ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION Accountability for Standards in Mathematics Challenges in implementing the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Directed vs Constructivist Teaching Strategies: Ongoing “ Math Wars”
ACCOUNTABILITY FOR STANDARDS IN MATHEMATICS Principals and Standards in Mathematics were released in 2000 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) The NCTM make all decision for Mathematics pre-kindergarten through 12 th grade. Their Vision “Solid mathematics curriculum, competent and knowledgeable teacher who can integrate instruction with assessment, education policies that enhance and support learning, classrooms with ready access to technology, and a commitment to both equity and excellence.”
ACCOUNTABILITY FOR STANDARDS IN MATHEMATICS Six Principles 1.Equity 2.Curriculum 3.Teaching 4.Learning 5.Assessment 6.Technology These principles address crucial issues fundamental to all school mathematics programs.
ACCOUNTABILITY FOR STANDARDS IN MATHEMATICS Ten Mathematics Standards Five Content Standards 1.Numbers and Operations 2.Algebra, Geometry 3.Measurement 4.Data Analysis 5.Probability Five Process Standards 1.Problem Solving 2.Reasoning and Proof 3.Communication 4.Connections 5.Representations Pre-kindergarten through 12 th grade
CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING THE PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL MATHEMATICS Research points to three implications for the selection and use of technology related to mathematics education: 1.Teachers should consider an appropriate combination of off- and on-computer activities. 2.They should consider technology as a mathematical tool rather than as a pedagogical tool. 3.They should view technology as a tool for developing student thinking.
CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING THE PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDS FOR SCHOOL MATHEMATICS One way to accomplish those goals is to use computer software and applications that can be extended for long periods of time across topics to engage students in meaningful problems and projects rather than providing a variety of applications with no internal coherence.
DIRECTED VS CONSTRUCTIVIST TEACHING STRATEGIES: ONGOING “ MATH WARS” 1.Those who believe math should be explicit and teacher directed 2.Those who favor student-centered learning This is a more constructivist approach in which students forge conceptual understanding through group work, hands-on projects, or discussions with other students. MATH WARS Hot Topic: Do calculators mean the end of memorizing Math Facts?
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION 1.Bridging the Gap between abstract and concrete with Virtual Manipulatives 2.Allowing Representation of Mathematical Principles 3.Supporting Mathematical Problem Solving 4.Implementing Data-Driven Curricula 5.Supporting Math Related Communications 6.Motivating Skill Building and Practice
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION Bridging the Gap between abstract and concrete with Virtual Manipulatives Virtual Manipulatives Replicas of real manipulatives that are accessed via the Internet Allowing Representation of Mathematical Principles Graphing Calculators Four reasons Graphing Calculators were introduced 1.Collecting or Generating raw data 2.Examining multiple cases 3.Providing immediate feedback 4.Showing graphical and numerical displays Computer Algebra System (CAS) Helps carry out complex numeric calculations
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION Supporting Mathematical Problem Solving Calculator-based laboratories (CBLs, a.k.a probeware) Provides a means to link either calculators or computers to scientific data Implementing Data-Driven Curricula Fathom A comprehensive package designed for schools that helps analyze and represent statistical data in a wide range of forms
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTION Supporting Math Related Communications Students must be able to convert their mathematical thinking into words Different websites bring up Math problems of the week that teachers have them solve Ask Dr. Math Motivating Skill Building and Practice Computer-based tutoring systems for mathematics Cognitive Tutor Carnegie Mellon University Has been adopted by 2,600 thousand schools
ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONS 1.Accountability for Standards in Science 2.The Narrowing Pipeline of Scientific Talent 3.Increasing Need for Scientific Literacy 4.Difficulties in Teaching K-8 5.Objections to Virtual Science Labs
ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONS Accountability for Standards in Science Nation Science Education Standards (NSES) Published by the National Research Council (NRS) in 1996 The Narrowing Pipeline of Scientific Talent America is facing a growing crisis in leadership for much-needed science/technology/engineering/ mathematics (STEM).
ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONS Increasing Need for Scientific Literacy America’s economic and environmental progress depends on the character and quality of the science education that the nation’s schools provide. Difficulties in Teaching K-8 It is harder to teach kids and teens about Science in these grades because of their age and knowledge of math.
ISSUES AND PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONS Hands-on/minds-on science Engaging in in-depth investigations with objects, materials, phenomena, and ideas and drawing meaning and understand from those experiences. Objections to Virtual Science Labs
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR SCIENCE INSTRUCTION 1.Involving Students in Scientific Inquiry Through Authentic Online Projects 2.Support for Specific Processes in Scientific Inquiry 3.Supporting Science Skills and Concept Learning 4.Engaging Students in Engineering Topics through Robotics 5.Accessing Science Information and Tools
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR SCIENCE INSTRUCTION Involving Students in Scientific Inquiry Through Authentic Online Projects Data Loggers Devices that record data over time with sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), as well as traditional technologies such as a weather shelter and U–tube thermometer. Support for Specific Processes in Scientific Inquiry Location information to investigate scientific issues and questions Collecting Data Visualizing data and phenomena Analyzing Data Communicating Results
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR SCIENCE INSTRUCTION Supporting Science Skills and Concept Learning Using students cell phones for student response systems Students respond to the questions by sending a test message from their cell phone to the number provided by the Poll Everywhere (PE) service. Engaging Students in Engineering Topics through Robotics The International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) They have information and publications at its website on how to combine and emphasize these topics.
TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION STRATEGIES FOR SCIENCE INSTRUCTION The internet has opened up a world of tools and materials for use by teachers and students You can find several different tools for Science by just going online and searching Accessing Science Information and Tools
TECH-PACK AND CHALLENGES IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE INSTRUCTION 1.Mathematics and Science Content Knowledge 2.Mathematics and Science Pedagogical Knowledge 3.Mathematics and Science Technological Knowledge 4.Strategies for Improving Tech-Pack in Mathematics and Science Instruction