Preparing for the PARCC Field Test: Training for Test Coordinators 1
Today’s Workshop I. Tasks for Test Coordinators to complete BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER testing II. PearsonAccess Set-Up I. Adding students II. Creating and managing Test Sessions III. Managing Accommodations 2
PARCC Acronyms AcronymName CBTComputer Based Test CCRCollege and Career Ready CCSSCommon Core State Standards ELAEnglish Language Arts ELA/LEnglish Language Arts/Literacy EOYEnd of Year LEALocal Education Agency PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers AcronymName PBAPerformance Based Assessment PBTPaper Based Test SDUStudent Data Upload TAMTest Administrator Manual TCMTest Coordinator Manual STCSchool Test Coordinator TATest Administrator 3
Roles and Responsibilities of Test Coordinators 4
Tasks for Test Coordinators to complete BEFORE testing 5
Before Testing: Test Scheduling 1.E STABLISH THE T ESTING S CHEDULE For the Field Test, LEAs and Schools may set their own schedules within each testing window (PBA, EOY) Schedule testing for the early part of each testing window to maximize number of available testing days in case of issues Policies on scheduling and testing time: Each session for a subject and grade must be completed in a single school day to avoid compromising item validity For PBT: All students within the same grade/subject must test on same day For CBT: Schools with multiple classrooms testing in the same grade must be schedule sessions as close together as possible Schools should take into account breaks between sessions See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 4-8, 19 PBT: p. 3-7, 17 6
Before Testing: Test Scheduling Make-Up Testing Students who are not tested on the regular administration date should be tested on a make-up day Make-up testing sessions may be scheduled for any day after the initial administration date as long as they fall within the testing window Test sessions must be administered in order The same test security and administration protocols for regular administration sessions apply to make-up test sessions NOTE: Students who become ill or have to leave for other reasons during testing should attempt to finish a test they started on a scheduled make-up date. Test Administrators must note the exact place in the test where the student stopped. Students are not allowed to return to any previous session or change any previously completed item(s). See TCM for reference: CBT/PBT: 4 7
Before Testing: Test Scheduling Guidelines for Testing Time In planning schedule, include Total Field Test Administration Times for each session (See Tables 1.1 to 1.8 in TCM for times) Session Time is the amount of time it should take a student to complete a session Additional Time Allowed is approximately 50% of Session Time Schools must provide all students with the entire amount of field test administration time listed for the Session Time and must schedule accordingly Students who are productively engaged in testing must also be provided the Additional Time Allowed to complete a session A new session cannot be started until ALL students in a session are finished or relocated for extended time accommodation See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 4-8 PBT: p
Guidelines for Scheduling ELA/Literacy and Mathematics Session Times for PBA and EOY Components T ASK Time Allotted for Administration Preparation before students arrive—includes logging in and setting up computer work stations (CBT Only) 2 minutes per computer work station (CBT Only) Preparation after students arrive— includes ensuring students are logged in (CBT only), reading instructions and answering questions 10 minutes Distribute test materials to students 5 minutes Administer Field Test session (Session Time) minutes (Session/grade level dependent). See Tables 1.1– 1.8 in Test Coord. Manual for Session Times Additional Time Allowed for all students who are productively engaged at the end of Session Time minutes (Session/grade level dependent). See Tables 1.1– 1.8 in Test Coord. for Additional Time Allowed End-of-session activities, including collecting test materials and closing CBT sessions 5-15 minutes TOTAL SCHEDULED TIME: minutes 9
Before Testing: Test Security 2.D EVELOP AND I MPLEMENT T EST S ECURITY P LAN A successful Security Plan will: Direct individuals authorized to be involved in test administration to review security protocols, prohibited activities, testing irregularities, and security breaches as well as sign the Security Agreement Establish a documented chain of custody Designate a central locked storage area for securing test materials Document that Technology Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors have received necessary training for successful, secure administration of the PARCC Field Test See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 9 PBT: p. 8 10
Before Testing: Test Security Test Coordinators must develop a Chain-of-Custody Plan that ensures test materials are accounted for at all times before, during, and after test administration. The Chain-of-Custody Plan should: Include procedures for documenting the hand-off and return of test materials between School Test Coordinators and Test Administrators. Account for the return of test materials to Pearson (PBT only). Include a process to document shredding or recycling, as appropriate, of test materials that are not returned to Pearson. Failure to develop, implement, and follow a Chain-of-Custody Plan could result in test invalidations or other action per state policy. See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p
