1 “RASOS” The Regional Aviation Safety Oversight System of
2 What is RASOS? An organization, working under the direction of the ACAAC Board of Directors, that: Develops and implements plans to foster cooperation between member states in all areas of civil aviation safety. Develops and implements plans to foster cooperation between member states in all areas of civil aviation safety. Facilitates the sharing of expertise, resources, and information between member states. Facilitates the sharing of expertise, resources, and information between member states. Fosters the harmonization of civil aviation regulations, standards, guidance material, training, and inspection procedures, used by member states. Fosters the harmonization of civil aviation regulations, standards, guidance material, training, and inspection procedures, used by member states.
3 Origin of RASOS 1997 – Caribbean Directors of Civil Aviation met in Montego Bay, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Transport for Jamaica, the Honorable Robert Pickersgill, with representatives from ICAO and the FAA, where ICAO promoted a regional approach to Safety Oversight, that would: 1997 – Caribbean Directors of Civil Aviation met in Montego Bay, under the sponsorship of the Minister of Transport for Jamaica, the Honorable Robert Pickersgill, with representatives from ICAO and the FAA, where ICAO promoted a regional approach to Safety Oversight, that would: Facilitate the pooling of scarce resources; & Make it easier to obtain external support.
4 Origin of RASOS (Continued) Discussions among CARICOM Directors continued for the next four years. Discussions among CARICOM Directors continued for the next four years. Various approaches and areas for regional cooperation were explored, including: Various approaches and areas for regional cooperation were explored, including: Common Regulations & standards; Uniformity of air operator certification Uniformity of personnel licensing procedures; Aircraft accident & incident investigation Air transport service development.
5 Origin of RASOS (Continued) Nov 2001 – The various Authorities agreed to establish ACAAC with the signing of an MOU. Nov 2001 – The various Authorities agreed to establish ACAAC with the signing of an MOU. Nov 2001 – The member states agreed to form an operating arm of ACAAC to facilitate technical cooperation and safety oversight. Nov 2001 – The member states agreed to form an operating arm of ACAAC to facilitate technical cooperation and safety oversight. May 2002 – RASOS Office established. May 2002 – RASOS Office established.
6 Member States Barbados Barbados Guyana Guyana Haiti Haiti Jamaica Jamaica Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Organization of Eastern Caribbean States Surinam Surinam Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago Belize ( Founding member – But now active in ACSA) Belize ( Founding member – But now active in ACSA)
7 Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) (Operating under a single Authority – The Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Authority or ECCAA) Antigua & Barbuda Antigua & Barbuda Dominica Dominica Grenada Grenada Montserrat Montserrat St. Kitts & Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis St. Lucia St. Lucia St Vincent & the Grenadines St Vincent & the Grenadines Anguilla (Associate Member) Anguilla (Associate Member) British Virgin Islands (Associate Member) British Virgin Islands (Associate Member)
8 Geography of RASOS
9 Vision To develop and maintain a framework that will advance the safety of air transportation in our Member States and in the Caribbean region. To develop and maintain a framework that will advance the safety of air transportation in our Member States and in the Caribbean region.
10 Mission Statement We will foster and support the ACAAC aviation safety vision by: Seeking & providing training and technical assistance where needed. Seeking & providing training and technical assistance where needed. Working to harmonize safety rules and standards between the member states. Working to harmonize safety rules and standards between the member states. Monitoring the safety oversight functions of member states to ensure ICAO standards are maintained. Monitoring the safety oversight functions of member states to ensure ICAO standards are maintained. Working in partnership to foster and maintain safe practices in industry and to discourage unsafe behavior. Working in partnership to foster and maintain safe practices in industry and to discourage unsafe behavior.
