Exploring ways of using formative feedback to improve student engagement with simulation modules. Vicky Thirlaway Amy Musgrove.


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring ways of using formative feedback to improve student engagement with simulation modules. Vicky Thirlaway Amy Musgrove

Assessment for Learning Assessment "of" learning or assessment "for" learning? "Backwash" effect of assessment (Biggs, 1996) "Authentic" assessment increases engagement Assessment must be seen to be "valid"

Simulation Tasks Case simulation is used in many different disciplines now, as it allows students access to "real world" activities. Assessments within a simulation often demand that students demonstrate new skills Feedback has to be an integral part of any assessment for learning strategy (Black and Wiliam 1998, Parkin et al, 2012) Simply creating formative tasks related to the learning objectives may not be sufficient to convince the students of their value.

Engagement, or just interest? The two terms are not necessarily synonymous (Handley et al 2011) Students may be interested in an activity, and be able to see it's worth, but will not necessarily engage with it (Coles 2009) Students may express a preference for "alternative" assessments, but see them as labour intensive and, crucially, may not understand what is required (Sambell et al 1997)

Suggested formats for formative assessment "Traditional" practice question Computer generated feedback (eg MCQ's) - non-judgmental (Beeves et al 2010 cited in Jordan, 2012) and allows private mistakes (Miller 2008), relatively low tutor workload.

Adding the element of compulsion Multi-staged assessment, with peer review (Carless et al 2011) Multi-staged assessment with tutor feedback Student as assessor

References Biggs JB (1996) "Assessing learning quality: Reconciling institutional, staff and educational demands" Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 21: 5–16. Black, P and Wiliam, D (1998) "Assessment and classroom learning" Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice" 5(1): 7-73 Cauley, K, M and McMillan, J. H (2010) “Formative Assessment Techniques to support student motivation and achievement” The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 83:1, 1-6 Carless, D, D. Salter, M, Yang, and J. Lam. (2011) "Developing sustainable feedback practices" Studies in Higher Education 36, no. 4: 395–407. Clark, I (2008) "Assessment is for Learning: Formative Assessment and Positive Learning Interactions" Florida Journal of Educational Adminsitration & Policy 2(1): 1-15 Clarke, I (2012) “Formative Assessment: Assessment is for self-regulated learning” Educ Psychol Rev, 24, Coles, C (2009) "The Role of New Technology in Improving Engagement among Law Students in Higher Education", Journal of Information, Law & Technology (JILT), 3, Duncan, N. (2007) "Feedforward’: Improving students’ use of tutors’ comments." Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 32, no. 3: 271–83. Gikandi, J. W, Morrow, D and Davis, N. E (2011) “Online formative assessment in higher education: A review of the literature” Computers and Education, 57, Handley, K, Price, M and Millar, J (2011) “Beyond ‘doing time’: Investigating the concept of student engagement with feedback” Oxford Review of Education, vol37, No.4, Aug 2011, Jordan, S (2012) “Student engagement with assessment and feedback: Some lessons from short-answer free-text e-assessment questions” Computers and Education, Mann, S.J. (2001) "Alternative perspectives on the student experience: alienation and engagement" Studies in Higher Education, 26(1): 7-19 McDowell, L. ‘Assessment for Learning’ in L. Clouder & Broughan (eds) (2012) “Improving Student Engagement and Development Through Assessment” London: Taylor & Francis Miller, T (2008) “Formative computer-based assessment in higher education: The effectiveness of feedback in supporting student learning.” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (2), Orsmond, P, Maw, S, Park, S, Gomez, S & Crook, A. (2013): Moving feedback forward: theory to practice, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 38:2, Parkin, H. J, Hepplestone, S, Holden, G Irwin, B and Thorpe, L (2012) “A role for technology in enhancing students’ engagement with feedback” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Vo.37, No.8, Dec 2012, Price, M, Handley, K and Millar, J (2011) “Feedback: Focusing attention on engagement.” Studies in Higher Education, Vol.36, No.8, Dec 2011, Schartel, S. A (2012) “Giving Feedback: An integral part of education” Best Practice and Clinical Anaesthesiology, 26, Sambell, K, McDowell, L and Brown, S (1997) “'But is it fair?' an exploratory study of student perceptions of the consequential validity of assessment” Studies in Educational Evaluation 23 (4), pp Wingate, U (2010) “The impact of formative feedback on the development of academic writing” Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, vol.35, No.5, Aug 2010,