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Presentation transcript: PLATO IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL CCSS CLASSROOM REMEDIATION, RECOVERY, AND ADVANCEMENT Online Courseware and Accucess allow you to create a customized course of instruction to provide each individual student with lessons based on their specific needs Online Courseware allows you to provide course recovery to students and keep them in their correct grade-level. Online Courseware and a certified lead teacher will allow students to take advanced courses. PLATO PROVIDES: Rigorous courses, proven to improve student achievement Interactive, media-rich content that actively engages students Robust flexibility that allows you to customize courseware to meet your unique needs Curriculum aligned to Common Core and state standards High-quality content for original credit, supplemental learning, credit recovery, unit recovery and extended learning HOW CAN IT BE USED OUTSIDE OF A COMPUTER LAB? Classroom teachers can present lessons using small- group or whole group instruction Course tasks and activities align with CCSS and can be printed for classroom distribution Test Packs provide PARCC style questions that can be assigned as small group test practice or a classroom center activity SAMPLE MATH 7 TASK:

LESSONS ARE ENGAGING AND INTERACTIVE: Sample Life Science Lesson Sample World History Lesson Notice the interactive tools embedded in the lessons WHAT WILL MY SCHOOL NEED TO IMPLEMENT PLATO? Instructor accounts Student licenses Computers with Internet access HOW WILL OUR STUDENTS BENEFIT? Personalized instruction to focus remediation CCSS curriculum for course recovery to keep students in their age-appropriate grade level Consistent curriculum for MGSI Advanced courses for gifted students Engaging lessons to increase motivation and understanding CCSS tasks and activities to prepare students for PARCC testing WHAT WILL IT COST? Prices are subject to your specific school needs. RMS purchases courseware from the K – 8 Library and Secondary Academic Library for approximately 800 students. We also purchase Common Core Assessment test packs and Accucess assessment for 1000 students Our cost is approximately $18,000 each year After two years of implementation, 54% of our students have moved up to a higher level on their standardized test scores 34% showed improvement on their scaled scores 40 % have made enough gains to test out of the remediation program 15% of students were able to remain in their correct grade-level IS IT WORTH THE COST?