11 Mission Statement (Continued) Playing a key role in promoting and building a stronger safety culture. Playing a key role in promoting and building a stronger safety culture. Supporting the creation of a regulatory environment that will foster growth in our aviation industries and contribute to our national economies. Supporting the creation of a regulatory environment that will foster growth in our aviation industries and contribute to our national economies. Working to attain public confidence in the safety and security of our air transportation. Working to attain public confidence in the safety and security of our air transportation. Continuing to promote safety awareness. Continuing to promote safety awareness.
12 Office of the Coordinator RASOS Coordinator’s Office – Interim location is the JCAA facility at 4, Winchester Road in Kingston, Jamaica. RASOS Coordinator’s Office – Interim location is the JCAA facility at 4, Winchester Road in Kingston, Jamaica. Staffed by a Coordinator (Operations), an Assistant Coordinator (Airworthiness) and an Administrative Officer (International Relations). Staffed by a Coordinator (Operations), an Assistant Coordinator (Airworthiness) and an Administrative Officer (International Relations).
13 Financial Arrangements: –Funded mainly by annual contributions from Member States with additional support from interested donors. –Budget and work plans approved annually by the ACAAC Board –Income & expenditure reviewed at each Board meeting.
14 Regional Environment 275 aircraft (70 transport category) 275 aircraft (70 transport category) 6 international airlines 6 international airlines 25 approved maintenance organizations 25 approved maintenance organizations 35 foreign repair stations 35 foreign repair stations licensed personnel licensed personnel 20 international airports 20 international airports 25 foreign operators 25 foreign operators 60+ air operator line stations 60+ air operator line stations
15 Technical Resources 7 Aviation Authorities for 13 States 7 Aviation Authorities for 13 States 7 Licensing officers 7 Licensing officers 32 Aviation Safety Inspectors (14 Ops, 16 AW, 2 C/S & Dangerous Goods) 32 Aviation Safety Inspectors (14 Ops, 16 AW, 2 C/S & Dangerous Goods) 7 Aerodrome Inspectors & 7 Security Inspectors 7 Aerodrome Inspectors & 7 Security Inspectors RASOS Staff (1 Ops & 1 AW) RASOS Staff (1 Ops & 1 AW)
16 Technical Support Provided Through RASOS A340 Proficiency Evaluations (BWIA & Air Jamaica). On-the-Job Training for Inspectors in audit procedures. Helicopter & General Aviation proficiency evaluations (Surinam/Barbados/Guyana) Audit management and support Assistance during certification processing for operators and airports. Pre-IASA Audits for states when requested.
17 Projects Completed Certification of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Training School in Guyana. Certification of an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Training School in Guyana. Pre-IASA Audits of TTCAA and the ECCAA. Pre-IASA Audits of TTCAA and the ECCAA. A survey of the safety oversight workload, available resources and available skills of each member state. A survey of the safety oversight workload, available resources and available skills of each member state. Designation of Accident/Incident “Go” team candidates. Designation of Accident/Incident “Go” team candidates.
18 Projects Completed Detailed Needs Assessment matrix prepared covering all member states. Detailed Needs Assessment matrix prepared covering all member states. Regional Databases prepared for: Regional Databases prepared for: -Inspector skills -Aircraft Registry
19 Projects in Progress Standardized Personnel Licensing procedures for all states. Aerodrome certification – 3 completed and 17 still to be done. Inspector training in region - ongoing. Harmonization of Regulations, standards and guidance material. Harmonization of forms & documents.
20 Projects in Progress (Continued) Development & implementation of a fully computerized Personnel Licence Database and Issuing system for all states. Development of a Regional database for Accidents & Serious Incidents RASOS Web Page with downloadable forms and data now in place, improvements being done on a continuing basis. Agreement on use of trans-national inspectors.
21 Tasks Completed Common inspector technical qualification and skill record template developed. Common inspector technical qualification and skill record template developed. Template for inspection and surveillance work planning developed. Template for inspection and surveillance work planning developed. Matrix of all member authority inspectors qualifications and skills developed and provided to members. Matrix of all member authority inspectors qualifications and skills developed and provided to members.
22 Tasks Completed Training Courses Facilitated: Training Courses Facilitated: –Airworthiness Inspector Indoctrination training –Operations Inspector Indoctrination training –Aircraft Accident & Incident investigation –Aerodrome Certification Procedures –Personnel Examination & Licensing Procedures –Safety Management Systems for Operators/Regulators
23 Working Groups With formal terms of reference for: With formal terms of reference for: –Harmonization of safety oversight regulations and/or standards –Harmonization of Personnel Licensing standards –Harmonization of flight test standards and reports –Harmonization of inspection and surveillance forms –Aerodrome certification –Foreign Repair Station approval & inspection
24 FAA International Aviation Safety Assessment Program - Progress Surinam CASAS (Achieved Category One 2003) Jamaica CAA (Achieved Category One 1997 / Re-affirmed 2005) Trinidad and Tobago CAA (Category One 2005) Eastern Caribbean CAA (Category One 2006) Barbados BCAA (Preparing for IASA & ICAO compliance audit) Haiti OFNAC (Preparing for IASA & ACAO compliance audit) Guyana CAA (Preparing for IASA & ICAO compliance audit)
25 Immediate Plans Complete the process of becoming a CARICOM Institution - Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System [CASSOS]. Complete the process of becoming a CARICOM Institution - Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System [CASSOS]. Assist Barbados, Guyana & Haiti to achieve IASA Category 1 status. Assist Barbados, Guyana & Haiti to achieve IASA Category 1 status. Submit proposals for the free movement of aviation professionals within CARICOM. Submit proposals for the free movement of aviation professionals within CARICOM.
26 Benefits of CASSOS Greater legitimacy to the operation. Greater legitimacy to the operation. Greater international recognition. Greater international recognition. More attractive to potential donor organizations. More attractive to potential donor organizations. Formalized legal support structure. Formalized legal support structure. Highlights the new Security responsibility Highlights the new Security responsibility
27 Long Term Plans Explore the benefits of expanded technical cooperation with other authorities and the possible widening of “CASSOS” membership. Explore the benefits of expanded technical cooperation with other authorities and the possible widening of “CASSOS” membership. Explore the benefits of forming a single regional Safety Oversight body. Explore the benefits of forming a single regional Safety Oversight body. Continue to seek donor funding for ongoing training and technical development assistance for “CASSOS”. Continue to seek donor funding for ongoing training and technical development assistance for “CASSOS”.
28 RASOS in one sentence! RASOS is an engine for forging a strong, unified, Caribbean aviation safety and security system, under the guidance of ACAAC, with harmonized regulations, standards, certification, licensing, inspection and investigation procedures, all meeting ICAO requirements, and operated by fully trained Caribbean professionals. RASOS is an engine for forging a strong, unified, Caribbean aviation safety and security system, under the guidance of ACAAC, with harmonized regulations, standards, certification, licensing, inspection and investigation procedures, all meeting ICAO requirements, and operated by fully trained Caribbean professionals.
29 Thank you!
30 The End Presented by Howard McCalla, RASOS Assistant Coordinator. 23 August 2006
31 Safety Oversight The Eight Critical Elements (for Cat 1) Primary aviation legislation ( Civil Aviation Act ) Primary aviation legislation ( Civil Aviation Act ) Specific operating regulations ( Satisfying ICAO Annexes ) Specific operating regulations ( Satisfying ICAO Annexes ) Civil Aviation Authority ( Safety Oversight functions ) Civil Aviation Authority ( Safety Oversight functions ) Technically qualified & trained Inspectors Technically qualified & trained Inspectors Guidance material, tools and safety information Guidance material, tools and safety information Licensing, certification & approval obligations. Licensing, certification & approval obligations. Surveillance obligations ( Operators, Aircraft, Airspace) Surveillance obligations ( Operators, Aircraft, Airspace) Resolution of Safety Issues Resolution of Safety Issues