Social Media Tools Project Laquita Bradford Shanna Brantley Haley Larimore Jillian Eshelman Elishia Powell
Pros of using social media tools Social networking sites allow people to create new relationships and reconnect with friends and family. Increased communication, even online, strengthens relationships. Social media tools enhance student engagement. Improve communication among teachers and students. Prepare students for successful employment. Overall, we enjoyed all of the social media tools. The tools were very beneficial to all of us and we will continue to use them in the future.
Cons of using social media Too much time online. Teens growing up with these sites may not be aware that the information they post is public and that photos and text can be retrieved even after deletion. Parents could be uncomfortable with their child using social media. Language barriers could make students uncomfortable.
Refining E-Learning Skills E-Learning skills were heightened using the Wimba, Facebook, the blog, blackboard, and collaborating online with different members of the class. Another pro to e-learning would be being able to communicate with people in different parts of the city and even different parts of the world without driving to meet them. Many college classes are going to e-learning and this is great for students so they do not have to travel to class. A downside to E-learning would be that if your microphone, speakers, or WIFI do not work correctly, it is hard to understand people and participate in the collaborations.
Successes Experienced Worked around audio problems in Wimba by using the chat area Successfully used all social media tools (Wimba, Facebook, Collaborate, etc.) Computer would not run Wimba. It allowed those with similar interests to connect and converse. It allows professionals to network more easily.
Failures Experienced Connection issues Problems with audio on Wimba Forgot to log-in at specific times Hard to hear/understand others in Wimba and Collaborate. Used phone to call in to Wimba.
How can teachers use social media to increase awareness of cultural diversity? Cultural awareness occurs when you are aware of your and others culture. Cultural awareness becomes central when we have to interact with people from other cultures. Social media sites can be used for interactive projects and maintaining appropriate lines of communication.
How can teachers use social media? Use Facebook apps and groups like Flashcards and WeRead to make learning fun. Allow students to use Pinterest for demonstrations and projects. Create a class blog, and post weekly homework assignments on it and newsletters. Record your lessons and post them on YouTube, so students can review them whenever they want.
Blogs What is a blog? -A blog is a Web tool that allows authors to quickly and easily self-publish text, artwork, and links to other people for discussion. Why use blogs? –Student-teacher friendly –Have educational benefits –Helps maintain classroom management
Social Media Tools Project Laquita Bradford Shanna Brantley Haley Larimore Jillian Eshelman Elishia Powell