01 October 2007 Wilma Doedens Humanitarian Response Unit UNFPA-Geneva IAWG-Training Partnership Training on Reproductive Health in Emergencies
Formal and Ad-Hoc Training Academic (Columbia, LSTMH, JH, KIT…) Short courses (1- 3 months) master programs ( months) UNFPA/IAWG RH in Emergency Situations 3 x 10-day course Ad Hoc IASC guidelines training (1 hour – 1 day) RH training in the ICRC H.E.L.P. Course (2 hours) UNHCR/UNFPA training on Clinical Management of Rape (2 days) Pre-deployment and in-service training for MSF, ICRC, UNHCR, national staff (2 hours to 1 week) Other training in the field
Existing Training Materials RH Awareness (Care/RHRC) RH Emergency (Care/RHRC), 2hrs – 2 weeks Module 2 of RH in emergency, MISP IASC Guidelines for HIV/AIDS interventions, 1hr advocacy/1 day training MISP certificate course (WC/RHRC) Self learning emergency contraceptives (WC/RHRC) Self learning universal precautions (Engender Health), ½ day Training manual on GBV (JSI/RHRC), 1-5 days IASC Guidelines for GBV interventions (30 min awareness raising) GBV Counselling skills ToT Clinical Management of Rape – several modules Ipas safe abortion modules (woman-centred abortion care/ MVA HIV/AIDS prevention and control (RHRC) Impac – Emoc WHO safe blood supply etc.
IAWG-Training Partnership Objective: to establish a partnership between IAWG and formal training institutions in order to assure training on reproductive health in emergencies for humanitarian staff on a regular and sustainable basis - Brainstorming meeting, Sept 06 - MISP curriculum review meeting, May 07
IAWG - Training Partnership Steering Committee (UNFPA, RHRC, Ghent Uni, Columbia Uni, Kenyatta, MSI, WC, IRC, IPPF,..) Interest from institutional partners Columbia U; agencies in GVA, U of Dakar, Makarere U, Kenyatta U; Asia Disaster Preparedness Centre (Bangkok); Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo, (Dominican Republic); IPAS; MSI,... Secretariat (initially UNFPA-GVA)
Training Partnership Target audience - For people working or planning to work in emergencies, - For people with a background in a)coordination b)technical skills (medical staff, community/social workers) c)awareness raising (policy, non-medical staff, medical students) Possible training strategies - Institutional training - Mobile training (short courses, 2 days max.) - Certification + sub-certificates for modules - Database of trainees - Scholarships
Training Categories CoordinationTechnical skillsAwareness Raising Care / RHRC (5 days)MISP (1 day)Care / RHRC (0.5 day) Clinical management of rape survivors (2 days) Universal precautions (2 days) MVA (2 days) EmOC skills (2 days)
Next steps Trainers’ materials / students’ materials Translation Pilot coordinator‘s training (SEA regional IAWG) Centralized ToT for master trainers from each institute Decentralized ToT to develop a regional cadre of qualified trainers Publications