Time Table exchange QSAS / CL / CAA / AMDA CESR, 25/26 feb. 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Time Table exchange QSAS / CL / CAA / AMDA CESR, 25/26 feb. 2008

We all use time as an ordering quantity Goals of this meeting 1/ Context - Define time tables : TT - Show the scientific interest of TT exchange (see use case presentation) - See how time is handled in our different systems 2/ Actions - Define a common TT format - Define an exchange protocole for communication between services / centres / tools - Define TT management tools : merge, intersect, extend, shift (SW) 3/ Perspectives Think beyond time tables : catalogues of statistical parametres (mean, max, min)

Time Table management with AMDA Automated Multi Dataset Analysis cdpp-amda.cesr.fr

-What is AMDA ? - objectives - functionalities -How does the information circulate inside AMDA ? - parameters - TT -Communication between centres / services / tools - External data : CDAWeb, MAPSKP - CAA connexion demo

… for simple browse, building catalogues, performing statistics Objectives Ease manipulation of data from heterogeneous origins … Plot Combine Search Download Mission Instrument Resolution Local Remote User owned

1/ Activity 2/ Data 3/ Time frame Using AMDA Select

The parameter level A parameter is any time series : - magnetic or electric field vector - particles moments - indices combinations of the previous  valid on a given time range  at a given time resolution  used for : - plotting - searching - downloading,... 17/11/ /12/2005 Sampling 4s The file organisation inside the archive is hidden to the user

New parameter contruction 1/2 mouse clicks define time resolution define parameter name supply description

Save new parameter in user workspace The newly constructed parameter is now an element of the database. It is computed on the fly only when it is needed (virtual object concept). Parameters from -different missions -different instruments -with different time resolution may be conbined New parameter contruction 2/2

Tools are implemented : -‘time shifting’ to account for time lag between instruments, -‘resampling’ to account for resolution difference between instruments.

The Time Table level an easy way to communicate information between data centres/archives - Time tables, or event lists, are a collection of times when ‘something’ happens or time spans when some conditions are true. - They are usually manually created and managed by scientists for their own need or the one of restricted community. - AMDA enhances the potentialities of these objects by offering a generic tool to create, handle and communicate them between databases/archives and users. These time-tables may be used for : - extracting sub-databases, - executing massive and/or interactive treatments, - creating catalogues, - serving as reference in the community

Create a time table : 1- Conditional Search Edit a condition with mathematical operators/functions mouse clicks T  /T // > 1 Define time span or use a time table

An example: search of the events when the cross-tail current is “encircled” by CLUSTER Test: X1< -10 Re BX 1 * BX 2 * BX 3 * BX 4 > 0 min([BX 1 BX 2 BX 3 BX 4 ]) < 0 max([BX 1 BX 2 BX 3 BX 4 ]) > 0 Looking for the time periods when 2 s/c are above the neutral sheet and the 2 other ones are below magnetic field magnetic field X coordinate

Create a time table : 2- Visual Inspection Record intervals of interest by mouse clicks

The time table may be edited in the user workspace

Tables may be exported in VOTable format TT format

VOTable latest release: Version August 11, 2004 VO standard and as such supported by IVOA VOTable is designed as a flexible storage and exchange format for tabular data, with particular emphasis on astronomical tables.

Complex tables (catalogues) may be produced : - with multiple time tags - associated parameters : average, max, min - geographic information -...

Service 1 Service 2 Magnetospheric data Service 3 Service 4 Solar archive Ionosphere Thermosphere archive KP archive 2 KP archive 2 HR archive 1 HR archive 2 Time table - AMDA What were the input conditions ? What are the consequences ? Time table circulation in a multi-archive environment applying delay

Interface for building the external base data tree External Bases User build data tree CDAWeb MAPSKP CDPP …

External data tree Local base External base user-extract Parameters are available on the fly which implies : - data downloading (3 days at a time) - format transformation - building the AMDA parameter

Local Database AMDA System CDAWeb CDPP MAPSKP Connexion à des bases externes others

Connexion to CAA

Time Tables at CDAWeb

Conjunction Event Finder for

Architecture d’AMDA