Before Testing: Test Security The Test Coordinator must distribute test materials to and from Test Administrators each test administration day. Test materials must not be stored in classrooms prior to or following the day of administration. Test materials that will be distributed by Test Coordinators to each Test Administrator include: Test Booklets and Answer Documents (PBT) Vendor-supplied Rulers and Protractors (PBT) Vendor-supplied Mathematics Reference Sheets (PBT) Student Authorization Tickets (CBT) Seal Codes (CBT) Headphones (CBT) Scratch Paper (both) See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 10 PBT: p. 9 12
Before Testing: Training Plan 3.D EVELOP A T RAINING P LAN Make sure that you: Designate a fully trained alternate Test Coordinator Ensure all school staff involved in administering PARCC tests are trained and understand their responsibilities and security protocols Ensure Test Administrators understand the expectation of “active proctoring” while students are testing Encourage Test Administrators to use the checklists available in Appendices of the Test Coordinator Manuals (consider providing copies of this checklist during training) Ensure Test Administrators and Proctors sign the Security Agreement (see Appendix A of Test Coordinator Manual) after training is complete. See TCM for reference: CBT: p , 23 PBT: p , 20 13
Before Testing: Logistics Plan 4.D EVELOP A T EST A DMINISTRATION L OGISTICS P LAN Determine break policy Assign classrooms, test administrators, tech support Establish school policy for dismissing students or allowing them to read a recreational book after completing individual tests Option A: Dismiss back to another class Option B: Sit quietly until everyone is finished Option C: Read a book or work on a task NOT related to the content area being tested (ex: in a Literacy session, do math homework) 14 See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p. 18
Before Testing: Final Preparations 5.F INAL P REPARATION FOR PBT AND CBT T ESTING Before the day of testing, Test Coordinators must: Verify testing rooms are set up so students are separated by a reasonable distance to encourage independent work and prevent collaboration Ensure testing rooms are clear of any and all instructional displays 15 See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 24 PBT: p. 22
Before Testing: Final Preparations 6.F INAL P REPARATION FOR PBT AND CBT T ESTING (continued) On the day of testing, immediately prior to the beginning of the test session (NOT in advance), distribute the following materials: Pencils (must be No. 2 for PBT) Scratch paper for students to use during the test session Timing device (if needed) to keep track of time during testing “Testing—Do Not Disturb” signs to post on testing room doors Headphones (CBT only) Test Booklets and Answer Documents (PBT only) Rulers and protractors for Mathematics testing (PBT only) Mathematics Reference Sheets (PBT only) 16 See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 25 PBT: p. 23
CBT Computer-Based Testing Before Testing 17
Before Testing: CBT Secure Materials Handling For Computer-Based Testing (CBT), Test Coordinators must print the following CBT secure materials, which can be printed up to one week prior to testing and kept in a secure location: Student Authorization Tickets. Each test session will have a unique Test Code for each student that will be printed on Student Authorization Tickets. Students will be prompted to enter the Test Code to access the test via TestNav (the browser-based application used to administer PARCC tests). Seal Codes. Seal Codes are four-digit codes used to lock test sessions so that students cannot go ahead to the next session or go back to a previous session that has already been completed. Seal codes are the electronic equivalents of the adhesive tabs that are used to seal sections of paper test booklets. See TCM for reference: CBT: p
Tasks for Test Coordinators to complete DURING testing 19
During Testing 1.M ONITOR T EST A CTIVITY Ensure that Test Administrators are actively monitoring students during testing Investigate and document all testing irregularities and security breaches and report incidents to LEA and/or SEA 2.S CHEDULE AND S UPERVISE M AKE -U P T ESTING Students who are not tested on the regular administration date due to illness or other excused absence should be tested on a make-up day Ensure all make-up testing is completed before the end of the testing window See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 27 PBT: p
During Testing: Breaks Scheduled breaks should occur between test sessions. During the scheduled break, students are permitted to go to the restroom, get up to stretch, or get a drink, if needed. During a test session, individual restroom breaks may be provided at the discretion of the Test Administrator. During scheduled breaks for PBT, the Test Administrator should collect students’ Test Booklets and Answer Documents. There should not be conversations among students and students are not permitted to use electronic devices, play games, or engage in activities that may violate the validity of the test. At the discretion of the Test Administrator, a classroom may take a break of up to three minutes during a test session. Test Administrators are responsible for ensuring students do not communicate during this break and that students are not able to see content on other students’ booklets/answer documents (for PBT) or devices (for CBT). See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 5-6 PBT: p. 5 21
During Testing: Breaches in Test Security The test coordinator or principal must immediately report any concern about breaches in test security or noncompliance with test administration procedures to either the LEA or SEA, according to their state policy (see state-by-state policies in the appendix of the Test Coordinator Manual). Form submitted within 2 days Instruct Test Administrators to contact the School Test Coordinator and/or principal immediately to report all testing irregularities. See TCM for reference: CBT: p. 9, 13 PBT: p. 8, 11 22
