ABC Book of History(: Katie Johnston 2 nd
Annex- to add territory to ones own territory to Ambush- a surprise attack Abolitionist- a person who strong favors doing away with slavery Arsenal- storage for weapons and ammunition
Backcountry- a region of hills and forest west of tide waters Burgesses- elected represenstive to an assembly Blockade runner- ships that sail in and out of a blockaded area Boycott- to refuse to buy items from a particular country
Cabinet- a group of advisers to the president Canal- an artificial water way California gold rush- a large- scale and hasty movement of people to a region where gold has been discovered, as to California in Capital- money for investment
Debtor- person or country that owes money Diversity- variety or difference Disarmament- removal of weapons Desert- to leave with put permission
Emancipate- to free from slavery Export- to sell goods abroad Embargo- and order prohibiting trade with another Emigrant- a person who leaves one country to go to another
Frigate- warship Feedman- a person freed from slavery Fugitive- runaway or attempting to Federalist- supporter of the constitution
Genocide- to deliberate destruction of a rail political or cultural group Green back- a piece of US paper money issued by the north during the civil war Guerrilla warfare- Fighting in which small independent bands of soldiers harass an enemy through surprise raids, attacks on communications and the like. Guerilla tactics- Guerrilla warfare is the irregular warfare and combat in which a small group of combatants use mobile military tactics in the form of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army.
Horizontal integration- the merging of firms at the same stage of production. Holocaust- mass slaugher of the jews Habias corpus- A writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court, esp. to secure the person's release unless lawful grounds are shown for their detention Human rights- A right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person
Implied powers –powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution Import- to buy goods from foreign markets Impressment – forcing people into service such as the navy Ironclad- armored navy vessel
Judicial review- the right of the supreme court to determine whether a law is constitutional Join occupation – the possetion ans settlement of and area shared by two or more countries Judicial branch- the branch of the United States government responsible for the administration of justice John Paul Jones- founder of the US navy
Kansas Nebraska act- the Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854 created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, opened new lands, allowed settlers in those territories to determine if they would allow slavery within their Kentucky- sided with the union in the civil war Kansas- fighting for slavery (confederare) Bleeding Kansas- was a series of violent events, that took place in the Kansas Territory and the western frontier towns of the U.S. state of Missouri roughly between 1854 and 1858.
Landslide- over whelming victory Literacy- the ability to read and right Legislative branch- the branch of the government that makes laws Lexington- the first battle of the revolutionary war
Maize- corn Majority- more than half Manumission- the freeing of enslaved people Mission- religious settlement
Neutral- take no side in conflict Naturalization- to grant full citizen ship to an immigrant Nonimportation- the act of not using or importing goods Neutral rights- the right to sail the seas and not take sides in war
Offensive- position of attacking or the attack itself Ordinance- a law Overseer- supervisor of a large operation Override- to overturn a law
Patriots- American colonist who were determined to fight the British until Americas indolence was won Petition- a formal request Pilgrimage- a journey to a holy place Privateers- armed private ships
Quakers- believed that every individual had an inner light that could guide them to salvation
Ranchero – Mexican ranch owner Ratify- to give official approval Reconstruction- the rebuliding of the confederate states after the civil war Recruit- to enlist soilders in the army
Secede- to leave or withdraw Secession- withdraw from the union Sectionalism- loyalty to a region Suffrage- the right to vote
Tariff- a tax on imported goods Technology- the application of scientific discovery to practice use Total war- war on all aspects of enemy life Turnpike- road that one must pay to use
Unalienable rights- a right that cannot be surrendered Unconstitutional- not agreeing with the constitution Underground railroad- escape routes for enslaved African Americans utopia- a perfect society
Veto- to overturn a law Vigilantes- people who take the law into their own hands Vaquero- hispanic ranch hand
Warhawks- republicans during Madison's presidency who pressed war with puitans Writs of assistance- legal documents that allows officers to search homes and warehouses for smuggled goods Department of war- provides nations defence West indies- Caribbean islands
xyz affair- An incident in Franco-American relations in which a bribery attempt perpetrated by French agents in 1797 led the US to the brink of formal war with France.
Yankee- northern citizen Yeoman- southern owner of a small farm with no slaves Yellow journalism- a type of sensational, biased, and false reporting
John peter zenger- famous writer