ICT Use to Improve Mathematics Learning in Secondary Schools Rebecca Hudson School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics University of Wollongong ACEC2010: DIGITAL DIVERSITY CONFERENCE 6-9 APRIL 2010, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA
Mathematics and ICT???
Higher Order Thinking Skills
The problem….? Integrating technology in mathematics does not appear to be happening!
How to address the problem? Examine the: beliefs; attitudes; barriers; and knowledge (PD experience and needs) of mathematics teachers towards using computer.
Initial model for predicting computer use
Background International studies show that secondary mathematics teachers are still not effectively integrating computer technology in their classroom.
Related Literature Teacher’s beliefs-mathematical tasks and pedagogical practices (Schoenfeld,1987) Barrier to technology use: lack of professional development; and lack of access to computers (D’Sousa, Sabita and Woods, 2003; Palmer, 2002).
Methodology/Research Design Approach mixed model (Teddlie and Tashkkori, 2002) DesignQuestionnaire Survey Sampling26 high schools, 114 teachers (NSWDET)
Data Analysis Statistical model – ‘logistic regression analysis’
Statistical model predicting computer use
Results The results of the study show that: training on EXCEL; and the need for ongoing support for the inclusion of technology in mathematics teaching are positively associated with computer use.
Lack of lesson plans A teacher who wants training in EXCEL: need [SIC] ongoing support for the inclusion of computer [SIC] in Mathematics teaching, preferred to be trained in the use of the Internet and welcome [SIC] lesson preparation with technology integration is more likely to adopt computer use in mathematics teaching and learning
Conclusion These results indicate that: computer policies(CP) and PD programs integrating the use of ICT in mathematics - not effective a need for more structured and PD programs for mathematics teachers
Recommendations Therefore, it is highly recommended that: a leadership role of school executives is needed to encourage teachers to use ICT in the mathematics classrooms.
Q uestions & A nswers
Thank you for your participation! Rebecca Hudson School of Mathematics & Applied Statistics University of Wollongong