During Testing: Breaches in Test Security Breaches of Test Security Include: Use of electronic devices (e.g. cell phone, smartphone, e-reader, tablet computer) by Test Administrator or student(s) while secure test materials are still distributed or while testing is in progress Reading non test-related material(s) before closing out the test session (CBT) or turning in test materials (PBT) Altering or interfering with students’ responses in any way Leaving test materials unattended or failing to keep them secure Leaving students unattended while they are testing Formally or informally scoring student responses to test items Failing to follow test administration directions Not administering a session according to the allotted time See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p
During Testing: Breaches in Test Security Additional Breaches of Test Security Include: Failing to actively monitor testing students at all times Encouraging students to finish early Cheating by students (passing notes or talking to one another while testing or sharing responses to test items) Administering test(s) to family members or allowing unauthorized persons access to secure test materials Giving students access to test items or prompts prior to testing Viewing or letting students view secure content before testing Copying or reproducing any part of the passages or test items or any secure test materials or online test forms Removing secure materials from the school 24 See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p. 9-10
During Testing: Clarifying Directions What Clarifying Directions means: No part of the test may be read to the student. All directions may be repeated to students as needed. The Test Administrator may clarify all words used in the scripted directions, NOT directions for specific test items. Directions may be provided in a student’s native language. Students who are off task: Test Administrators can say student’s name. Tell student to return to work on test. Provide visual cues for the student to stay on task. See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p
During Testing: Breaches in Test Security Testing Irregularities Include: Building evacuation or lock-down Losing a student’s Test Booklet or Answer Document Displaying testing aids in the testing environment (e.g., a bulletin board with relevant instructional material(s) during testing) Failing to provide a student with a documented accommodation Providing a student with an accommodation that is not documented and therefore is not appropriate ALL instances of security breaches and testing irregularities must be immediately reported to the School Test Coordinator who must, in turn, report the incident(s) to the LEA Test Coordinator and to SEA, according to their state policy. See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p
Tasks for Test Coordinators to complete AFTER testing 27
After Testing: Collection of Materials 1.C OLLECT M ATERIALS FROM T EST A DMINISTRATORS : All used and unused Test Booklets and Answer Documents (PBT only) Vendor-supplied rulers and protractors (PBT only ) Vendor-supplied Mathematics Reference Sheets (PBT only) Student Authorization Tickets (CBT only) Seal codes (CBT only) Student rosters containing TestNav usernames and passwords (CBT only) Used and unused scratch paper Test Administrator Manuals See TCM for reference: CBT: p PBT: p
After Testing: Materials To Be Destroyed or Recycled 2.M ATERIALS TO BE S ECURELY D ESTROYED The Test Coordinator must oversee the shredding of the following test materials immediately after all testing is complete: Scratch paper written on by students during testing Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students during testing Printed Student Authorization Tickets (CBT only) Printed Seal Codes (CBT only) 3.M ATERIALS TO BE R ECYCLED The Test Coordinator must recycle the following test materials immediately after all testing is complete: Test Administrator Manuals (do not recycle until after EOY if administering both PBA and EOY components) Blank or unused scratch paper and Mathematics Reference Sheets Vendor-supplied rulers and protractors (PBT only) See TCM for reference: CBT: page 28 PBT: pages
CBT Computer-Based Testing After Testing 30
After Testing: CBT Test Cleanup Activities After all students have completed all sessions of the test and submitted their responses, manually stop the tests. Refer to the PearsonAccess User Guide for specific instructions. You cannot stop a PearsonAccess Test Session until: All students are in Completed or Marked Complete status Absent students in Ready status have been moved to a make-up PearsonAccess Test Session or have been removed. Do not mark a student’s test complete if the student was absent and is still in “Ready” status. N OTE : Students should not “Submit” the test in between test sessions. Between testing sessions of each component, students should exit and save the test. When the next session begins, the Test Administrator will need to Resume each student. See TCM for reference: CBT: p
All Field Test Administrators will complete a survey to gather feedback about the experience of administering PARCC assessments. Students who participate in the Field Test will complete a survey to gather feedback about the student experience of taking PARCC assessments. Survey data will: Improve test administration protocols Identify potential sources of confusion for students Provide data on the occurrence of technical difficulties Provide data on the effectiveness of the testing environment to maximize student performance Provide data on the extent to which students engaged in on-task or off-task behaviors during the assessment After Testing: CBT & PBT Field Test Surveys 32
