Pre-University Engineering Education in the IEEE August 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Moshe Kam, Douglas Gorham Educational Activities
A Few Words about IEEE l IEEE is the largest professional engineering association in the world l 367,000 members in 150 countries l A 501(c)3 organization in incorporated in New York l Originally concentrating on power engineering and communications IEEE at present spans technical interests across the spectrum of technology l From nanotechnology to oceanic engineering l In many respects IEEE has become “the steward of Engineering”
Early Presidents Alexander G. BellElihu ThomsonCharles SteinmetzFrank Sprague
A few more recent Presidents Leah Jamieson Joseph Bordogna Michael Lightner Wallace Read
AIEE IRE l Established 1884 l in Philadelphia l An American Organization l Representing the establishment l Rooted in Power Engineering l First computers working group l Now the Computer Society l Established 1908 l An international Organization l Open to students, young professionals l Quick to adopt advances in radar, radio, TV, electronics, computers l Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers (January 1913) 1963: Merger of AIEE and IRE to create IEEE
What is IEEE? l A membership organization l A major creator and guardian of technical IP l A mechanism to bring people of common technical interests together l both geographically and disciplinarily l A guardian of the future of Engineering l An implementer of technology-related public Imperatives
What is IEEE? l A membership organization l A major creator and guardian of technical IP l A mechanism to bring people of common technical interests together l both geographically and disciplinarily l A guardian of the future of Engineering l An implementer of technology-related public Imperatives
What does IEEE do? l Publishes literature in engineering, technology and computing l Organizes conferences l Develops standards l Gets engineers and technologists from different locales together l Organizes professional activities among engineering students l Educates the public about Engineering
What does IEEE do? l Publishes literature in engineering, technology and computing l Organizes conferences l Develops standards l Gets engineers and technologists from different locales together l Organizes professional activities among engineering students l Educates the public about Engineering
Why is IEEE interested in pre- university engineering education? l Because it is in our stated and un-stated mission l Because in many IEEE Sections there is marked decline in the interest of young people in Engineering l This is bad for the future of these communities and would have a negative impact on their standard of living l Because we do not believe the problem is going to be tackled effectively without us l Industry does not appear to be able to address the problem directly l Governments do not appear sufficiently concerned (yet) l Other engineering associations look up to us
What is the Problem? l Flat or declining engineering enrollments in most developed nations l Coupled with disappointing performance of youth in Mathematics l E.g., “free fall” in Scandinavia l Insufficient number of engineers and engineering educational programs in most developing countries l Asia is far behind Europe and the US in number of engineers per capita
Some of the problems are related to national policy Country Public expenditures on education R&D investment per capita (1M people) Argentina 3.5%0.013% Brazil 5.1%0.004% Ecuador 3.5%l.t 0.001% Peru 2.9%l.t 0.001% Austria 5.4%0.2% Spain 5.0%0.02% UNESCO World Education Report
Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded Science degrees include life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, engineering, manufacturing, and building Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
New baccalaureate engineering degrees per year per million citizens (2004) CountryNumber of degrees per million citizens USA468.3 China271.1 India103.7 SA36.5
What is the Problem? l Women & minority students conspicuously under-represented l Public perception of engineers/ engineering/ technology is largely misinformed l Resulting in early decisions that block the path of children to Engineering
Engineering degrees US:
B.Sc Degrees in Engineering by Gender, US:
Engineering Degrees Awarded to women, US:
Engineering has a problem of image
From Law It helps to be…Are you ready to… fascinated by the relationship between law and society engage in intense discussion of thorny legal problems ?
From Broadcast Journalism It helps to be…Are you ready to… sharp of mind and quick of tongue learn how to find and interview sources?
From Civil Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… A problem-solver who’s creative, curious, logical, and a fan of math. Spend hours and hours working on problem sets and design projects?
From Civil Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… A problem-solver who’s creative, curious, logical, and a fan of math. Spend hours and hours working on problem sets and design projects?
From Civil Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… A problem-solver who’s creative, curious, logical, and a fan of math. Spend hours and hours working on problem sets and design projects?
