Implementing First Step to Success: A Tier 2 Behavioral Intervention Helen Jarvis – Reading Specialist Morgan Kraus - Classroom Teacher Bartley Elementary, Fulton School District Barbara S. Mitchell, Ph.D. MO SWPBS MO SW-PBS
Session Outcomes By the end of this session participants will be able to… – Describe the First Step to Success intervention – Determine the extent to which the intervention is relevant for meeting the needs of students and staff in your setting MO SW-PBS
First Step to Success Early intervention program designed to help children who are at risk for developing aggressive or antisocial behavioral patterns. – Appropriate for students PreK – 3 Behavior coach works w/ classroom teacher to provide intervention components. MO SW-PBS
Evidence for First Step to Success Currently 26 peer-reviewed, published investigations 2 studies met evidence standards of the IES- What Works Clearinghouse (WWC; indicates a strong research design) – Walker et al., 1998 – Walker et al., 2009 MO SW-PBS
Evidence for First Step to Success DomainRatings External BehaviorPositive Effects Emotional/Internal BehaviorPotentially Positive Effects Social OutcomesPotentially Positive Effects Rdg Achievement/LiteracyNo Discernable Effects Other Academic OutcomesPotentially Positive Effects
First Step Components Includes three interconnected modules: – First Step Screening Identifies problems of antisocial behavior CLASS “Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills” School intervention homeBase Home intervention MO SW-PBS
School Intervention - CLASS MO SW-PBS
School Intervention - CLASS Provided within the regular classroom context Requires a minimum of 30 program days for successful completion – Each program day has performance criterion that must be met before proceeding to next day of program – If criterion isn’t met the program day is repeated (recycled) MO SW-PBS
General Procedures - CLASS Delivered in a game format – student has opportunity to earn reward for entire class Large green/red card is used to cue student Feedback and points are awarded for specified intervals – 80% or more of opportunities scored “green” gets class reward – e.g., 5 min extra recess, popcorn MO SW-PBS
General Procedures - CLASS Child takes score home each night Coach/Teacher contacts family each day to report on student progress Parent rewards child or provides encouragement for meeting goal the next day; signs card and returns it to school MO SW-PBS
Procedures Coach Phase CoachTeacherParents Days Implements program with child in classroom -Communicates with parents daily -Completes green/red card; determines if goal is met -Provides verbal praise -Announces incentive to class -Supports delivery of incentive -Supports green/red card going home -Check for green/red card each day -Gives praise and incentive for making daily points -Remains neutral if child doesn’t make daily points -Signs card and returns it to school. MO SW-PBS
CLASS Component - Introduction Helen introduces “Game” to the class MO SW-PBS
Class Component – “Game” Helen is playing the game using the Red/Green cue card MO SW-PBS
Class Component – Earns Reward Helen announces that the student met his goal. Student selects reward. MO SW-PBS
Procedures Teacher Phase CoachTeacherParents Days Implements weekly homeBase program; 6 sessions -Provides support and consultation to teacher -Takes over daily intervention implementation -Records information on monitoring form -Communicates daily with parents -Participates in weekly homeBase program with coach -Participates in daily homeBase activities w/ child -Provides praise, incentives, and monitors green/red card MO SW-PBS
First Step Components Includes three interconnected modules: First Step Screening Identifies problems of antisocial behavior CLASS Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills School intervention – homeBase Home intervention MO SW-PBS
School to Home Link - homeBase Coach meets with family for 6 weeks – min per week – Provides lessons for promoting school success Parents work with child – min per day – Skill building and practice; positive interactions – Parent uses help & activity cards MO SW-PBS
School to Home Link - homeBase Communicating and sharing school Cooperation Setting Limits Solving Problems Making Friends Developing Confidence MO SW-PBS
Perspectives on Implementation Helen Jarvis – Behavioral Coach Morgan Kraus – Classroom Teacher Connie Epperson - Principal MO SW-PBS
First Step Materials Kits are available to borrow from your assigned RPDC Available for purchase from to-success/ to-success/ – Preschool Kit = $180 – K-Grade 3 Kit = $209 MO SW-PBS
Information & Trainings Web Sites – – South Central RPDC in Rolla – Monday September 15, 9:00-3:00 Heart of Missouri RPDC in Columbia – Thursday October 16 th, 9:00-3:00 MO SW-PBS