“A FORD, NOT A LINCOLN…” Gerald Ford became Pres. when Nixon resigned. Not an exciting guy… His economic strategy, “WIN”: Whip Inflation Now. He hoped Americans would stop over-using gas He also cut back money supply/inflation Led to worst economy since the Great Depression
“A FORD, NOT A LINCOLN…” Ford continued to negotiate with Commies Even got the Soviets to sign the “Helsinki Accords” Doc. that pledge all countries will improve human rights in their own countries
PEANUT FARMER PRESIDENT Jimmy Carter was a quiet, humble, trustworthy former- governor of Georgia Everything Nixon wasn’t… He tended to stay isolated in Washington, didn’t reach out even to other Democrats
PEANUT FARMER PRESIDENT Carter made energy and the environment a big deal for his administration The National Energy Act tried to ease our gas- guzzling ways and promote “green energy” When OPEC raised oil prices again in 1979, Carter appeared to just give up
PEANUT FARMER PRESIDENT Our economy shifting towards services instead of manufacturing required a higher- trained work force We “outsourced” manufacturing jobs to competitors like Japan and South Korea Carter did hire many minorities into high govt. positions… But he did not pass much Civil Rights laws
PEANUT FARMER PRESIDENT Carter emphasized human rights in foreign policy And would negotiate with leaders who treated their people poorly He increased tensions with the Soviets And didn’t end up supporting SALT II on missile launchers signed
CARTER IN THE MIDDLE EAST Carter jumped in and saved peace talks between Egypt and Israel in 1977 They met with him in at Camp David and signed the Camp David Accords Israel has still had problems with its other Arab neighbors…
CARTER IN THE MIDDLE EAST 1979 Iranian Revolution: hard-core Islamists overthrow the U.S.-backed “shah” (king) They also take over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran (the capital) and hold 52 American hostages Negotiations w/ Carter failed, they were released hours after Reagan took office
CARTER SINCE HIS PRESIDENCY Founded the “Carter Center” that promotes democratic elections, peace, and helping poor countries This group won the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize