Stand August 2007 ADS-B Avionics for General Aviation Euro Telematik AG Riedweg 5, D Ulm Tel. +49 (0)731/
Stand August 2007 About Euro Telematik Euro Telematik has been founded in 1998 as Management-Buy-Out from the former Navigation and Flight Guidance Systems division of former Dasa (now EADS). The company today works in two business units (Road Telematics and Aerospace), employing around 50 people with a yearly turn over of around 7 MEUR. Since the beginning of 2006 Euro Telematik is owned by Funkwerk, a German stock listed company with around 1500 employees and a yearly turnover of around 300 MEUR. As an authorised manufacturer of aeronautical equipment with substantial involvement in international technology programmes, we provide customer- oriented system solutions for the aerospace sector in our special fields of air traffic solutions, satellite navigation and engineering services.
Stand August 2007 Setting the Scene General Aviation does equip with Mode-S Transponders. IFR mandatory transponder equipage > VFR mandatory transponder equipage > Suitable systems are available from manufacturers like Garmin, Honeywell, Filser, Becker or Garrecht. Some of them have ADS-B OUT capability (Filser provides NMEA interface to GPS receivers). However, only certified GPS sources may be used. Since not all aircraft will have ADS-B OUT capabilities at the same time, the introduction of Traffic Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B) is discussed for an intermediate period. Still, the increasing availability of ADS-B OUT and TIS-B now enables as well a presentation of traffic information in the cockpit (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information). Respectively qualified equipment (i.e. Mode-S receivers and CDTIs) enters the market. Mode S mandatory
Stand August 2007 Expertise Our Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) technology has been developed in many years of research in several projects (e.g. in FARAWAY, or in TAGA with a special focus on General Aviation) where usability has been demonstrated in the respective flight trials. Euro Telematik‘s CDTIs have been used in a large variety of evaluation projects (e.g. NUP II in Scandinavia and in Austria, MEDUP and MFF in the Mediterranean area, the Australian Lower Airspace Program). Just recently Euro Telematik has delivered its CDTIs with integrated TIS-B functionality to Eurocontrol in the frame of the CASCADE/CRISTAL Programme. This project is carried out in co-operation with Selex Communications providing the 1090 receiver.
Stand August 2007 „ADS-B OUT“ – Cockpit Solution Basic System for General Aviation Navigation source TSO 145/146 GPS GPS Engine TRT800 Transponders (Filser) Mode A/C Mode S Transmission of Position Data from GPS as ADS-B data with 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (ES)
Stand August 2007 „ADS-B IN“ – Cockpit Solution CDTI-2000: Multipurpose-Display Decoding of ADS-B messages Decoding of TIS-B messages Presentation of Traffic Terrain indication and MovingMap 1090 MHz ES Receiver (for GA) Reception of DF17 and DF18 ADS-B messages According to RTCA DO-260(A) Antenna Transponder/DME antenna Reception of ADS-B messages and display to the flight crew
Stand August 2007 „ADS-B OUT+IN“ Advanced Solutions for ADS-B OUT and ADS-B IN (General Aviation) Overall System Performance Generation of ADS-B messages Reception of ADS-B/TIS-B messages Traffic, Terrain, MovingMap display ROM Price: 15 kEUR GPS Engine
Stand August 2007 Traffic Display ADS-B over Mode S 1090 ES TIS-B over Mode S 1090 ES ADS-B over VDL mode 4 TIS-B over VDL mode 4 TCAD over Ryan Sensor Systems Moving Map Display From digital charts Customer charts possible From navigation data base Including terrain indication (Jeppesen) Communication Position reporting Text messages Mission data uplink Over Iridium satellite link Over VDL mode 4 CDTI-2000 ® Capabilities Certification JTSO C113, C147 EASA Form One provided Certified Avionics Products
Stand August 2007 Traffic Display Presentation of Traffic Presentation of navaids and airports Traffic settings upon pilot request (i.e. altitude, identification, speed) Traffic service status information Terrain Display Presentation of Terrain (upon pilot request, based on Jeppesen terrain data) Presentation of navaids and airports CDTI-2000 ® Capabilities Certified Avionics Products
Stand August 2007 Moving Map Presentation of Jeppesen VFR/GPS charts (available for Europe) Presentation of visual approach charts (as far as available) Possibility for presentation of customer defined charts Different zoom levels available CDTI-2000 ® Capabilities Certified Avionics Products
Stand August 2007 Installation Easy installation through DZUS standard housing Fits most front panels Use of standard interfaces Examples:C172, Piper Archer, Piper Lance, Beech Baron, King Air 100 Dash-7, Lear-35, Citation II, Falcon 20, … CDTI-2000 ® Installation Certified Avionics Products
Stand August 2007 Pocket/Tablet PC Software Solutions Traffic Display ADS-B over Mode S 1090 ES TIS-B over Mode S 1090 ES ADS-B over VDL mode 4 TIS-B over VDL mode 4 Moving Map Display From digital charts Customer charts possible From navigation data base Including terrain indication Flight Companion ® CDTI Capabilities CDTI-Tablet (EFB)
Stand August 2007 Applications CDTI benefits (based on VDL Mode 4 as well as 1090 ES) have been demonstrated in a large variety of evaluation projects. Euro Telematik‘s has teamed with Avionik Straubing, Germany’s leading avionics maintenance and repair station for General and Business Aviation. Avionik Straubing has equipped their Piper Lance with ADS-B OUT (1090ES transponder) and ADS-B IN (1090ES receiver + CDTI-2000). A low cost ADS-B Ground Monitor has been installed in Straubing as well. This enables to demonstrate the benefits of ADS-B technology to the GA community
Stand August 2007 ASAS role in GA Equipment i.e. respective platforms already available Once GA participation in ASAS procedures is required by regulations implementation on short notice At the moment no benefits identified for GA users CDTI operation in MFF trials
Stand August 2007 Conclusion Euro Telematik’s Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) technology has been developed in many years of research in several projects where usability has been demonstrated in the respective flight trials. Euro Telematik‘s CDTIs are used in a large variety of technology evaluation projects. A partnership with Avionik Straubing now enables to demonstrate the benefits of ADS-B for GA customers. ADS-B OUT is reality - Avionics and ground equipment exists, final certification issues are currently being addressed. ADS-B IN is here as well: the TSOed CDTI-2000 is available NOW. In co- operation with a 1090ES Receiver the benefits of ADS-B IN (including TIS-B) can be exploited today by operators and air traffic service providers. WE HOPE TO BE YOUR PARTNER!