Early Literacy & Numeracy
WHY this goal?
Root Cause Analysis: 1.No connection to AEA Vision 2.No action plan 2. No clear expectation/accountability of AEA staff 3. Lack of alignment/collaboration of EC team with literacy & math teams 3. Too much focus on individual skills rather than on language & thinking skills 3. Lack of response to using data to guide instruction
Goal: Proficiency on IA Assessment and other preschool and school-age indicators Google doc: Prioritized Early Literacy & Numeracy Plan
Goal: Proficiency on IA Assessment and other preschool and school-age indicators Action #1: Clear service/skill expectations and accountability for AEA staff
Action #1: Clear service/skill expectations and accountability for AEA staff
Goal: Proficiency on IA Assessment and other preschool and school-age indicators Action #2: Alignment and collaboration of resources within AEA (birth to 3 rd grade)
Action #2: Alignment and collaboration of resources within AEA (birth to 3 rd grade)
Goal: Proficiency on IA Assessment and other preschool and school-age indicators Action #3: Increase knowledge/ awareness/skills of parents, LEAs and other community partners on early literacy & numeracy skill development
Action #3: Increase knowledge/ awareness/skills of parents, LEAs and other community partners on early literacy & numeracy skill development
Goal: Proficiency on IA Assessment and other preschool and school-age indicators
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