1 By The Numbers
2 One of largest programs of its kind at a major research institution Replication is underway at other universities. US Department of Education, Former Secretary Paige and Bruce Alberts, President of the National Academy of Sciences cite UTeach as a model program UTeach is a National Model
3 Growth Strong academics Retention of students in the program Retention of graduates in teaching careers Diversity How UTeach has been successful
4 UTeach Growth
5 Current Program Basics Fall 2006: 482 students Spring 2006: 473 students Graduating around 70 – 80 per year.
6 Academics UTeach GPA= 3.06 UT Austin GPA = 3.09* CNS GPA = 2.98* *The most recent figures available for UT Austin and CNS are from the Fall semester of UTeach Math SAT= 636 UT Austin SAT= 634 National Avg.= 520
7 Retention within UTeach Retention from Step 1 (initial UTeach course) into Step 2 Spring 2006 into Fall 2006 = 71.7% Retention from Step 2 into at least one other UTeach course Spring 2006 into Fall 2006 = 70.0%
8 Current Total Graduates To Date: 358 UTeach graduates Of the 335 who graduated prior to this past semester’s class... 253 (75.5%) are teaching in traditional settings 13 (4%) are teaching in non-traditional settings (NASA, wild life park, etc.) 69 (20.5%) are not teaching (industry, graduate school, medical school, etc.) 75% still teaching after 5 years
9 UTeach Grads Of the 253 teaching in a traditional secondary setting: 104 = Composite science 4 = Computer Science 1 = Composite Science + Computer Science 3 = Computer Science + Mathematics 141 = Mathematics
10 DemographicsN = 482 Women = 285 Men = 197 White265 (55%) Hispanic100 (21%) Asian 82 (17%) Black 19 ( 4%) Foreign 14 ( 3%) Native Am. 2 (.4%) Freshmen = 71 Sophomore = 98 Junior = 108 Senior = 196 Grad School = 9
11 Four-year academic program in the College of Natural Sciences with rigorous preparation in mathematics and science Early and on-going field experiences in public schools Master and mentor teachers as faculty & advisors Internships and Scholarships Cohort Structure Support for teachers after graduation Keys to UTeach success
12 Partnership: New UTeach Courses University Provider Professional Development Courses One-hour Courses: STEP 1, 2 Mathematics courses including Functions and Modeling Research Methods College of Natural Sciences Knowing & Learning Classroom Interactions Project-Based Instruction Student Teaching College of Education Perspectives in Math & Science College of Liberal Arts A UTeach Steering Committee includes faculty from the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Education.
13 Professional Development Courses New pedagogy courses, focused on teaching science & mathematics, developed by both colleges, taught by UT professors and Master Teachers with advanced degrees Specifically designed for needs of future mathematics and science teachers (no generic education courses exist in the course sequence) Combine content material and pedagogy Inquiry-based teaching and learning Technology rich curriculum Research experience
14 Courses Involving Field Experience Courses are taught by Master Teachers (non-tenured faculty members who have been recognized for educational leadership and have a minimum of master’s degree) Student teaching done under the supervision of Mentor Teachers (practicing teachers in the public school system) Field Experience takes place in high-need schools (50% or more of students on free or reduced lunch)
15 UTeach Entry Points Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8 STEP 1STEP 2Knowing & Learning Research Methods Project- Based Instruction Student Teaching Classroom Interactions Perspectives STEP 1STEP 2 Knowing & Learning Research Methods Project- Base Instruction Student Teaching Classroom Interactions Perspectives STEP 1 Knowing & Learning STEP 2Research Methods Project- Based Instruction Student Teaching Classroom Interactions Perspectives STEP 1&2 Knowing & Learning Project- Based Instruction Student Teaching Research Methods Classroom Interactions Perspectives Freshman Pathway Sophomore Pathway Junior/Senior Pathway Post-Baccalaureate Pathway (Program Under Development)
16 Goals of UTeach Mathematics Courses Make connections between college-level mathematics and secondary school mathematics Practice reflective and collaborative learning Learn appropriate use of technology in mathematics classroom Engage in mathematical reasoning Practice oral and written communication skills in a mathematical setting Learn correct use of mathematical language and symbols
17 Mathematics Courses Designed for UTeach Courses designed to provide content knowledge particularly needed by teachers Functions and Modeling Foundations of Number Systems SCI 360 (An advanced Perspective on Secondary Mathematics) Mathematics as Problem Solving
18 Additional Upper-Division Mathematics Courses (BA in Mathematics, Teaching Option) Discrete Math Linear Algebra Probability I Structure of Modern Geometry Applied Statistics Real Analysis Number Theory or Algebraic Structures
19 Our First Masters Graduates! The Summer UTeach Master of Arts in Science and Mathematics Education graduated the 20 students in the first cohort this past summer. These students began in the Summer of Male = 4 Female = 16 Math = 11 Science = 9
20 The Colleges of Education and Natural Sciences announce a new program to produce the next generation of master teacher leaders— individuals who will return to the classroom and their school districts as highly qualified content and instructional specialists. We are developing new science, mathematics and computer science courses at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels for teachers who wish to increase their content knowledge and to use this knowledge effectively in a secondary setting. The Mission
21 The Challenge How to continue to meet teacher’s needs AND allow them to earn a master’s degree? How to make this work for full time teachers? How to make it financially feasible? How to design new content courses?
22 The Program 3 summers - face - to - face for 9 weeks 2 intervening years - on-line courses Course schedules Course content Final summer research experience Master’s with Report
23 Program Overview
24 The Support Provost and private funding 80% Tuition and Fees Room and board for out-of-town students Faculty and Master Teachers
25 Courses From College of Education Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics and Science Systemic Reform Equity and Policy
26 Courses: Mathematics Cohorts begun in 2004, 2005, 2006, & 2007 Topics in Analysis Applied Calculus Topics in Topology and Knot Theory Applied Statistics
27 For More Information on UTeach UTeach Natural Sciences The UTeach Institute