From Mechanical Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… A fan of science and math, a creative problem solver, and someone who likes to take things apart to find out how they work. Rely on your math skills? Master difficult scientific concepts? Take on a heavy course load? Spend five years as an undergrad…
From Electrical Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… A fan of science and math who’s curious about the way things work Spend hours building detailed, complicated systems Try, try, and try again when at first a project doesn’t succeed
In many countries in the Western Hemisphere, student achievements in mathematics are low
OECD Program for International Student Assessment Mathematics, 15 year old students The United States Finland, Korea, the Netherlands, Japan Mexico
Some data points for Brazil l Currently almost all students ages 7-14 (96.4%) attend school– up from 80.9% in 1980 l Currently 83.0 % of students ages attend school– up from 49.7% in 1980 l Literacy rates for people ages 15 and older= 88.2% l As of 2002, Brazilians averaged 6.2 years of formal education (compared with 11 years in South Korea and 8 years in Argentina) l Brazil invests 4.3% of its GDP on education. The overall goal is 7%. Edudata Brasil (
Pre-university activities in IEEE
On Line Portal “Strong On-line presence”
The Web provides us with high potential for reachability l A successful portal can become a major resource for students, parents, school counselors, and teachers l But success is difficult in an ever-crowded medium l Effort needs to be coupled with more modern tools l Instant messaging, podcasts l A comprehensive portal on engineering for young people l Original target audience: young people ages 8-18 l Designed to convey excitement about engineering and design l Can-do attitude l Hands-on experience l Positive image of the engineering process and engineering l “Discover the creative engineer in you” A portal for students, parents, school counselors and teachers School search By location, program, environment Day in the life of an engineer Hands-on and virtual projects Class plans for teaching engineering design Ask an engineer Brought to you by SAE Ask a student Brought to you by JETS GamesSummer camps, internship opportunities
Unique features l School search l Ask an Engineer l Ask a Student l Coming up: Opportunities l Pre-university students: summer camps, science fairs l University students: research opportunities, summer and co-op jobs l Graduating students: graduate study opportunities, academic jobs
On-line Presence: TryEngineering l is becoming an increasingly popular resource for the pre- university and university communities: l 28,800 = average # of visitors per month l 126,835 = average # of page hits per month l 4,727 = average number of university searches per month l 10,223= average # of lesson downloads per month l 1821= number of questions submitted to Ask an Expert Statistics as of 1 August 2007
Countries of Users: English Version l US (70%) l India (5%) l China (3.3%) l Canada l United Kingdom l Austria l Australia l Malaysia l Germany l Japan l Thailand l South Africa l Korea l Brazil
Most Requested Files: Lesson Plans l Build a robot arm l Close to 17,000 downloads l Cracking the Code (bar codes) l Critical Load (Civil Engineering)
New University Searches: 15 Countries l Australia l Brazil l Canada l Pakistan l France l Germany l India l Japan l Korea l Mexico l New Zealand l Malaysia l South Africa l United Kingdom l United States What’s new
New Languages 中文 Chinese DeutschGerman EspañolSpanish FrançaisFrench 邦人 Japanese русскийRussian What’s new 1 June 2007
Usage-- New Languages LanguageHitsVisitors Chinese Spanish Russian French German Japanese Since 1 June 2007
A New Original Game: Questioneering What’s new Question: The following are examples of word processing applications: (A)LaTex and Microsoft Word (B)MIDI and RS-232 (C)Pdf and PCM (D)QWERTY and AZERTY Questions created by 26 graduate students, engineers, and engineering professors
A New Original Game: Questioneering What’s new Question: Artificial neural networks are... (A)Brain implants designed by biomedical engineers (B)Models of interconnected processors used for signal processing and computation (C)Neuron architectures present in people who were in bad brain accidents (D)Internet discussion groups devoted to Cognitive Science We are looking for an Intern to provide players with more feedback
Future services – focus on the University/College Student l Effective oral and written presentations l Job search and preparation for interview l Writing a resume l Looking for graduate school l Graduate school homepage already available through University Search What’s new
Future Services – interviews with students and practitioners l Interviews with students from California State University, Northridge and Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA l Interviews with ECE and Biomedical Engineering practitioners engaged in Biometrics work
Future services: l Introduction to Accreditation l List of recognized accrediting bodies worldwide l And the programs they accredit l List of mutual recognition agreements l Including original texts and commentary l Policy papers on accreditation l Links and scholarly papers Coming in August 2007
Teacher In Service Program “Engineering in the Classroom”
The Teacher In Service Program (TISP) l A program that trains IEEE volunteers to work with pre-university teachers l Based on approved Lesson Plans l Prepared by IEEE volunteers l Tested in classrooms l Associated with Education Standards l Designed to highlight engineering design principles l Low cost
How does it work? l Section volunteers run a TISP training event l EAB provides logistical support and instructors l Volunteers gather for a day and a half of training l With teachers and school administrators l l Volunteers spread the program in their school districts
Pre-university Engineering Education in the IEEE August 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Moshe Kam, Douglas Gorham Educational Activities
What we have done l Boston (R1) l Indianapolis (R4) l Memphis (R3) l Kuala Lumpur (R10) l Cape Town (R8) 2007 l Piura, Peru (R9)* l Rio de Janeiro (R9) l Baltimore (R2) l Dallas (R5) *= student branch model
Expected Attendance 2007 VenueExpected Attendance Actual Attendance Piura from 3 countries Rio de Janeiro from 16 countries Dallas Baltimore40-60?
