Guidelines for Developing Lesson Plans EX
Guidelines Due Date Week 7 Due Date Week 7 Use the Lesson Plan Template Use the Lesson Plan Template Follow the Lesson Plan Format and Guidelines reviewed in this PowerPoint Follow the Lesson Plan Format and Guidelines reviewed in this PowerPoint Develop a Lesson Plan for one of the case study students Develop a Lesson Plan for one of the case study students Review the Scoring Guide on the class contents page Review the Scoring Guide on the class contents page
Step One: Identify Objectives States what the student will be able to do and why it is important. States what the student will be able to do and why it is important. In behavioral terms In behavioral terms The vocabulary, skills, and concepts the teacher will impart to the students The vocabulary, skills, and concepts the teacher will impart to the students the "stuff" the students need to know in order to be successful. the "stuff" the students need to know in order to be successful. An instructional objective is a picture of the learners after instruction. An instructional objective is a picture of the learners after instruction.
Objectives Examples Examples: Examples: The purpose of today's lesson, why the students need to learn it, what they will be able to "do", and how they will show learning as a result are made clear by the teacher. The purpose of today's lesson, why the students need to learn it, what they will be able to "do", and how they will show learning as a result are made clear by the teacher. Given a decimal fraction, the learner will demonstrate understanding of the decimal fraction by writing an equivalent proper fraction. Given a decimal fraction, the learner will demonstrate understanding of the decimal fraction by writing an equivalent proper fraction.
Objectives Will Tell students what they will learn Will Tell students what they will learn Will Tell students how they will be assessed Will Tell students how they will be assessed Should be told to the students at the beginning of the lesson Should be told to the students at the beginning of the lesson
Step Two: Standards Lesson Objectives Should be aligned with appropriate curriculum standards Lesson Objectives Should be aligned with appropriate curriculum standards Grade Level Expectations Grade Level Expectations Grades K-8 Grades K-8 Course Level Expectations Course Level Expectations Grades 9-12 Grades 9-12 Missouri Early Learning Standards Missouri Early Learning Standards PreK PreK MAP-A Standards MAP-A Standards MAP-A Students MAP-A Students
Steps in the Act of Teaching Steps in the Act of Teaching Getting students set to learn Getting students set to learn Getting students set to learn Getting students set to learn Step 1: Anticipatory Set Step 1: Anticipatory Set Instruction Instruction Instruction Step 4: Instructional Input and Modeling Step 4: Instructional Input and Modeling Checking for Understanding Checking for Understanding Checking for Understanding Checking for Understanding Step 5: Guided Practice Step 5: Guided Practice Step 6: Check for Understanding Step 6: Check for Understanding Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Step 7: Independent Practice Step 7: Independent Practice Step 8: Closure Step 8: Closure
Getting students set to learn
Anticipatory Set Opportunity for the minds of learners to bring forward previous learning. Opportunity for the minds of learners to bring forward previous learning. An effective set will focus the learners on task, provide meaning and engage the learners. An effective set will focus the learners on task, provide meaning and engage the learners. Typically at the beginning of the lesson Typically at the beginning of the lesson
Anticipatory Set A short wake-up activity A short wake-up activity Simple question Simple question Example problem Example problem Motivational Activity Motivational Activity Prompt Prompt Visual Stimulation: video clip, audio clip, etc. Visual Stimulation: video clip, audio clip, etc.
Anticipatory Set Examples: Examples: Review main ideas of yesterday’s lesson which will be extended today. Review main ideas of yesterday’s lesson which will be extended today. Give synonyms for words, when the objective is improvement of creative writing. Give synonyms for words, when the objective is improvement of creative writing. A short activity or prompt that focuses the students' attention before the actual lesson begins. A short activity or prompt that focuses the students' attention before the actual lesson begins. demo demo Used when students enter the room or in a transition. Used when students enter the room or in a transition. A hand-out given to students at the door A hand-out given to students at the door review question written on the board review question written on the board "two problems" on the overhead are... "two problems" on the overhead are...
Input Input Summarizing definitions Summarizing definitions Demonstrating basic skills Demonstrating basic skills Modeling Modeling Demonstrate the application of concepts and skills with a “worked-through” example Demonstrate the application of concepts and skills with a “worked-through” example Teacher demonstration Teacher demonstration Instruction Input/Modeling
Instructional Input/Modeling What you are going to teach. What you are going to teach. Somehow students need to get some information. Somehow students need to get some information. Two important questions to ask yourself. Two important questions to ask yourself. What information is needed? What information is needed? How will the information be delivered? How will the information be delivered?
