From the deep roots of our story to “Something New” Ministry
W e, Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rooted in God and in the Gospel, stand together and courageously commit ourselves to enter into the joys, hopes, griefs, and anxieties of the people of this world. W e choose to be transformed by these questions: How do the choices I make today/we make today affect persons who are in need in our time? What choices must we make as we live out our commitment to God and God’s people?
Ministry Education Social Services Spiritual Renewal Peru Pastoral Services Social Justice Prayer Ministry Health Care
Ministry Related Issues Fewer church based ministry openings Continued closing of schools Retooling of members Lack of housing near some ministry sites Sisters shifting from full time to part time ministry Struggle to find part time ministry Sisters leaving active ministry Parish inability to fund sisters’ salaries
Current Degree Programs Doctoral Programs D. Min Adult Faith Formation Ed.D Educational Leadership Masters Programs Art Education Fine Arts
Certification - Licensing Art Therapy Certified Counselor Clinical Pastoral Education Geriatric Spiritual Care Hospice Instructional Spanish Nurse Practitioner Nursing Assistant Nursing Home Administration Registered Nurse Social Work Spiritual Direction
Presidential Medal Recipients In October, 2011, Sister Anne Munley, President of Marywood University bestowed the Presidential Medal on Sister Eileen Egan, Sister Mary Martha Gardiner, Sister Michael Marie Hartman, Sister Joel Marie Sheehe and Sister Jacquelin Servick. The award was in recognition of their loving service to the people of Peru.
Health and Wellness Sr. Vincentia Dorsey was announced at Assembly 2011 as the first member of our Health and Wellness Team. The primary goal is to act as a resource and advocate in obtaining health services for the maintenance of sisters’ health and wellness.
“Retooling” for Future Ministry
Something New Feasibility Studies Underway: Nativity Miguel Scranton IHM Friends - Carbondale
“From the deep roots of our story to Something New” The deep roots of our story witness to a pattern of going where the life is, where the needs of the People of God are. How do our present ministry movements (degree programs, certification, licensing, retooling, creating something new) reflect this ongoing commitment? What is the “something new” that emerges from our ministries? The “something new” to which our ministries call us in this time and place?