FRB NAVEDTRA 136 Business Process Refinement FRB NAVEDTRA 136 Business Process Refinement Roy Hoyt, NETC N74 Tiffany Dombrowski, AIM Pgm Mgr, NAWCTSD Jamie Stewart, AIM Team Lead ISD Danette Likens, AIM Team Senior ISD 3-5 Apr 12
Overview JDTA FEA Versioning Master Course Schedule Metadata changes Blended learning/content modularization Migration from AIM II/AIM I to NAVEDTRA 136/CPM-LO Module
JDTA Interfaces with other JTA inputs ‒CTTL – ongoing import task ‒SPAWAR TACD – ongoing discussions ‒Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) – ongoing discussions ‒Aviation maintenance Master Task List (MTL) – pending Issue of Needing to Un-approve JDTA Items to Make Corrections Add capability for bulk Submit and bulk Accept of JDTA items as well as omitting Accept step for small Centers (ACR 245) Versioning JDTA [link to separate presentation]
JDTA Links to other JTA
FEA Build on FEA prototype demonstrated last FRB Working closely with NETC N7/N9 staff on evolving NAVEDTRA 139 Major discussion on integration of media selection modeling into CPM FEA tab – [link to separate presentation]
Versioning Learning Objects Adapting traditional AIM I/II revision and change model for NAVEDTRA 136/137 environment AIM team white paper – [link to separate presentation]
Master Course Schedule Ongoing task to re-engineer AIM I/II CMS functionality per requirements defined by Angel Strong’s working group chartered at Aug FRB meeting Do we need a small team to look at this issue for Learning Object-based CMS?
Metadata Changes New NETC metadata guidelines promulgated in NETC Note 1500 dated 29 Feb 12 AIM team analysis of impacts: moderate effort to adapt current AIM I, AIM II, and LO Module metadata generation functions to support new policy ACR for implementation of this functionality to be discussed Thurs am
Blended Learning/Content Modularization Continued progress in demonstrating NAVEDTRA 136/137 business rules in CPM/LO Module via MT Continuum project New prototype project by CPPD to use CPM/LO Module in conjunction with CTC-developed CDAT CBT toolset now underway Ongoing task by AIM team working closely with BAH to implement LO Module interface with Atlas Pro ROCCE toolset
Migration from AIM II/AIM I to NAVEDTRA 136/CPM-LO Module Closely tied to formal Authority to Operate CPM and LO Module in NETPDTC hosting environment NETC N74 continuing to socialize language and schedule for NETC note to mandate new development and 50%+ revision done in CPM/LO Module New copy nested DPs/RIAs functions will streamline process of repurposing traditional AIM I/II curricula into NAVEDTRA 136-compliant form in CPM/LO Module
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