PARCC Spring 2014 Field Test PearsonAccess
PearsonAccess is the single, consolidated online system for managing the PARCC assessments. Access is role-based, meaning you will only see the data and perform only those tasks for which you have been authorized. PearsonAccess 34
The PARCC PearsonAccess website may be accessed at How Do I Access PearsonAccess? 35
PearsonAccess Home Page 36
Manage staff user accounts Administrative Management Review organization contacts Organizations Student Data Test Setup Test Administration Tasks PearsonAccess Tabs Test Management Send student data files Filter and sort students Add, delete, or change student data Send student data files Filter and sort students Add, delete, or change student data Order additional materials and track shipments Configure TestNav Order additional materials and track shipments Configure TestNav Register students Manage test sessions Register students Manage test sessions View extracted reports Test Results PearsonAccess Tabs 37
Administrative Management
User Roles and Permissions User accounts must be created before personnel can login to PearsonAccess; the user’s role will determine the functionality they can access. 39
Authorized district and school personnel will be able to view and create staff user accounts within PearsonAccess manually or by submitting a file. View and Create Individual User Accounts 40
View User Accounts lets authorized personnel view and update existing accounts, as well as create new accounts manually. View User Accounts 41
A user’s role and organization will determine the functionality they can access. Manually Create a New User Account 42
PARCC Customer Support agents may: – Reset passwords – Unlock accounts for LEA/District Test Coordinator accounts – Update addresses for LEA/District Test Coordinator accounts Agents may not: – Create accounts – Lock/unlock accounts for non-LEA/District Test Coordinator accounts – Update addresses for non-LEA/District Test Coordinator accounts – Delete/undelete accounts Agent Authorizations 43
Customer Support Requests allow authorized staff to securely communicate with Pearson. Customer Support Requests 44
Student Data
Student Data refers to student demographic data and other testing-specific information about individual students. Student Data 46
Student Data Information allows you to search for students, add or delete students, update enrollment, and view reports. Student Data Information 47
Student Data Information – Search Results After executing a search, selecting an individual student provides the Student Details with the student record and enrollments. 48
The Enrollments tab shows current enrollment for a student, and allows you to manually update enrollment as needed. Enrollments 49
Adding a New Student 50 When adding new students, remember: ■ 1) Students are enrolled to a school. ■ 2) Students are registered for a test administration. ■ 3) Students are assigned to a registration class. ■ 4) Students are assigned to a test.
Enrollment Changes Report The Enrollment Changes report shows students who have changed enrollments within your organization. 51
Test Setup
Test Setup activities help you to prepare for both paper and online testing. Test Setup 53
Test Management
The primary test management activities are registering students and managing test sessions. Register Students allows you to manually assign students to paper & online tests, update student demographic data before testing, and view student counts by administration. Managing Test Sessions is one of the main activities for computer-based testing. 55
Register Students – Manual Registration Students are typically registered via an SDU file, but can be registered manually. 56
Register Students – Manual Steps After manually registering a student, a registration class and test(s) need to be added. 57
Use the registration file to: – view student registration information, and – update information (such as change from paper to computer-based (online) testing, update students’ grade levels, or update demographics) and then upload the updated student information using the registration file via Send Student Data. Use the registration summary file to: – view counts of unregistered students, registered students, students being tested, students with existing test assignments, students with valid test attempts, and students with failed test attempts. – The report includes only schools that are participating in the selected test administration. Register Students Register Students also allows you to run reports to help you manage student registrations. 58
Register Students – View/Update/Remove Registrations From the Register Students screen, you can also view, update, or remove registrations. 59
Manage Test Sessions To view or edit an existing session, click on the session name. To create a new session, click New Session. To delete a session, place a check mark next to the session name and then click Delete. To view details about currently scheduled test sessions, click Currently Scheduled Sessions. To view a CSV file with students registered to test but not in a session, click Students not assigned to session. To download the session list as a CSV file, click Session List Download. Most activities associated with computer-based test sessions will be performed on Manage Test Sessions. 60
