1. Open iSwifter APP 2. Open the bookmarks tab and choose “Glencoe chapter activities” 3. Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” 4. Go to: Chapter 5 5. Next, Open: “Interactive Study Guides” 6. Open: “Lesson #1” coe_health_09/isg/GH_ch05.1_550x390.swf coe_health_09/isg/GH_ch05.1_550x390.swf
1. Understanding anxiety and depression. 2. Recognize warning signs for depression 3. Understanding the causes and effects of depression 4. Getting help for depression
1. Open iSwifter APP 2. Open the bookmarks tab and choose “Glencoe chapter activities” 3. Drop Down: “Chapter Activities” 4. Go to: Chapter 5 5. Next, Open: “Health Inventories” 6. Open: “Chapter 5” hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/unit2/chapter5/health_inv entories.html hill.com/sites/ /student_view0/unit2/chapter5/health_inv entories.html
Anxiety: is the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen. Occasional anxiety is normal and manageable and is a natural response to life events. Video Clip: 0/# /# QUESTION : What things in life cause you anxiety?
Pass out worksheet on Depression Students are to draw a picture of what you think of when you hear the word DEPRESSION Students will then partner up or work in groups of 3 and discuss their picture. The teacher will then ask groups to share with the class. Put the picture under the camera to be projected on the screen.
Many young people who are suffering from depression don’t act sad or seem outwardly different to their family or friends. Symptoms include: › Irritable or restless mood › Withdrawal from friends and activities › A change in appetite or weight › Feelings of guilt or worthlessness › A sense of hopelessness
Depression can be caused by physical, psychological, social/environmental, or genetic. › Physically: caused by a medical condition or illness. › Psychological: surviving a traumatic life event. › Social/environmental: living in poverty. › Genetic: family history of depression.
Changes in thinking : They may have trouble concentrating and making decisions. May have self-destructive thoughts. Changes in feelings : They may not feel pleasure in things they once enjoyed. › Apathy: a lack of strong feeling, interest, or concern. Changes in behavior : May become emotional, change in eating and sleeping, poor hygiene and withdraw from others
“Managing your Health – Depression”