Interactive Lesson Plan Signature Assignment By Hal Brooker June 15, 2011
Table of Contents Create Your Own Tutorial / Show What You Know How to get Started PowerPoint Presentation Video Lesson Digital Story What’s Expected and How To PowerPoint Video Lesson Digital Story Conclusion and discussion
Create Your Own Tutorial/Show What You Know Creating Your Final Math Project
How To Get Started You will pick three topic from what we have covered this year. You can use, for example, one step equations or conversions. You will then put each topic in one of the following formats.
PowerPoint Presentation A PowerPoint Presentation…
Video Lesson A video lesson and finally…..
Digital Story A digital story format. You will post all three on a web site of your creation from an approved source.
What’s Expected and How to Get it Done – PowerPoint Presentation
What’s Expected and How to Get it Done- PowerPoint Presentation con’t.
What’s Expected and How to Get it Done- Video Lesson Now it’s time to see how I want the video portion. I want you and your partner to use the video camera and film each other teaching the lesson you have chosen. You may use whatever you need to teach the lesson. Just make sure you get it on video! You may add music if you want just make sure it doesn’t take away from your lesson. Remember to do a story board to organize your video lesson.
What’s Expected and How to Get it Done – Digital Story Finally, you will put your third chosen tutorial subject into a digital story format. If you follow this link it will direct you to a great web site that will walk you through everything you will need to know about creating a digital story. rningcenter/techplan/page58 97.cfm As always, I will bed available to help you in any way I can.
In Conclusion – Get to Work! Now you have your project task and what is expected. Please stay on target and continue working. There will be daily progress checks and you should progress in the time frame that is in the syllabus that I handed out. Your rubric explains in detail what is expected out of this assignment. You may use anything you need to complete this project, just please ask permission to use my personal affects. You will need a pass to leave the room and I will have most everything you will need here in the room. Now, good luck and work hard! Please come and see me with any questions or problems.