Can impact funding!
MVECA Report Round Table38 February 8, 2005 Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) reports If districts do not maintain a 25/1 pupil to teacher ratio, then a deduction will be made from state funding.* PTR Reports are generated after each October K EMIS processing opportunity. There is one line per district, that includes a count of teachers, students, and the ratio for each district. *SOURCE: Ohio’s School Foundation Funding Program: SF3 Form Line- by-Line, FY
MVECA Report Round Table39 February 8, 2005 Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) reports (cont’d) This information on the PTR corresponds to the SF3. *SF3 – line 10A includes a count of regular classroom teachers. ORC (1) "Classroom teacher" means a licensed employee who provides direct instruction to pupils, excluding teachers funded from money paid to the district from federal sources; educational service personnel; and vocational and special education teachers. *SF3 - Line 25C Regular Student Population – This is a count of regular pupils being educated by the district. (i.e. students without disability conditions.)
MVECA Report Round Table40 February 8, 2005 ESP Data Verification Report STF_ESP_STAFF Used to verify data for Educational Service Personnel (ESP) positions, which include: Counselors (position code 202), Social Workers (323), Visiting Teacher (330), Librarian/Media Specialists (203), Registered Nurses (320), Art Teachers [Position code = 211, Assignment Area = "999050"], Physical Education Teachers [Position code = 211, Assignment Area = ], Music Teachers [Position code = 211, Assignment Area = ]. *NOTE: Failure to hire at least 5 persons in the above categories for each 1,000 students in a district means a deduction in state foundation aid. (ORC ) *SOURCE: Ohio’s School Foundation Funding Program: SF3 Form Line- by-Line, FY
MVECA Report Round Table41 February 8, 2005 How to Verify LRC Staff Statistics Verify Educational Level using the Staff_Demo_Job Report. Verify teacher credentials using the Invalid_cert Report. Verify whether or not teacher meets HQT definition using HQT reports.
MVECA Report Round Table42 February 8, 2005 Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Report HQT reports: These reports are based upon the data element: How does the teacher of this course meet the highly qualified definition? NOTE: Option 4 (Special Education Certificate/Intervention Specialist License) is NOT a valid option. STF_COURSE_HQT_ALL (CSV file) Shows all core courses being taught in that district (where course type is NOT = 'G01', 'G02','S01','I00', 'D00','G00','X01', 'X02”.)
MVECA Report Round Table43 February 8, 2005 Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Report (cont’d) STF_COURSE_HQT_YES Called “Courses taught by highly qualified teachers” Includes courses reported with reasons 1-9. STF_COURSE_HQT_NO Called “Courses NOT taught by highly qualified teachers” Includes courses reported with reason “N - Teacher does NOT meet the definition of Highly Qualified for this course [Note: In FY2004, an * was used. In FY2005, * will be converted to N in the State Software.]”
MVECA Report Round Table44 February 8, 2005 Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) Report (cont’d) STF_COURSE_HQT_NO (cont’d) NOTE: Districts should not use option “I - Not Applicable (Not a core course)” for any course identified as a core course in Appendix C of the FY05 EMIS Guide. Using this option on a core course will result in that teacher being counted as not highly qualified! In the latest version of Chapter 3 of the FY2005 EMIS Guide (as of the date of this training), Course types not evaluated for HQT include 'G01','G02','S01','I00','D00','G00','X01','X02”. NOTE: Teachers of core courses that reported with the X03 and X04 course types are required to indicate if they meet the definition of a highly qualified teacher.
MVECA Report Round Table45 February 8, 2005 HQT information Districts will know when a course has no students enrolled when the low-grade level and the high-grade level elements have the value “#”. ODE does not generate an HQT report for a district/building if no course master records with core courses are reported by that particular building/district.
MVECA Report Round Table46 February 8, 2005 Certification/licensure There are three reports that can be used to check the certification/licensure of a staff person or teacher. To check teacher certification/licensure by course STF_INVL_CRT_CRSE – for courses where High School Credit is issued OR 50% or more of the students enrolled in the class are in grade level(s) STF_INVL_K8_CRSE – for courses where fewer than 50% of students are in grades This means the majority of students are in grades 8 or below. To check certification/licensure for all positions requiring cert/licensure: STF_INVL_CRT_JOB These reports can impact: Funding LRC statistics
MVECA Report Round Table47 February 8, 2005 Reading Invalid Cert Course Reports NOTE: Depending upon the course type, it may be important to check the subject code for that course.
MVECA Report Round Table48 February 8, 2005 Basic tips for using the report 1. Check course type For courses reported with course type equal to D00, D01, and D02, credentials are checked against the disability conditions of the students enrolled in the class. For other course types, check the Certification and Licensure Search on the ODE/EMIS web site to see if the subject code entered is compatible with the certificate and/or license that the person holds. 2. Check the student grade level (if course type is NOT = D00, D01, D02) Compare the grade levels of the students enrolled in the course to the license type, and/or the teaching area on the certificate/license.
MVECA Report Round Table49 February 8, 2005 Basic tips (cont’d) 3. Check disability condition (IF course type = D00, D01, or D02) For courses reported with course type equal to D00, D01, and D02, credentials are checked against the disability Refer to the on-line lookup at for specifics) 4. Check to see if the certificate/license has expired, is a substitute certificate, or does not match requirements for appropriate certificate/ license, as indicated in the on-line look-up.
MVECA Report Round Table50 February 8, 2005 Qualified Paraprofessionals STF_QUAL_PARA_PROF(CSV & Printed report) Don’t forget to code instructional Paraprofessionals with the new position code = 415. Definition: An assignment to provide instructional assistance in one or more of the following ways: (1) one-on-one tutoring, (2) classroom management, (3) instructional assistance in a computer laboratory, (4) instructional support in a library or media center, or (5) instructional support services under the direct supervision of a teacher. This does NOT include paraprofessionals hired to assist with parent involvement activities or who act as translators.
MVECA Report Round Table51 February 8, 2005 Qualified Paraprofessionals (cont’d) This Position Code could be used with the following assignment areas: Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Middle Childhood Education Secondary Education AND MUST ALSO be reported with the “ – Title I Programs” assignment area if the Instructional Paraprofessional is employed in a Title I Schoolwide Program building or is funded with Title I funds in a Title I Targeted Assistance Building.
MVECA Report Round Table52 February 8, 2005 How do I know if a building is Title I funded? The source for these data is the CCIP. Tip: Did you know that the CCIP data are available to the public on the ODE web site? Use the CCIP to see if a building is a Title I Schoolwide Program Building or a Title I Targeted Assistance Building.
February 8, 2005MVECA Report Round Table 53 Other Important Information & Updates References & Resources
MVECA Report Round Table54 February 8, 2005 Other References & Resources To sign up for the ODE Accountability List, go to: LRC Indicators for the report card State Board Adopts Report Card Indicators OASBO/ODE Regional Spring Seminars: g2005.pdf g2005.pdf ODE Treasurer Newsletter: accountability/Treasurer/default.asp. accountability/Treasurer/default.asp
MVECA Report Round Table55 February 8, 2005 Questions?