Input Independent work Small group work Demonstrations Examples Examples Teacher Talks Teacher Talks Notes Notes Videos Videos Books Books Magazines Magazines News Paper News Paper Internet Internet
Modeling Using visual techniques. Using visual techniques. Matching visual to the verbal. Matching visual to the verbal. Students need to see an accurate example of the product or process being taught. Students need to see an accurate example of the product or process being taught. The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like. The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like. Shows students how to do a particular technique Shows students how to do a particular technique A picture is worth a thousand words A picture is worth a thousand words
Modeling Examples Examples Demonstrations Demonstrations Examples in everyday life Examples in everyday life Pictures or video Pictures or video
Checking For Understanding
Guided Practice Time should be provided in class for the student to practice the concept or skill while the teacher is present and can monitor the students. Time should be provided in class for the student to practice the concept or skill while the teacher is present and can monitor the students. The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the tri- modal approach. The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the tri- modal approach. hear/see/do. hear/see/do.
Independent Practice This is the time outside of class when the student will work on the learning without teacher assistance. This is the time outside of class when the student will work on the learning without teacher assistance. Students work on their own. Students work on their own. Sometimes in class or not Sometimes in class or not Homework Homework At times Guided Practice and Independent Practice can be addressed in the same activity At times Guided Practice and Independent Practice can be addressed in the same activity
Monitoring Monitoring Teacher needs to plan for some means to check the understanding of individual students as well as the entire class. Teacher needs to plan for some means to check the understanding of individual students as well as the entire class. Check for understanding Check for understanding The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine "Got it yet?" and to pace the lesson - move forward?/back up? The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine "Got it yet?" and to pace the lesson - move forward?/back up? Sampling the class, oral quizzing Sampling the class, oral quizzing Signaling private responses Signaling private responses Read student cues Read student cues “Deer in the headlight eyes” “Deer in the headlight eyes” Direct Observation Direct Observation
Closure Reinforce the major points to be learned Reinforce the major points to be learned Helps organize the students’ learning Helps organize the students’ learning Cue students that they have arrived at an important part of the lesson Cue students that they have arrived at an important part of the lesson A review or wrap-up of the lesson. A review or wrap-up of the lesson. "Tell me/show me what you have learned today". "Tell me/show me what you have learned today". Students summarize the essential learning that took place during the class. Students summarize the essential learning that took place during the class. Set up the anticipator set for the next day. Set up the anticipator set for the next day. Future directive Future directive
Lesson Design Lesson design is one way a teacher might plan a lesson. Lesson design is one way a teacher might plan a lesson. Only the teacher can decide whether this is an appropriate plan for a particular lesson. Only the teacher can decide whether this is an appropriate plan for a particular lesson. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Students have been diagnosed Students have been diagnosed Can be formal, informal, intuitive Can be formal, informal, intuitive A clear objective is in mind A clear objective is in mind A task analysis has identified critical attributes of the learning A task analysis has identified critical attributes of the learning
The following may be situations in which the teacher might choose to use all the steps just described. New learning New learning Not familiar with students’ abilities, background, or experience Not familiar with students’ abilities, background, or experience Students who don’t catch on as readily as most. Students who don’t catch on as readily as most. Learning is of the high thinking levels Learning is of the high thinking levels Learning is at a high degree of difficulty Learning is at a high degree of difficulty Remedial teaching Remedial teaching
The following may be situations in which the teacher might not choose to use all the steps just described. Review, maintenance, practice Review, maintenance, practice Building on previous learning (transfer) Building on previous learning (transfer) Students are operating at an independent level. Students are operating at an independent level. Students are using the inquiry method. Students are using the inquiry method. Previous student performance indicates not all steps are needed. Previous student performance indicates not all steps are needed. Lesson is extended over more than one day Lesson is extended over more than one day
Adaptations Select and use instructional strategies that recognize differing ways of learning of individuals with exceptional learning needs including those from culturally diverse & ESL backgrounds. Select and use instructional strategies that recognize differing ways of learning of individuals with exceptional learning needs including those from culturally diverse & ESL backgrounds. Adapt instructional strategies, materials and delivery models according to characteristics of the individual with exceptional learning needs. Adapt instructional strategies, materials and delivery models according to characteristics of the individual with exceptional learning needs. Use of augmentative, alternative and assistive technologies identified for communication enhancement. Use of augmentative, alternative and assistive technologies identified for communication enhancement.Examples: See Adaptations Link on Class Contents Page See Adaptations Link on Class Contents Page
Teaching Strategies Describe Instructional Strategies that Describe Instructional Strategies that support lesson objective(s) support lesson objective(s) includes a variety of strategies addressing student learning styles & communication needs includes a variety of strategies addressing student learning styles & communication needs fosters cognition fosters cognition promote successful transition for individuals with exceptional learning needs promote successful transition for individuals with exceptional learning needsExamples
Learning Strategies Describe Strategies used to appropriately meet the individual needs of the exceptional learner. Describe Strategies used to appropriately meet the individual needs of the exceptional learner. Strategies address one or more of the following categories: Strategies address one or more of the following categories: Cognitive; Cognitive; Problems solving; Problems solving; Self-assessment Self-assessment Examples: S/Gloss.html S/Gloss.html S/Gloss.html S/Gloss.html