Level 3 Extended Diploma Equestrian teaching
Aims and objectives What are aims and objectives? The aims of this session are: To plan the content and structure of a lesson appropriate to the needs of the learner. The objectives of the session are for the learners to be able to: Correctly state what is meant by an aim and objective and apply this to equestrian teaching scenarios. Identify the main needs of the learner. Plan a lesson that they will teach. Correctly assess the level of rider and horse. List areas that the rider must work towards improving in that session. State what improvement you would expect to see. List at least five risks associated with riding and complete a risk assessment form demonstrating what control measures can be put in place to minimise the risks. Identify the requirements of Task a assessment.
Aims and objectives Aim= Broad learning theme Objectives = Specific learning in that session. Objectives should be SMART Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound
Match the aims and objectives AimsObjectives To recognise points of the horseThe rider needs to explain what is meant by rhythm and how we interpret it in the horse. Rider should be able to recognise if the horse has good or poor rhythm. To judge the quality of the horse’s trot rhythm The rider should be able to provide an outline of what leg yield is and be able to describe how to ride it. The rider will be able to carry out leg yield. To know the correct methods and procedures of asking for leg yield. The student will identify the correct tack for show jumping and demonstrate how it is applied. Relate the specific items of tack to their purpose. To apply the concept of tacking a horse up for show jumping. To point out at least five points on the horse and identify them.
The needs of the learner “ I forget what I was taught, I only remember what I have learnt.” What influences the pupil’s ability to learn? Suitable learning environment Personal goals Confidence Previous experience Willingness to learn Learning process Instructors are responsible for making the best use of what the pupil can offer in the way of physical and mental ability.
The needs of the learner Differentiation If everyone is different, how can you teach in a way that will cater for a range of pupils within a group lesson? Different tasks/ exercises Different emphasis within the same task/ exercise Different requirements through depth of questioning/ evaluation Choice of horse Different methods of explanation/ demonstration Facilitating learning People learn best in a non-judgemental, not threatening atmosphere.
Learning styles VAK Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic How do these relate to teaching a riding lesson or stable management session? Activist Reflectors Theorists Pragmatists (refer to sheet 2) How do these preferred learning styles relate to teaching a riding lesson or stable management session. Refer to differentiation within your planning.
Assessment of riders Why is assessment so important? To gauge level of prior learning/ skill with a new pupil. To assess and monitor progress/ achievement. Feedback on progress. Diagnose weakness. Discover strengths. To assess effectiveness of teaching Motivation. Information for qualification and certification.
Types of assessment Formative – on-going feedback Summative – Final, definitive. Provide examples for each in relation to teaching a riding lesson.
Practical application How would you go about assessing the ability/ strengths/ weaknesses etc. of a rider that you have not taught before? Discuss experience, background and future goals before you start. Give the rider a brief that enables t work independently for a short period of time at the beginning of the lesson. Take into account any positive/ negative external influences.
Feedback Must be; Appropriate Constructive Encouraging Specific Sufficiently detailed Include suggestions for alternative techniques Suggest rather than dictate, by providing a choice Encourage interaction from the pupil
Lesson planning See sheet 3 – please write notes on the sheet to help you with future planning. We will use an example of ; Mounting and dismounting Sheet 4 provides an outline of lesson plan contents.
How will you know that you have fulfilled your aims and objectives? Feedback from the rider. Observation of improvement in either horse and rider. Ensure that the evaluation section of the plan is complete. It provides a good aide memoire and enables “distance travelled” to be tracked.
Write a lesson plan You each will have to write a lesson plan for one of your teaching sessions. Start to put a lesson plan together in this session. Group jumping lesson To work on linking fences together Group flat lesson To ride school movements Lead rein lesson To turn the horse Lunge lesson To improve basic position Think about how you would assess them? What things would you need to focus on in order to achieve your brief?
Risk assessments recap List hazards associated with teaching a group flatwork lesson List the hazards associated with teaching a group jumping lesson Using sheet 5 we will go through what information needs to be included.
Assessment overview Task A Please be aware that there are several elements to cover in order to pass the assessment. For higher grades much more detail should be included.
The aims of this session are: To plan the content and structure of a lesson appropriate to the needs of the learner. The objectives of the session are for the learners to be able to: Correctly state what is meant by an aim and objective and apply this to equestrian teaching scenarios. Identify the main needs of the learner. Plan a lesson that they will teach. Correctly assess the level of rider and horse. List areas that the rider must work towards improving in that session. State what improvement you would expect to see. List at least five risks associated with riding and complete a risk assessment form demonstrating what control measures can be put in place to minimise the risks. Identify the requirements of Task a assessment.