KTIP LESSON PLAN Kentucky Internship Programs Training By Education Professional Standards Board.


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Presentation transcript:

KTIP LESSON PLAN Kentucky Internship Programs Training By Education Professional Standards Board

KTIP LESSON PLAN Name: Michael McDonaldDate: Sept. 19, 2005Age/Grade Level: 8th School: KY Middle School# of Students: 20# of IEP Students: 0 # of GSSP Students: 1# of LEP Students: 0 Subject: Office TechnologyMajor Content (Topic):Document Formatting and Word Processing Lesson Length: 2 days-1 hour each Lesson No. & Title:5-1 Formatting Business Letters

Preparation Context-Clearly describe how the objectives and the lesson relate to the broad goals for teaching about the topic. Explain what has been done previously as it relates to this lesson. –The class completed a three-day lesson on the components of Word processing software (in particular Microsoft Word). This instruction was necessary so that all students at any skill level will be able to navigate the software. –In this lesson, students will use the Formatting Guidelines for the Administrative Support Skill Standards in order to correctly format business letters.

Preparation Objectives- State broad goals and specific objectives for learning (e.g., concepts, procedures, skills, etc., you want students to learn. Must be student-centered, outcome-based, and observable. 1.The student will correctly format business letters according to the Formatting Guidelines for the Administrative Support Skill Standards and generally accepted business practices. –Create and format business letters with special features (attention, subject, PS, enclosure) –Use advanced document formatting and editing techniques –Check documents using spell check and grammar program 2.The student will pass a performance test with 100% accuracy.

Preparation Connections- Explain how objectives relate to Kentucky Learner Goals and standards for learning content established by professional organizations. (Do not simply list the related goals, expectations, and or standards.) List no more than 2-3 Kentucky Core Content statements from the unit plan that are the most relevant to this lesson List no more than 2-3 academic expectations from the unit plan that are the most relevant to this lesson

Academic Expectations Basic Communications and Mathematics Skills No. 1.1Students use reference tools such as dictionaries, almanacs, encyclopedias, and computer reference programs and research tools such as interviews and surveys to find the information they need to meet specific demands, explore interests, or solve specific problems. 1.3Students make sense of the various things they observe. 1.4Students make sense of the various messages to which they listen.

Responsible Group Membership 4.1Students effectively use interpersonal skills. 4.2Students use productive team membership skills. Connecting and Integrating Experiences and Knowledge 6.2Students use what they already know to acquire new knowledge, develop new skills, or interpret new experiences.

Connections to Kentucky Occupational Skill Standards: 1 Basic Computer Skills OccupationalOFDemonstrate Basic Computer Skills Basic Computer Skills OccupationalOF001Key documents. Basic Computer Skills OccupationalOF008Revise existing document. Basic Computer Skills OccupationalOF018Create a new document. NBEA -  KBEA - KY Tech -

Student Assessment- Clearly state how you will assess student progress including performance criteria. Attach written assessment measures used in relation to the lesson In tabular format, organize how objectives will be assessed.

Objective/Assessment Plan Organizer Lesson Learner Objective Learner Goals Pre- Assessment Formative Assessment Summative or Post Assessment Adaptations and/or Accommodations 1.a. 1.b. 1.c , 1.3, 1.4 N/ATeacher observation of students editing and creating practice business letters Students will turn in their best modified- block business letter and their best block-style business letter for evaluation. Students will pass a performance test with 100% accuracy. Collaboration with special needs teachers for IEP, GSSP, and LEP students

Preparation Resources, media and technology List specific materials and equipment needed for the lesson, with brief descriptions of any unusual or unfamiliar items. Include safety items as appropriate. List technology resources for the lesson, including hardware, software, and Internet URLs. Write a citation that includes sources of specific information used to develop the lesson. For any original portions, cite yourself. –A computer station for each student equipped with word processing software –Textbook-”Microsoft Office 2003" by Joe and Blow. (2004). 4th edition. Thompson Publishing. –Instructor computer station with digital projector and projection screen –Lab network printer with paper

Procedures-Describe strategies and activities to be used to involve students and accomplish objectives including how to trigger prior knowledge and adapt strategies to meet individual student needs and the diversity in your classroom. Opening –(Review) State what will be done or asked to stimulate recall of prior learning. Use questions that promote higher order thinking. Include content information from previous lesson. A review will be conducted on the basic features of the desktop computer A review will be conducted on the basic features of word processing software

–(Motivation) Describe what will be done or asked to gain the student's attention and interest in the lesson. Make connections to real-life situations, integrate the cultural attributes and interest of the students in the class, and or asked questions that promote higher order thinking. Students will be asked to reflect on the reasons using standardized formats facilitate communication in the business world

–(Lesson Expectations) explain how students will be informed of the lesson objectives. Objectives will be written on the class whiteboard. Objectives will be verbally transmitted to the class.

