KENMORE – TOWN OF TONAWANDA UFSD STAFFING PROJECTIONS FOR Presentation to the Board of Education January 8, 2013
Staffing Process Review position control Review current enrollment and projections Review Special Education projections Develop initial staffing projections according to Ken-Ton staffing guidelines Review projections with principals Monitor for adjustments and secondary course enrollments Monitor for adjustments in Special Education staffing Final staffing review in conjunction with budget process- March-May
Assumptions 1.No change in programs 2.No change in current staffing guidelines 3.Jefferson Elementary closed for High School is subject to further review pending course enrollments 5.Projections subject to budgetary process and enrollment changes
Staffing Guidelines Elementary Grades K Grades Grade Middle School Grades High School Grades Minimum Class 12-15
Three year view of enrollment 5.3% Decrease in two years using projected data for % Decrease from actual to projected
District Enrollment Summary Elementary % Middle School % High School % Totals % School Projected Change % Projections in yellow Red indicates decrease, green increase
Elementary School Enrollment Review Edison *** % Franklin *** % Hamilton % Holmes % Hoover *** % Lindbergh *** % Jefferson Roosevelt % Totals Projected Change % *** Jefferson disbursement schools
Elementary Staff Projections School Projected FTE Change Edison Franklin Hamilton31.2 Holmes Hoover Jefferson Lindbergh Roosevelt FTE
Middle School Enrollment Review FranklinMiddle % HooverMiddle % KenmoreMiddle % Totals % Projected Change %
Middle School Staff Projections School Projected FTEChange Franklin Hoover Kenmore FTE
High School Enrollment Review Kenmore West % Kenmore East % Totals % Projected Change %
High School Staff Projections School Projected FTEChange Kenmore West Kenmore East FTE
Class Size Average - Elementary GradesK12345 Edison Franklin Hamilton Holmes Hoover Lindbergh Roosevelt
Class Size Average - Middle Grades6th Grade 7th & 8th Core Courses Franklin2425 Hoover2621 Kenmore24
Class Size Average – High School CoursesEnglishMathematicsSocial Studies Science East West
Staffing History (Full Time Equivalent ) Elementary % Middle School % High School % District Wide % Totals % %
Instructional Staff Review (Full Time Equivalent) Position Teachers Special Ed. Teachers School Psychologists Social Workers5333 School Counselors Teacher Assistants Building Administrators District Administrators Total %