NAPAK Non-commercial organization Moscow 2011
Contents: 1. NAPAK profile -What is NAPAK -Objectives -Main activities 2. Structure -Organizational framework -Committee functions 3. Association members 4. Support of international suppliers National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
NAPAK PROFILE National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK Is a non-commercial voluntary association of businesses representatives united for accomplishing the following purposes and pursuing the following goals: National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
OBJECTIVES The main mission of the Association is a full-scale integration of the Russian automotive sector in global automotive industry : 1. Information exchange and strengthening of the relationship between automotive component manufacturers; 2. Providing assistance and promotion of investment and innovative activities of automotive component manufacturers; 3. Analysis, standardization,harmonization and administration of manufacturing processes and management systems; 4. Assistance in creating of positive legal environment for businesses; 5. Promotion of business representatives’ interests in government bodies. NAPAK:objectives and main activities National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
MAIN ACTIVITIES 1 INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND STRENGTHENING OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENT MANUFACTURERS Marketing research of the industry (branch, sector); Providing the Association members with the information on the market (industry) condition; Providing legal information; Search and selection of business partners; Organization of conferences, attracting companies to participation in exhibitions. NAPAK:objectives and main activities National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
MAIN ACTIVITIES 2 PROVIDING ASSISTANCE AND PROMOTION OF INVESTMENT AND INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES OF AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENT MANUFACTURERS Providing information of new technologies; Coordination of collaborative research and development projects; Attracting investments; Assistance in implementation of projects on rationalization of innovation management and technological management mechanisms at the factories in the sphere of: - quality management system development - technological management development - support of hi-tech export NAPAK:objectives and main activities National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
MAIN ACTIVITIES 3 ANALYSIS, STANDARDIZATION,HARMONIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Providing assistance to the Association members in execution of expert examination and certification of products and services, assessment of workplaces, assets appraising; Development of branch normative standards and technical regulations; Development and harmonization of logistics and management system standards with EU in cooperation with European Association ODETTE. NAPAK:objectives and main activities National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
MAIN ACTIVITIES 4 ASSISTANCE IN CREATING OF POSITIVE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT FOR BUSINESSES Participation in elaboration and expert evaluation of regulatory acts, etc.; Elaboration and promotion of long-range plans (programs and strategies) of the branch and (or) region development NAPAK:objectives and main activities National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers
NAPAK STRUCTURE National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers Council Chairman and Heads of Committees Organizational Committee International Committee Technical Committee Committee of small and medium enterprises development and exhibition activities The Council Chairman and the Heads of Committees are businesses representatives elected by the Council of the Association
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK structure General Assembly of Association members Association Council Executive Management The Board structure Executive Management Secretariat Organizational Committee Secretariat International Committee Secretariat Technical Committee Secretariat Committee of small and medium enterprises development
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK structure ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE Working as an intermediary between government authorities and automotive component manufacturers, the Committee holds meetings on information and ideas exchange, sums the results up and submits them to the government Functions: Organization of intercommunication with Federal government authorities; Research of fundamental management problems that automotive manufacturers face; Aggregation and analysis of the information on automotive component markets; Maintenance of the branch data base; Market structure analysis; Employment relations; Taxation
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK structure INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE The mission of NAPAK International Committee is to develop and implement the projects created for building relations with European and Asian countries Functions : Representing and promoting the Association internationally; Developing and maintaining business relations with foreign suppliers and Associations of Automotive Component Manufacturers; Establishing and developing communication, assistance in setting up partnership between Russian and foreign manufacturers; Organizing the Association members’ participation in international events.
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK structure TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The task of NAPAK Technical Committee is to provide informational and technological support to enterprises when setting up and developing manufacture in the territory of the Russian Federation Functions: Research and comparative analysis of Russian regions in terms of availability of optimum infrastructure for manufacture set up; Assistance in setting up new manufactures and mastering new technologies; Planning and administration of manufacturing technology; Providing assistance in execution of expert examination and certification of products and services, assessment of workplaces, assets appraising.
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK structure COMMITTEE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT AND EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES Functions: Assistance in attracting investments; Organization of Russian enterprises participation in international contests, tenders and target-oriented programs; Organization of courses, seminars, trainings on implementation of modern management strategies, technologies and personnel advanced professional development; Organization of exhibitions, contests, forums, business meetings and other official events held by the Association; Representing the Association members’ interests at the events held by external organizations; Organization of the Association members’ participation in international events.
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK PARTNERS Jonson controls LEAR Donghee Toyota Boshoku Faurecia Automotive Daewon Sejong Magna Sungwoo Hitech Rus Takata Petri PES/SCC (DELPHY) SungWoo Hightech Rus Robert Bosch Steering systems AutoDoor Rus Transmission Electrom DURA Automotive Systems Аvtosvet Avtopribor Avtokomplekt NTC MSP BZAN SCHAAZ Avtel ZKS Avtokom
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers NAPAK SUPPORT OF FOREIGN SUPPLIERS ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECTS CONTACTS WITH FIELD-ORIENTED INSTITUTIONS INDUSTRIAL ASSEMBLY “TURN-KEY” PROJECTS: - Selection of design organizations and subcontracting enterprises - Selection of a site and partners RECOMMENDATIONS OF SUPPLIERS
National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers CONTACTS Web site: Tel.:+7 (499) Fax:+7 (499) Address:127018, Moscow, Sushevsky val, 5, bld. 2, office 312