Seminar in Palliative Care September 26 – October 02, 2010 Salzburg, Austria in Collaboration with
Educational Resources in Palliative Care Mary V. Callaway Director International Palliative Care Initiative Open Society Foundations
Objective 4 To identify and describe five educational resources for palliative care education and training Participants should be able to:
Where to find palliative care educational materials? 4 Book, textbooks, self-study guides, journals, newsletters 4 Audio tapes, video tapes, CD Roms 4 Lectures, workshops, seminars, courses 4 Internet (bulletin boards, distance learning courses, list serves, websites)
World Health Organization
Palliative Care Textbook
Institute of Medicine
Palliative Care Textbooks
Institute of Medicine Report Books on Palliative Care Report identified significant gaps in knowledge about care at the end of life and made recommendations to improve care
Institute of Medicine Pediatric Palliative Care Report Reviewed the current state of end of life care children with life limiting illness and made recommendations for changes that need to be made.
Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care (EPEC) 4 Designed by experts to educate physicians on the essential clinical competencies in end of life care. 4 Combines didactic sessions, videotape presentations, interactive discussions, and practical exercises.
Palliative Care in HIV/AIDS Human Resources and Services Administration
UNIPAC Book Series: Hospice/Palliative Care Training for Physicians--A Self Study Program The Hospice/Palliative Medicine Approach to Caring for Patients with HIV/AIDS The Hospice/Palliative Medicine Approach to Caring for Pediatric Patients Ethical and Legal Decision Making When Caring for the Terminally Ill
Distance Education Program Edmonton Palliative Care Program From the University of Alberta, Canada Department of Oncology, extensive clinical information, patient materials, and a pilot Web-based training course, PallCare EdNet
On-Line Distance Learning 4 MSc in Oncology and Palliative Care – 4 Multiprofessional Masters/Diploma/Certificate in Palliative Care
Video Tapes Bill Moyers PBS Series “On Our Own Terms” Public education Program with Enormous outreach program
The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) is dedicated to increasing the availability of quality palliative care services in hospitals and other health care settings for people with life-threatening illnesses, their families, and caregivers.
Beth Israel, New York Pain & Palliative Medicine Dept Beth Israel, New York Pain & Palliative Medicine Dept 4 Website 4 Palliative Care Research Program 4 Palliative Care Manual –A comprehensive step-by-step online guide to planning and implementing a palliative care program.
LAST 4 An educational campaign to improve end- of-life care by a coalition of professional and consumer organizations. 4 For professionals and volunteers working to improve care of the dying. 4 Website, E-newsletter, Policy Newsletter, Listserve
Hospice Information Service Hospice Information Service 4 A joint venture between St. Christopher's Hospice and Help the Hospices. 4 Brings together the experience and established reputation for high quality of the Hospice Information Service at St. Christopher's and the national remit and innovative information developments of Help the Hospices. 4 To provide a world-class information service for health professionals and members of the public, on UK and international hospice and palliative care.
ProfessionalJournals Professional Journals 4 European Journal of Palliative Care 4 American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 4 Palliative Medicine 4 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 4 BMJ/palliative medicine 4 European Journal of Cancer Care 4 Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 4 Journal of Palliative Care 4 Journal of Palliative Medicine 4 Progress in Palliative Care 4 Supportive Care in Cancer 4 International Journal of Palliative Nursing 4 Journal of Pain and Palliative Care (NEW)
Newsletters 4 EAPC-EAST 4 ECEPT Newsletter--Eastern and Central Europe Palliative Care Task Force 4 IAHPCO International Association Hospice Palliative Care 003/index.html
Newsletters 4 Worldwide Hospice and Palliative Care Online 4 Africa Hospice Foundation News
Professional Associations 4 European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) 4 Eastern & Central Palliative Care Task Force (ECEPT) 4 National Palliative Care Associations, i.e. “Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Mongolian, Poland, Romania, Russian Palliative Care Association” 4 American National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization 4 International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care 4 Physician organizations – AAHPM 4 Nursing organizations – ONS 4 Social work organizations – AOSW 4 Children Hospice International
Children’s Hospice Interntional
Pediatric Pain
Resource Centers 4 Public and professional education 4 Develop national standards 4 Develop national guidelines 4 Materials on how to start a hospice or palliative care program 4 Program evaluation information
Pediatric Palliative Care
Institute of Medicine
Pain and Policy Studies Group Pain and Policy Studies Group 4 The purpose of this website is to facilitate public access to information about pain relief and public policy, including material published by the PPSG and other authoritative sources.
American Pain Foundation 4 an online resource center for people with pain, their families, friends, caregivers, the media, legislators and the general public.
Social Work Network 4 A list serve for social workers in oncology, geriatrics, HIV, Hospice, Nephrology and Pediatrics 4 A joint effort of the Project on Death in America and the Department of Pain, Medicine and Palliative Care, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York 4 For more information, contact Terry Altilio, ACSW.Terry Altilio, ACSW
Public Information 4 Patient Support Organizations –Disease specific support groups --Cancer & AIDS, Nat’l Heart Association –ABCD (Americans for the Better Care of the Dying) 4 Websites: WebMD, Cancersource, UNAIDS 4 Caregiver Organizations
Summary 4 Multiple resources exist for palliative care –Books, textbooks, self-study guides, journals, newsletters –Audio tapes, video tapes, CD Roms –Lectures, workshops, seminars, courses –Internet