9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 2 Introduction This Safety Seminar will assist you while studying here at The University and after you graduate. You will learn about government Agencies and Regulations put in place to protect YOU and the ENVIRONMENT. All of us are RESPONSIBLE when it comes to SAFETY.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 3 Agenda You will see a video on Laboratory Safety. This is OSHA (29 CFR ). We will discuss Hazardous Waste Disposal EPA (40 CFR 260) We will talk about Personal Protective Equipment: OSHA (29 CFR ) We will end with Emergency Notification
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 4 Overview The University of Akron has a large number of toxic chemicals. If not handled properly, they could hurt this community. OSHA has a General Duty Clause: The University must provide a safe working (studying) environment to us. However, we must also obey the safety policies established by The University. We are accountable for a safe environment.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 5 Vocabulary OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration. EPA: Environmental Protection Agency NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet CHP: Chemical Hygiene Plan PPM: Personal Protective Equipment
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 6 What OSHA Requires Employee Occupational Safety & Health Review OSH Acts and Standards Review Campus Required Safety Programs Know About Hazards in Workplace Inform OSHA Safety Training Follow Standards & Campus Safety Rules Hazards Communication Standards Personal Protection Equipment
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 7 What EPA Requires Protection of the Environment (1970 +) Clean Air Act (Pollutants Identified) Clean Water Act (Integrity of Waters) Safe Drinking Water Act (Set Standards) RCRA (Hazardous Waste Disposal) Right To-Know (Hazmat, Lead, Asbestos) Pesticides
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 8 Your Rights Recognize & Report Hazardous Situations Take Safety Training Seriously –Understand and Follow OSHA Rules –Know Hazards Associated With Your Job –Know Protection Required To Avoid Exposure –Complain to OSHA –Review OSHA Citations
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 9 THE NRC Contact the Radiation Safety Officer if you are using X-Ray generating equipment or will be doing radiation research. There is an initial training to complete. S/he must approve the purchase of all radioisotopes.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 10 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL Do not sewer chemicals Pour Organic Solvent Waste into RED containers and transfer to Room 133 Pour Aqueous Waste into WHITE containers and take to Room 133 Number and List all Unused chemicals and call for a pick up. Label and Identify all waste
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 12 REGULATIONS Hazardous Waste Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1976). 40 CFR , 273 Ohio Adm. Code –Analysis of waste –Proper storage on site –Proper transportation manifest preparation –Proper disposal off-site –Contingency plan –Worker training
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 13 REGULATIONS Biological Waste Federal Regulation 49 CFR Ohio Adm. Code –Management of Infectious waste, pathogens, medical waste, sharps, needles, blades –Generator of 50 Lbs/month or more must register. –Segregation of waste at point of origin –Bags/containers with universal biohazard symbol –Autoclaving… Disposal off-site
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 14 IDENTIFICATION OF REGULATED WASTE Any substance with a potential of hazard to human health or to the environment –Ignitability (Flash point < 140 F) –Corrosivity (pH 12.5 –Reactivity (Unstable -Explosion, detonation) –Toxicity (Poisons) Listed Waste –Four Lists [F-non specific, K-Industry specific, P- unused acute, U-discarded commercial toxic Universal Waste –Batteries, Pesticides, Mercury-containing products
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 15 Regulated Waste Management NO CHEMICAL WASTE TO SEWER All Ignitable wastes (pH = 7) in RED Jugs All Corrosive wastes in WHITE Jugs Attach a NOTE detailing info on all “Unknowns” Assign #s on containers and LIST unused chemicals before calling EOHS All containers must be sealed or capped A LOG describing the waste must accompany all JUGS
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 16 Miscellaneous Empty Containers –Allow solvent residue to vaporize under hood –Rinse corrosives three times –Remove lids and hazardous labels –Deface warning labels –Place glass in designated container Work with EOHS to remove your waste before you leave the University
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 17 TRAINING Hunt for waste in your area Label all containers Segregate your waste Collaborate with EOHS Be responsible: You are a GENERATOR Call 6866 or 7766
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 18 Pollution Prevention Contain all spills (Consult your Emergency Response Guide) Order only the amount of chemicals that you need (Source Control) Update your Chemical Inventory often and call us to help you discard excess chemicals Institute Waste Minimization (Approaches to reduce volume or toxicity of waste) Make sure that you have a spill kit nearby
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 19 Waste Disposal Waste going into RED Containers must be NEUTRALIZED. Corrosives can be kept in original bottles Used vacuum pump oil can be poured into the original containers. “Unknowns” will not be accepted. “Unlabelled” containers will not be accepted.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 20 MSDS You must request MSDS when you order chemicals. You must compile and understand MSDS before using any chemical You need to maintain and update your chemical inventory. Your chemical inventory must match your MSDS data bank
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 21 Personal Protection Eye: Wear glasses, goggles. Consult your doctor for contact lenses/MSDS Hand: Wear Appropriate gloves Feet: Cover your feet. Sandals? Body: Wear a lab coat. Shorts are not allowed. Respiratory Protection: Work in hoods, glove boxes.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 22 Respiratory Protection DO NOT wear a respirator without clearance from EOHS. Medical examination required Respiratory Training Needed –Fit Testing –Cartridge Selection –Respiratory care –Respirator Assignment
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 23 Where to Get More Information 911 to Campus Police 7415 for Work orders, Repairs (PFOC) 6866 Department of Safety 7766 Waste Disposal (Francois) 5712 Radiation safety (Jason) 5372 Indoor Air Quality (Alex) 6867 Fire Extinguishers (Jennifer)
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 24 Right to Know You, the researcher, have a right to know about the hazardous chemicals you use on the job and how to work safely with those chemicals.
9/10/2015 Institute of Polymer Science 25 NFPA and HMIS Information Health = Blue Flammability = Red Reactivity = Yellow Other hazards or special handling = White Scale: 0 (no hazard) to 4 (extreme hazard)