Work Package 3 PROCEDURAL HARMONISATION Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures FixO3 General Assembly 14 th to the 16 th October 2014, Heraklion-CRETE Pericles Silva, NationaI nstitute for Fisheries Development.
WP 3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures Part of the Cape Verde Observatory which consists of operational atmosphere and ocean monitoring sites for various climate-relevant environmental parameters in the tropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean. MOORING: 17.6°N 24.3°W, HIDROSTATION: 17° ' N -24° ' E MOORING April present description Measurements: Salinity, Temperature, Pressure, Oxygen, pCO2, ADCP, Currents, Sediment Trap, Fluorometer. (instruments, sensors, etc), CTD sensors on RV Islandia: Sea-Bird SBE 32 (12 niskins, 5L) Sea-Bird SBE 19plus (CTD) Sea-Bird SBE 33 (deck unit) Sea_Bird SBE 5T (pump) Sea-Bird SBE 43 (oxygen) Biospherical QSP-2350 (PAR) Biospherical QSP-2200 (PAR deck) WETLabs ECO FLNTURT (fluorescence/turbidity) LABORATORY Key persons involved data management: Bjoern Fiedler – Data manager (GEOMAR) Pericles Silva – Site Manager (INDP)
WP 3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures Before sailing should test the operation of the - Carousel verifying communication with the CTD, recording data. All sampling bottles must be cleaned, tubes, gluves, reagents prepared, etc Maintenance/service: before and after all cruises. Calibration issues: should be done annualy (no budged). GPS loger connected for tracking.
WP 3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures At the station, the CTD is prepared for the casts. Lower equipment to a depth of 7 m and keep that level for 5 minutes for the sensor to reach equilibrium. The downcast must be at a rate of 0.75 to 1 m s-1 to the desired depth (500m) Means: R/V Islandia After cast: Samples collected immediately. CTD rinsed with fresh water; pump filled with Milli-Q water; connection with silicone. Samples stored. Parameters: Salinity, Temperature, Nutrients, DO, DIC, TOC, POC/PON, TA, Chl-a Fluorescence/Turbidity, Photoactive radiation (PAR)
Data processing for each cruise consists of converting the raw data in scientific units from which variables of interest are calculated and some lab. Analyses. Data transfer: Laboratory analyses: after cruises for DO, Nuts, Chl-a Data post processing: Data, metadata sent to GEOMAR. WP 3 – Procedural Harmonisation Task 3.1: Assessment of procedures