Create Test Sessions Click the New Session button. Enter a session name and select a school. Enter the remaining session details. Required fields are designated with a red arrow. If applicable, select “No” from the Read Aloud by Test Examiner drop-down menu. For administrations in which there is only one form, “Main” must be selected from the Form Group Type drop-down menu. If applicable, a proctor caching computer should be selected from the Proctor Caching Computer drop-down menu. To grant school-level users the ability to assign district-level proctor caching computers to test sessions, select the “Include caching computers defined for the District” checkbox. You may add students now, or you can add students later. Click the Save button after completing all session details. Before students can take a computer-based test, test sessions must be created. 61
Read Aloud Administrations A separate test session must be created for each test subject that will be Read Aloud. You may add multiple students to the session, as long as they are all receiving a Read Aloud administration. Students receiving a Read Aloud administration should be tested separately from students who are not receiving this accommodation. To create a Read Aloud administration testing session, select “Yes” in the Read Aloud by Test Examiner drop down on the New Test Sessions screen. For more information about this and other accommodations, please see the PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations Manual. NOTE: If the drop down is unavailable (grayed out) then the Read Aloud accommodation is not valid for the test to be administered. A Read Aloud administration is an accommodation for eligible students. 62
Types of Accessibility Features and Accommodations 63
Accessibility Features for All Students Assigned the Computer-Based Test Mode 64 Accessibility Features for All Students Assigned the Computer-Based Test Mode Audio Amplification Blank/Scratch Paper (provided by test administrator) Eliminate Answer Choices Flag Items for Review General Administration Directions Clarified (by test administrator) General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated (by test administrator) Text Highlighter Tool Headphones or Noise Buffers Line Reader Magnification/Enlargement Device Pop-Up Glossary Redirect Student to Test (by test administrator) Writing Tools
Accommodations That Must Be Selected During the Test Registration Process for Students with Disabilities for both test modes 65 Accommodations Content Area and Grades Available Scribing or Speech-to-TextAll Content Areas and All Grades Word prediction on the ELA/Literacy Performance-Based Assessment PBA only All Grades Extended TimeAll Content Areas and All Grades External Assistive TechnologyAll Content Areas and All Grades
Accommodations That Must Be Selected During the Test Registration Process for Students with Disabilities 66 Accommodations Content Area and Grades Available Calculation Device and Mathematics Tools (on Non-calculator Sessions of Mathematics Assessments) Mathematics Only Paper and Pencil Edition *if a school has been identified as a computer-based school; a student with disability may have a paper and pencil if a need has been identified All Content Areas and Grades
Accommodations That Must Be Selected During the Test Registration Process for English Learners 67 Accommodations Content Area and Grades Available Extended TimeAll Content Areas and All Grades General Administration Directions Clarifies in Student’s Native Language All Content Areas and All Grades General Administration Directions Read Aloud and Repeated as Needed in Student’s Native Language All Content Areas and All Grades Scribing or Speech-to-Text: Responses Dictated for the Mathematics assessments in English Mathematics only and All Grades Word to Word Dictionary (English/Native Language) All Content Areas and All Grades
Registering a Student in PearsonAccess for Accessibility Features and Accommodations 68 Registering a Student in PearsonAccess
Student Registration Details Accommodations are assigned on the student registration record 69
Student Registration Details Select the student requiring an accessibility feature or accommodation from the list of registered students. 70
Student Registration Details Go to the Assigned Tests tab to locate the test that will be assigned an accessibility feature or accommodation. Then select the test from the list of registered tests. 71
Student Registration Details for Computer-Based Test Format Select the Edit button to edit the student registration to assign accommodations from the available options. 72 Select “Extra Time” to indicate an extended time accommodation Line Reader is available to all students and does not need to be selected Select “Dictated Oral Response “ to indicate scribe
Student Registration Details for Computer-Based Test Format 73 Choose “Answer” for Masking choice for Field Test Only select if a student will use foreground and background color options as an accessibility feature under PARCC policy
Accommodations Other than Read-Aloud A separate test session must be created for each test subject where an accommodation applies. You may add multiple students to the session, as long as they are all receiving the same accommodation. To assign an accommodated form, select the appropriate Form Group Type from the dropdown during the “Create New Session” activity. Assigning Alternate Form Groups for Accommodations Other than Proctor Read- Aloud 74
Large Print Accommodation 75 Ordering Large Print materials There are two ways to order materials for a Large Print Accommodation. 1.During test registration (SDU File upload or student registration) NOTE: The Large Print accommodation and paper test format should be selected. This must be complete by: January 21, 2014 for PBA February 28, 2014 for EOY 2.Order via Additional Orders in PearsonAccess Each Large Print Accommodation kit includes: One Large Print test booklet One regular print response document for transcription (Consumable test booklet for grade 3, scannable answer document for grades 4 – HS)