Recent information “From the Field” l Six new programs in South Africa l To subject advisors and educators l Total number of affected teachers will be more than 700 l Four new programs in Malaysia l 160 teachers l Three new programs in the Florida West Coast Section l 90 teachers
Activity Sample ersity/tispt/lessons.html ersity/tispt/slessons.html
Rotational Equilibrium: A Question of Balance Demonstrate the concept of rotational equilibrium, by building and testing a Mobile
Build working models with household items
Design and Build a Better Candy Bag Lesson Focus l Demonstrate how product design differences can affect the success of a final product l in this case a bag for holding candy. l Students work in pairs to evaluate, design, and build a better candy bag
New Lesson Plans Give Binary A TryComputer arithmetic and ALU design Hand Biometrics TechnologyBiometrics Sail AwayWatercraft design Simple Kitchen MachinesSimple Machines Dispenser DesignsDesign: user satisfaction, costs, materials Engineering Ups and DownsElevators Build a Big WheelFerris Wheels What’s new
Additional New Lesson Plans l Sort it Out l Sticky Engineering Challenge l Ship the Chip l Move That Lighthouse! l A Question of Balance l Program Your Own Game l Engineering Air Traffic l Pipeline Challenge l Infrared Investigations l Hull Engineering l Engineered Sports l Engineered Memory l Wind Tunnel Testing What’s new
Questions and comments
References l Edudata Brasil ( l COELHO DE SOUZA, Marcos Medeiros. O Analfabetismo no Brasil sob o Enfoque Demografico. Ipea. Brasilia, 1999 ( l IBGE ( html) l Universidade de Brasilia- Assessoria de Comunicacao ( l Politica Educacional- O Desafio da Qualidade ( om_content&task=view&id=251&Itemid=2)
l $300-$500 per year will sustain a very active teacher in-service program. l EAB will support your Section for 12 months following this workshop l This support is for the cost of materials and supplies to conduct a TISP session with local pre-university educators Counting the Cost
Design and Build a Better Candy Bag Region 9 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Douglas Gorham, Educational Activities Nico Beute, South Africa Section
Principles & Standards for School Mathematics l Geometry: l Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems l Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three- dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships l Problem Solving: l Recognize and apply geometric ideas in areas outside of the mathematics classroom l Apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies l Communication: l Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others
National Science Education Standards Standard E: Science and Technology l Abilities to distinguish between natural objects and objects made by humans l Abilities of technological design l Understandings about science and technology l Communicate the process of technological design
Standards for Technological Literacy Students will develop an understanding of… l Standard 8. the attributes of design. l Standard 10. the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. Students will develop… l Standard 11. the abilities to apply the design process. l Standard 20. an understanding of and be able to select and use construction technologies.
Outline and Procedures l Divide into pairs l Brainstorm and create a sketch of your design l Build a model of your design with given materials: a limit of 1 meter of tape per team l Calculate the approximate volume of the bag l Predict how much weight the bag might hold l Test the strength of your bag l Discuss and agree upon a redesigned bag l Rebuild your prototype bag l Retest the strength of your bag l Answer reflection questions as a team
Reflection l What was one thing you liked about your design? l What is one thing you would change about your design based on your experience? l How did the materials provided impact your design? l How might you incorporate this activity into your classroom instruction?