Review of Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Nie Junjian Airworthiness Inspector COSCAP-NA
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Annex 6 requires the air operator to ensure that aeroplanes are operated and maintained in an airworthy condition, and that an aircraft shall not be operated unless it is maintained and released by an approved maintenance organization (AMO) or an equivalent system. Although an operator may include a maintenance facility within its organization, many operators now contract maintenance to a separate organization. COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 3
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting CAST SE-18 specifically directs that both the operators and regulators increase oversight of sub-contract activities between air carriers and maintenance providers. SE-18 was discussed at the 2nd and 3rd ARAST and concluded that COSCAPs to prepare a draft Advisory Circular after consideration of EASA advisory material, for consideration by Member Administrations/States. COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 4
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting As a result, COSCAP-NA drafted the AC 021 –Maintenance Contracting with reference to the following materials: Part-M and Part-145 of the European Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 of 20 November 2003; and Acceptable Means of Compliance to Part-M and Part-145 included in the Decision No. 2003/19/RM of the Executive Director of EASA of 28 November COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 5
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Contents of the AC: Introduction Responsibilities for Contracting of Continuing Airworthiness Management Tasks Contracted Maintenance AMO Sub ‑ contracting Applicability COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 6
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting INTRODUCTION Introduces the relevant ICAO requirements (See slide 3) Emphasizes that the operator is ultimately responsible for the airworthiness of its aircraft when maintenance is contracted out Describes the purpose of the AC: to provide air operators with guidance on the contracting of continuing airworthiness management tasks and the contracting of maintenance tasks. The AC also provides AMOs with guidelines on the privileges regarding sub ‑ contracting of certain maintenance tasks. COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 7
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Responsibilities for Contracting of Continuing Airworthiness Management Tasks An operator may contract certain continuing airworthiness management tasks to competent persons or organizations, provided that the contracting is acceptable to the [State CAA]. This AC has not introduced the concept of Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization, but states that operator should contract only to organizations which are acceptable to the [State CAA]. COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 8
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Responsibilities for Contracting of Continuing Airworthiness Management Tasks When such tasks are contracted, the operator's continuing airworthiness management system is considered to be extended to the contracted organization. The contracted organization is considered to perform the continuing airworthiness management tasks as an integral part of the operator's continuing airworthiness management system. COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022 9
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Responsibilities for Contracting of Continuing Airworthiness Management Tasks This section is supplemented by the Appendix I to the AC. Appendix I provides detailed guidance with regard to the key points that need to be considered when contract continuing airworthiness management tasks and the topics that may be applicable in a contract arrangement. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Contracted Maintenance This section provides guidance with regard to an operator contracts maintenance tasks to an AMO or another operator and the operator’s control on contracted maintenance tasks. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Contracted Maintenance This section is supplemented by the Appendix II to the AC. Appendix II provides a list of the main points that should be addressed in a maintenance contract between an operator and an AMO. As only the technical parts of the maintenance contracts must be acceptable to the Authority, only technical matters are addressed in the AC and matters such as costs, delay, warranty, etc. are excluded from the discussion. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting AMO Sub ‑ contracting In this section, sub-contracting refers to the case of one organization, not itself an AMO, carries out certain maintenance tasks or a specialized service under the quality system of an AMO as a sub ‑ contractor. The work scope of such sub ‑ contracting shall not include a base maintenance check of an aircraft or a complete workshop maintenance check or overhaul of an engine or engine module. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting AMO Sub ‑ contracting This section of the AC provides the fundamental reasons for allowing an AMO to sub ‑ contract certain maintenance tasks, and also the guidance on the principal procedures for the control of such sub ‑ contractors. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting APPLICABILITY Air operators and AMOs are expected to consider the information contained in this AC, when applicable. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting The draft AC 021 is included in the CD of the meeting. Comments are requested by 30 May Kindly send your comments to: Mr. Nie Junjian at COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Questions??? COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
T ASK AND S HIFT H ANDOVERS Draft AC 022 COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Accident and incident investigation data shows that shift and task handovers are one of the major contributing factors to error-caused events. CAST SE-169 emphasizes that airlines, operators and regulators should ensure that work cards or other written instructions are used at the start of each task, and written and oral status reports are provided at every shift change. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers SE-169 was discussed at the 2nd and 3rd ARAST and concluded that COSCAPs to develop a draft Advisory Circular through reference to UK CAP716 for consideration by Member Administrations/States. As a result, COSCAP-NA drafted the AC 022 – Guidance for Task and Shift Handovers with reference to CAP 716 Aviation Maintenance Human Factors (EASA / JAR145 Approved Organisations) of 18 December 2003 of UK CAA. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Contents of the AC Introduction Shift Handover Task Handover Non-routine Task and Process Sheets Applicability COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers INTRODUCTION Explains that the primary objective of handovers is to ensure that all necessary information is communicated between the out-going and in-coming personnel. Introduces the three basic elements on which the effective task and shift handover depends. Recommends that organizations should have a recognized procedure for task and shift handovers. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Shift Handover Explains the Aids and Barriers to Effective Communication at Shift Handovers. Provides guidelines for the shift handover process: The shift handover process should include at least two meetings: the Shift Managers’/Supervisors’ handover meeting and the Supervisors/Certifying Staff walkthrough meeting. A list of typical topics that should be covered in each of the two handover meetings is also provided. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Task Handover The handing over of tasks from one person to another does not always occur at the point of changing shifts. Tasks are frequently required to be handed over during a shift. This Section deals with two common situations: handing over a task to someone who is present at the time, and stopping a job part way through when it is not certain who will pick this up at a later stage. Tasks to be handed over include both scheduled and non-scheduled tasks. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Non-routine Task and Process Sheets Task Cards for scheduled maintenance are an everyday document for aircraft engineers. They not only identify the job to be performed, but also break down the task into stages to allow for individuals to sign or certify the various stages. The primary purpose of a job card is to identify the task to be performed and then act as a job aid to help the engineer plan, complete the task fully, and in the correct sequence. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Non-routine Task and Process Sheets Maintenance Programmes today are frequently based on the principles of Condition Monitoring. Most components on the aircraft have no specific period defined as to when they will be removed for repair, overhaul, etc. The time to remove them is determined by a reliability programme or scheduled inspections which assess their serviceability. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Non-routine Task and Process Sheets Unfortunately, aircraft manufacturers do not always provide task cards for those tasks which must be performed as a consequence of some other action. This had led to the situation whereby many jobs, often long and complex, have no pre-printed task cards or process sheets which break down the job into stages and so help the engineers. This Section of the AC describes the types of tasks that need Non-Routine Task Cards or Process Sheets, and the goals from a human factors perspective. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers APPLICABILITY Maintenance organizations are expected to consider the information contained in this AC for task and shift handovers. COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers The draft AC 022 is included in the CD of the meeting. Comments are requested by 30 May Kindly send your comments to: Mr. Nie Junjian at COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Questions??? COSCAP Draft AC 021 &
Review of Draft AC 021, 022 Draft AC 021 – Maintenance Contracting Draft AC 022 – Task and Shift Handovers Thank you ! COSCAP Draft AC 021 & 022