WP700: Dissemination and exploitation RIHMI-WDC contribution Nikolay Mikhaylov
Текущее состояние ЕСИМО Dissemination and exploitation – internal and external aspects Theme 1Theme 2 Theme 3Theme 4 Data, metadata WP data Theme 5Theme 6WP700 Reports -Formal results - Publications Education -Matherials, methods -Multi-media -Toolbox - E Studies -Reports, articles - model outputs --Toolbox - S Decision-makers - Recommendations --Toolbox - D Interoperability specifications and tools
Текущее состояние ЕСИМО Dissemination and exploitation – concept The work can be aimed at the following: integration of data sets and products prepared under other WPs and provide easy web-access and GIS visualization of its; dissemination of information on the Project; preparation and dissemination of information on the progress of the Project, outcome recommendations and etc..
Текущее состояние ЕСИМО To specify, develop, test, set up and maintain the integration and dissemination CLIMARES-INFO services, which are divided into General Public, Integration, Discovery, Viewing/Download and GIS Analysis. General Public service - CLIMARES web-site; Integration service: data (data sets, layers, images) inter- exchange between WPs, link to data from CLIMARES-INFO services; Viewing/ Download service - tabular-graphic and map visualization of data; loading data/products on user computer; GIS Analysis service - the interactive presentation of multidisciplinary data and products on the electronic map and joint geo-analysis of its. GAS can include the components for on-line recalculation of environmental and economic scenarios with parameters changing and geo-analysis of model outputs if the relevant modeling software will be developed. These services will be accessible both for CLIMARES partners and for external users (scientists, managers, operational specialists, etc.) in form of Toolboxes The data can be stored on servers of the Project participants or downloaded directly on the CLIMARE-INFO server and visualized on the Web site of the Project.. Data/product integration and dissemination concept
data.oceaninfo.ru МЧС России МИД России Минобороны России Минобрнауки России МПР России Минторг России Минтранс России Росрыболовство Росгидромет Agency information system МЭР России Роскосмос ESIMO Portal РАН - Interaction - Integration - Joint use Distributed data access system on basis of Web- technologies – experience and technology for WP700
Processing Definition of parameters Choice of Scenario Choice of Region Rezults Data/product integration and dissemenation concept
Текущее состояние ЕСИМО Thank you for attention!
Example - IOC IODE ODP V.1 Architecture
Текущее состояние ЕСИМО WP700 concept The work can be aimed at the following: integration of data sets and products prepared under other WPs and provide easy web-access and GIS visualization of its; dissemination of information on the Project; preparation and dissemination of information on the progress of the Project as a whole and its outcomes. It is proposed to implement the work in two Work Packages (work directions under single WP) Integration and dissemination of project information Communication, Marketing and Feedback