Session Details In the Session Details screen, you can: – start and stop a test session, – print Student Authorizations and/or seal codes, – print Proctor Authorizations (for Read Aloud administrations), – proctor cache test content, – print a session roster, – apply TestNav configurations, – monitor individual student’s tests, – resume a student’s test, – mark a test complete, and – add/remove/move students. The Session Details screen allows you to manage the details of each test session. 76
Proctor Caching Test Content Proctor caching is completed at the session level, on the Session Details screen. – The Proctor Caching button will be disabled and you will not be able to cache the test content for the test session if you do not have access to proctor caching or if you are not within the proctor caching window. Proctor caching is available up to one week before an administration; districts will receive notification when it is available. Proctor caching refers to downloading encrypted test content from the Pearson testing server to a secure local computer prior to starting a test session. 77
Student and Proctor Authorizations Each student must have an authorization in order to log in to a test. Proctor authorizations (log in for test administrator) are only for Read Aloud Administrations. Authorizations contain: – the URL to access tests through the browser-based TestNav, – a unique login ID, and – the test code needed to log in. Student authorizations also contain the keystrokes available for navigating through TestNav. Student and Proctor authorizations are needed to perform certain functions at the session level. 78
Authorizations - Seal Codes There will be one set of seal codes assigned to each test session. Before students in a test session can go to the next sealed section of an electronic test, they must enter the appropriate four-digit seal code. Seal codes for a specific test session are listed on the seal codes document. Seal codes are the electronic equivalents of the adhesive tabs that are used to seal sections of paper test booklets. 79
Starting Test Sessions Scheduling a date and time for a new test session is intended primarily for planning purposes. A test session will not start until you click the Start button on the Session Details screen, regardless of the scheduled start date and time. NOTE: If you do not have access to start a test session, the Start button will be disabled and you will not be able to start the test session. A test session must be started before students can begin testing. 80
Monitoring Test Sessions The table below gives an explanation of the possible statuses for students as they test. StatusMeaning ReadyThe student has not yet started the test. ActiveThe student has logged in and started the test. ExitedThe student has exited TestNav but has not submitted test responses, e.g. took a break. (Student must be resumed by a test administrator to continue testing.) ResumedThe student has been authorized by a test administrator to resume the test. Resumed-UploadThe student has been authorized to resume the test, and any responses saved locally can be uploaded when the student is ready to continue testing. CompletedThe test has been submitted by the student through TestNav and the data has been processed. Marked CompleteThe student has exited TestNav and will not resume the same test, e.g left due to illness. 81
Resuming a Student’s Test Select the checkbox for the student on the Session Details screen. Click the Resume Test button. The student’s status will change to “Resumed” (if the student was in “Exited” status) or “Resumed-Upload” (if the student was in “Active” status). – The student’s test will be resumed from the point at which it was exited or interrupted. Any saved test responses that the student entered will be uploaded when the connection to the Pearson testing server is reestablished. Have the student log in using their original student authorization. A test administrator must resume an Exited student’s test in order for the student to complete testing. 82
View Test Progress When available, select the student’s View Progress link to review test progress. Users with Organization and Technology Coordinator Roles only do not have access to view progress. The Status column in the Session Details allows administrators to view test progress. StatusMeaning Visited/No Response RequiredStudent has visited the item but no response is required. Visited/AnsweredStudent has visited the item and entered a response. Visited/Not AnsweredStudent has visited the item but has not entered a response. Not VisitedStudent has not visited the item. 83
Mark Test Complete Select the checkbox for the student on the Session Details screen. Click the Mark Test Complete button. You will be prompted to enter the reason for marking the test “complete.” Click the Save button. The student’s status will change to “Marked Complete.” If a student has exited a test and will not resume testing, the test can be manually marked “complete.” 84
Stopping Test Sessions After all students have completed the test and submitted their responses, or been marked “complete,” you should stop the session. Click the Stop button. NOTE: A session does not stop until you click the Stop button. The system will NOT automatically start or stop a session. Once a session has been stopped, it can no longer be modified. You cannot stop a test session until all students in the session are in “Completed” or “Marked Complete” status. 85
Thank you for your help in coordinating the PARCC Field Test! 86