HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 VO-oriented activities of the CDPP M. Gangloff, E. Budnik, M. Bouchemit C. Jacquey, V. Génot, N. André, B. Cecconi, B. Lavraud Key points of the CDPP activities:Involvement in SPASE Searchable registries AMDA IVOA connection (OV-France) Projects under development: EUROPLANET/IDIS Time-Table exchange (CAA, CDPP, QSAS, CL) Project in perspective:HELIO-2
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 EuroPlaNet What is EuroPlaNet ? What is IDIS ? Current status EuroPlaNet Resource inventory IDIS Plasma Node Registry Demonstrator IDIS Plasma Node Science Demonstrator –What is AMDA ? –Access remote data in AMDA Current status ( data tree as a whole ) The future ( selected data only) –Lessons learned –Event tables management with AMDA The future of EuroPlaNet ( )
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 What is EuroPlaNet ? A European network for the development of planetary sciences in Europe Coordinates different activities : N1-Management N2-Discipline working group N3-Coordination of earth-based and space observations N4-Outreach N5-Personnel exchanges N6-Meetings and conferences N7-Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) IDIS will provide a common and user-friendly access to the data and information produced by the various types of research activities IDIS is the first step towards a European Planetary VO
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008
EuroPlaNet IDIS Architecture IDIS TOP NODE europlanet-idis.fi Interiors and Surfaces DLR Berlin Atmospheres IPSL/SA Paris Plasma Sciences IWF Graz CDPP Toulouse Small bodies and Dust INAF-IFSI Rome Other labs Node structure
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Current status of IDIS Every node provides a web server with a list of resources Every node implements a prototype of searchable registry of resources in XML according to the SPASE model The Plasma Node implements 2 demonstrators : registry and science
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Plasma Node Registry Demonstrator –Set of XML descriptors of planetary plasma data (MAPSKP, VEX, MEX ) –Compliant with the SPASE data model –eXist database (native XML, parameter level) –Search engine ( measurement type, region) –Goals: demonstration and experimentation
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Plasma Node Registry Search Engine : Search criteria: –Time span –Measurement type –Observed region –Resource type ( numerical data, display data or catalog) Response: –Spase Xml descriptor –Possibility to use XSL style sheet to customize presentation
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Plasma Node registry Interface Possibility to select a measurement type
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Response is a list of SPASE descriptors
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Plasma Node Science Demonstrator Based on the AMDA Service Access remote data (MAPSKP, Vex- MAG,HST) with a SPASE compatible description
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 AMDA Automated Mutiple Dataset Analysis Multi spacecraft and multi-instrument data Visualisation User defined parameter computation Standard model computation Data and computed parameter extraction Automated or visual search on the data AMDA local database (CLUSTER, ACE, THEMIS, GEOTAIL, WIND, …, ISEE) Access to remote databases (CDAWeb, MAPSKP, THEMIS/CESR, …) Visualisation Parameter editor Download data Conditional or Visual search Remote data access Time-Table manager Service Possible to get a « guest « account for a limited period (one hour) or a permanent login
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Data access in AMDA Local DB
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 AMDA : external tree Select data on a remote server Save parameter to user’s workspace
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Access remote data in AMDA Spase Compatible Registry Local DB MAPSKP(remote) VEX-MAG (remote) HST (remote) AMDA GetAvailableData GetDatasetInfo GetDatasetURLs
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Plasma Node registry interfaces Registry Spase XML Descriptors MapsKP server Daily update (data) (metadata) describes WEB SERVICES getAvailableData data tree getDatasetInfo spase descriptor getDatasetURLs URLs of granules AMDA Build data treeBuild parameters Wget(datasetURLs ) XQUERY
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Registry Spase XML Descriptors MapsKP server Daily update (data) (metadata) describes WEB SERVICES getAvailableData (measurementType= ThermalPlasma) data tree getDatasetInfo spase descriptor getDatasetURLs URLs of granules AMDA Build data treeBuild parameters Wget(datasetURLs ) XQUERY Plasma Node registry interfaces
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Lessons learned The SPASE model may be used for the EuroPlaNet IDIS Plasma Node Some additions/modifications needed to read data files Need to update some lists (coordinate systems, regions)
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Cassini coordinate systems not available in the SPASE lists [KSM, KSO, KG]
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Use « ParameterKey » to read Elements
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Time [UTC] Bx By Bz |B| T00:00: T00:01: T00:02: T00:03: An example of Data File : Magnetic Field in KG Coordinates Field 0Field 1Field2Field3Field4 Parameter key
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 FLOAT FLOAT An auxiliary XML descriptor is used to describe information needed to access the tabular data in an ASCII file
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 The future of EuroPlaNet ( ) Key challenge for FP 7 Datamodel (s) for planetology The CDPP will be responsible for this work package
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Event tables management in AMDA Time (or Event) Tables are collections of times when ‘something’ happens or time spans when some conditions are true. Currently produced and managed « manually » by the scientists for their own use or for a community of users. AMDA is increasing the possibilities of these tables : it provides a generic tool to create, manage and share these objects How to generate Time tables with AMDA : With the search tool based on mathematical criteria applied to the contents of the data With the visual search tool AMDA can ingest Time Tables : Coming from statistical studies ( e.g magnetopause crossing lists ) Produced by users Current status:
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 VISUAL SEARCH Record intervals of interest in time table by mouse click
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Edit search criteria with math operators or functions Define a time interval
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Edit search criteria with math operators or functions Define a time interval
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Time Table generated by CDPP; Conditions: MOM_C1(6)/MOM_C1(5)>1; Source: AMDA Search ; Creation Date : Tue Jun 3 14:10: ; CDPP time tag for beginning of interval time tag for end of interval T02:00: T04:10: T04:40: T06:20: T06:30: T07:10:00 An example of Time Table generated with AMDA Tables may be exported in VOTable Format (IVOA Standard to exchange tabular data) Management of Time Tables
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 time tag for beginning of interval time tag for end of interval Geomagnetic Latitude Geomagnetic Longitude Local Time of onset T02:00: T04:10:
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 Event tables : Next step Exchange of standardized time tables between data centres, services, tools. A complete description of a time table may be difficult : –Description of the data source –Description of search criteria : visual, mathematical –Description of the methods used (models, …) Use Spase « catalog » resource ? A project started (early 2008) : Exchange of TT between CAA QSAS CL and AMDA
HDMC VxO SPASE June 2008 In perspective : HELIO 2 Virtual Observatory for the 4D heliosphere VO for solar and solar system plasma data Allow search, access, extraction of data Provide tools and services for : feature recognition catalogue management data mining … Call: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES , September 11, 2008 Likely interfaces with US VxOs and EUROPLANET-IDIS