Strategies and Activities –Describe the teaching strategies that will be used to actively engaged students. These may include modeling, demonstration, a cooperative learning, problem solving, and the use of technology. Modeling Demonstration Use of technology (desktop computers, printers, word processing software)

–Describe the learning activities the students will perform to achieve the lesson objectives. Explain how you will introduce and then reinforce concepts related to the lesson objectives. Appropriate activities should be selected to interest multiple levels of achievement, learning styles and multiple intelligences, as well as connect to real-life situations, problem solving, and other disciplines. List procedures specific to the activities. Attach printed materials that will be used by the students. After instruction students will edit and point out errors in business letters Students will develop business letters –first by letter section –second entire letters

–Describe modifications made to the lesson tasks to meet individual student needs. Make appropriate accommodations (universal and individual) for students with IEP’s, early completers, developmentally delayed learners, gifted/talented, and students from a different culture. Students with higher skill levels will be asked to aid other students. After collaborating with the special education, gifted and talented, and English as a second language teachers, this section of the lesson plan will be more detailed and complete.

–Describe how formative assessment will be conducted during the lesson. Students will be shown correct and incorrect business letters on the projection screen. Formal questioning techniques will be used as students analyze these examples. Students will develop business letters, first in parts, later entire letters. In structure will monitor student progress as they develop these letters.

Closing –(Review) Explain what will be done or asked to review the lesson objectives/content and close the lesson. Make connections to real- life situations, integrate the cultural attributes and interest of the students in the class, and/or asked questions that promote higher order thinking. The instructor will summarize the lesson parts. The instructor will use formal questioning techniques asking students to analyze the purposes (or reason) for each letter part.

Summative student assessment –If appropriate, describe the setting and preparation instructions for the assessment. Students will complete the assessments in the class computer lab Letterheads will be made available –State the assessment test for each of the objectives. Students will turn in their best modified-block business letter and their best block-style business letter for evaluation. –State the correct responses for each task or furnish a correct answer key. Each letter (skill test) must be 100 percent accurate or completed again. –Right after scoring guide and include specific information about how it will be used.

Follow-up/Foreshadowing Describe follow-up assignments or activities that will be done to reinforce or extend the lesson. –The lesson's following this one build on this instruction. Students will have to use letter writing skills throughout this course. Describe how you will foreshadow the next lesson and create student curiosity/interest in advance. –Students will collect real examples of the documents introduced in the next unit (brochures)

Instructional Impact/Analysis of Teaching and Learning Prepared after the lesson and post-observation conference Restate your lesson objectives and describe the extent to which your students achieve them. Analyze student assessment(s) and discuss the accomplishments of your students and the growth in learning that was achieved. Relate to progress made in learning to actual events of the lesson and data collected. Include discussion of communicating results with students and primary care givers. 1.The student will correctly format business letters according to the Formatting Guidelines for the Administrative Support Skill Standards and generally accepted business practices. a.Create and format business letters with special features (attention, subject, PS, enclosure) b.Use advanced document formatting and editing techniques c.Check documents using spell check and grammar program Students constructed letters, evaluated and edited (their letters and fellow students letters), and revised letters.

2.The student will pass a performance test with 100% accuracy. Students worked on their projects until 100% accuracy was achieved. Students agreed this level of accuracy is the acceptable level in the business world.

Instructional Refinement Prepared after the lesson and post-observation conference –Lesson Extension/Follow-up Reflect on your teaching and student learning to identify future actions to improve both student and teacher performance. Discuss your plans for students who did not make satisfactory progress. Discuss changes you will make in the lesson before you teach it again. –To make the exercises more relevant, students will construct business letters to people they know