COMMON COLLOCATIONS FOR CAUSE EFFECT ESSAYS What is collocation? collocations are two or more words that commonly go together Give examples Using them correctly can add to the sophistication of your writing.
PHRASAL VERB COLLOCATIONS Bring about Cause Bring fortheffect Give rise to Lead to Effect Result fromcause See page 65 for sample sentences
Immediate cause Underlying cause Likely cause Unlikely cause See page 65 Desired effect Full effect Modest effect ADJECTIVE AND NOUN COLLOCATIONS
IDIOM COLLOCATIONS Feel the effects of Suffer the consequences of Set the foundation for See page 65
PRACTICE 1 PAGE 66 1.Resulted from gave rise to the desired effect/ a modest effect 2. the underlying cause of/ set the foundation for/ led to/ the full effect of
CAUSE EFFECT ESSAY ORGANIZATION The essay will consist of 4 paragraphs: Introduction 1st Body: Causes 2nd Body: Effects Conclusion Examine the block style on page 67 and outline on page 68
Examine the outline on page 69 Then read the essay on pages 70-71
Read the essay on page 72 and fill in the blanks on page 73
Thesis Statement: Wars have some causes such as economic and political benefits of the countries and effects such as economic depression and health problems. 1 st body paragraph Topic sent: Two major causes of wars are economic and political benefits of the countries. Cause 1: economic benefits of the countries Cause 2: political benefits of the countries 2 nd body paragraph Effect 1: economic depression Effect 2: health problems Conclusion Restatement: In conclusion, wars are caused by countries' economic and political advantages. However, these causes also result in economic depression and health problems Advice: Peace should always be in the world instead of wars.
Don’t forget that you are going to practice writing an outline next week. In addition, you are going to write the 1st portfolio task.