Lesson Planning in Backwards Planning DO NOW 1) With a partner, on Sticky Notes, write down things which teachers have to plan in order for a lesson to be successful. 2) Copy these things onto 4 sets of sticky notes (so you’ll have notes)
“Backwards Planning” (UbD) Select learning goals What do you want students to learn by the end of the lesson or unit? (Last Time) Design assessment tasks How will students demonstrate their developing mastery of those goals? (This Time) Develop lesson activities How will you prepare students to master the goals and succeed on the assessment task? (Next Time) Constraints Intermediate Goals
Core Components and Organization of a Well-Organized Lesson Plan: The Hook Exploration Connection [Scaffolding] Practice/Application Summary [Closure; review and preview] Throughout: Assessment
Core Components and Organization of a Well-Organized Lesson Plan: The Hook
The HOOK: Connect to current events Connect to students’ lives Do something totally out of the blue that creates bemused confusion Enable students to show off their prior knowledge and/or skills Trick students into revealing their ignorance Get kids angry Turn the tables Be consistent Change things up…
Core Components and Organization of a Well-Organized Lesson Plan: The Hook Exploration Connection [Scaffolding] Practice/Application
Exploration/Connection/ Practice/Application: Always — Scaffold Help students construct meaning and purpose – and attend to the meanings/ purposes they construct! Plan multiple routes into material If teaching a new skill — 1.Model 2.Guided practice 3.Independent practice
TSWBAT (aka Objectives) Teaching Goals Assessments Lesson Objectives
Clear, concrete, and manageable An Example: By the end of class today, TSWBAT Create a lesson plan using the various components of lesson planning presented Adjust provided lesson plan templates to their own liking and style Create clear, concrete, and manageable objectives to guide their lesson plans
Creating objectives Goal: Students will be able to explain various perspectives on the cause of the Civil War. Students can take a stance on the “true cause” of the Civil War and articulate an argument to support their stance. Goal: Students will be able to explain what makes a civilization. Using their knowledge of the components of a civilization, students will be able to analyze whether given historical groups are actually civilizations and create their own mythical civilization.
Action! (wait a minute, how do I meet these objectives?)
Actually, you already know… In a group, brainstorm all of the different types of activities that you could imagine using in any given lesson. They could pertain to the goals and objectives from the previous slides or any other unit/course goal and the specific class objectives.