Understanding California’s New State Assessment Cambrian School District August 20, 2015
Goals Quick review of the California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP) Learn how the Smarter Balanced assessment results will be reported Provide an overview of a communication plan with all stakeholders
A changing world of state and national assessments…
Weaknesses and Missing Skills Colleges and career training programs reported weaknesses in HS grads Reading complex technical and informational texts Writing well-supported arguments Solving non-routine problems Analyses showed critical higher order skills were needed for college and the workforce Problem solving Critical thinking Systems thinking Information/ICT literacy
Old Tests – Lower Skills Looking at tests from 17 states reputed to have higher standards and more difficult tests found that: Only 21% of English language art items required “higher order thinking skills” and Fewer than 2% of mathematics items required “higher order thinking skills” * * Estimating the percentage of students who were tested on cognitively demanding items through the state achievement tests. RAND Corporation, 2012
Key Facts We know 60% of the careers today require some form of education after high school – a degree or certificate. This will only grow in the future. We need to raise our academic standards and performance expectations. We want our students go to schools with the most highly effective teachers, access to the best educational opportunities, and use of the best technology so they graduate prepared for college and/or the workforce. The implementation of the CCSS supports our students to be college and career ready.
Key Aspects of the CCSS Reading increasingly complex texts closely. Communicating effectively across multiple media and content areas. Using evidence ; interpreting with justification. Engaging in inquiry and research. Engaging in mathematical practices that use mathematical reasoning in application. Using mathematical skills across content areas and contexts.
The New CAASPP includes… Smarter Balanced summative assessments for grades 3-8 and 11 California Alternative Assessment Science assessments for grades 5, 8 and 10 Standards-based tests in Spanish Modified and alternative assessments for some special education students
The Assessments are Computer- based Students use computers or tablets to take the assessments Computer testing with these 7 different types of response options are new for many students Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT): Answer correctly … harder question Answer wrong … easier question How: Students get the questions right for them – up to 2 grade levels above or below grade Before, for those at the top and the bottom we couldn’t tell – How far ahead? How far behind?
No Comparison The new assessments measure different content and skills from the California STAR exams Like apples and oranges, the new tests are too different to compare the old scores and new Many students will need to make significant progress This year’s results will establish a baseline for progress in future years We’re resetting the system
Overall Scores – 2 areas, 4 levels English Language Arts – Mathematics Exceeded the standard College and Career Ready Met the standard College and Career Ready Nearly met the standard Target Improvement Has not met the standard Target Improvement
Additional Scores – 3 levels, 8 topics Below Standard Above Standard At/Near Standard Above Standard At/Near Standard Below Standard English Language Arts 1.Reading 2.Writing 3.Speaking & Listening 4.Research/Inquiry Mathematics 1.Concepts & Procedures 2.Problem Solving 3.Communicating Reasoning 4.Modeling & Data Analysis
Update on CAASPP Annual Release of Assessment Results school year was the first year for full implementing the Common Core Standards in English language arts and mathematics school year was the first time that scores from tests aligned to those standards will be reported “Preliminary Results” available to LEA online - Embargoed Final results in late August/September - Student Score Reports to go home by mail California Department of Education website to be launched in September with release of final CAASPP results
Cambrian School District Number and Percent of Students Tested, ELA/Literacy GradeNumber of Students Tested Percent of Students Tested % % % % % % Mathematics GradeNumber of Students Tested Percent of Students Tested % % % % % % Updated Aug
A Framework for Interpretation It’s a beginning – this year’s score is your baseline It’s a transition – results may show many students need to make progress, but we are on the right path It’s the information we need – to help prepare kids for college and careers It’s just one snapshot of progress in a process of continual improvement
Cambrian’s Communication Plan Final results from the summative assessments will be communicated to all stakeholders, including: School Board at Board Meetings District & Site Administrators All Staff Parents and Guardians Cambrian Community
Our Next Steps Smarter Balanced Communication Video Presentation “Understanding the Smarter Balanced Individual Student Report” Superintendent’s letter to accompany Student Report Communication Tips for Teachers & Administrators Role Play Scenarios for Staff Principal’s Coffees & Community Meetings Schools and District Newsletter Schools and District Websites District Facebook
We’re on the right path…